The old login.launchpad.net service has been deprecated and replaced by/merged with the login.ubuntu.com service. All out existing users with old OpenID URLs were manually updated to the new provider hostname but, in at least some cases, the Launchpad API returns the old URLs for queried accounts. In an effort to avoid future duplication of StoryBoard accounts on import, edit the link to match the ubuntu login link early enough that we still check that it doesn't already exist before adding it. Change-Id: Ib3202522d948b2c12cc85dfc12ed5f7f2daf31a9
Storyboard is a task tracker created to serve the needs of highly-distributed systems that span multiple projects, to enable cross-project work on a massive scale. Concepts were adapted from existing tools, and as many potential points of contention were removed as possible, to better facilitate coordination of project work by stakeholders with widely varied interests and needs.
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