Merge "Clean up puppetmaster puppet config handled by ansible"
This commit is contained in:
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Accessing Clouds
As an unprivileged user who is a member of the `admin` group on
puppetmaster, you can access any of the clouds with::
bridge, you can access any of the clouds with::
export OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/openstack/all-clouds.yaml
openstack --os-cloud <cloud name> --os-cloud-region <region name>
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ Launching New Servers
New servers are launched using the ``launch/`` tool from the git
repository ````. This
tool is run from a checkout on the puppetmaster - please see :cgit_file:`launch/README`
tool is run from a checkout on the bridge - please see :cgit_file:`launch/README`
for detailed instructions.
.. _disable-enable-puppet:
@ -354,14 +354,14 @@ to take.
In the case of needing to disable the running of puppet on a node, it's a
simple matter of adding an entry to the ansible inventory "disabled" group
in :cgit_file:`modules/openstack_project/files/puppetmaster/groups.txt`. The
in :cgit_file:`inventory/groups.yaml`. The
disabled entry is an input to `ansible --list-hosts` so you can check your
entry simply by running it with `ansible $hostlist --list-hosts` as root
on the puppetmaster host and ensuring that the list of hosts returned is as
on the bridge host and ensuring that the list of hosts returned is as
expected. Globs, group names and server UUIDs should all be acceptable input.
If you need to disable a host immediately without waiting for a patch to land
to `system-config`, there is a file on the puppetmaster host,
to `system-config`, there is a file on the bridge host,
`/etc/ansible/hosts/emergency` that can be edited directly.
`/etc/ansible/hosts/emergency` is a file that should normally be empty, but
@ -376,15 +376,10 @@ have that have more than one host with the same name (such as in the case of
being in the midst of a migration) will show up as a group with the name of
the hostname and the individual servers will be listed by UUID.
Because of the way static and dynamic inventories get merged by ansible, the
emergency file needs to stand alone. If you need to disable a group of servers
from OpenStack you need to not only add it to `disabled:children`, you need to
add an emtpy group into the emergency file too.
Disabling puppet via ansible inventory does not disable puppet from being
able to be run directly on the host, it merely prevents ansible from
attempting to run it. If you choose to run puppet manually on a host, take care
to ensure that it has not been disabled at the puppetmaster level first.
to ensure that it has not been disabled at the bridge level first.
@ -416,11 +411,12 @@ hosts.
To disable a staticly defined host that is not an OpenStack host, such as
the Infra cloud controller hosts, put the following in groups.txt.
the Infra cloud controller hosts, update the ``disabled`` entry in
groups.yaml with something like:
disabled: inventory_hostname == ''
.. _cinder:
@ -433,7 +429,7 @@ Adding a New Device
If the main volume group doesn't have enough space for what you want
to do, this is how you can add a new volume.
Log into and run::
Log into and run::
export OS_CLOUD=openstackci-rax
@ -193,9 +193,6 @@ node '' {
class { 'openstack_project::puppetmaster':
root_rsa_key => hiera('puppetmaster_root_rsa_key'),
puppetmaster_clouds => hiera('puppetmaster_clouds'),
enable_mqtt => true,
mqtt_password => hiera('mqtt_service_user_password'),
mqtt_ca_cert_contents => hiera('mosquitto_tls_ca_file'),
file { '/etc/openstack/limestone_cacert.pem':
ensure => present,
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 IBM Corp
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
outdir=$(mktemp -d)
trap "rm -rf $outdir" EXIT
echo "# This file is autogenerated" > $outfile
# Protect against leaky environment settings
unset OS_CLOUD
# Because we are generating "generated-groups", we need to work on an
# inventory without out it ... otherwise entries that have actually
# disappeared (according to /etc/ansible/hosts/openstack_inventory's
# live list) will keep coming back as "ansible --list" finds them in
# the generated-groups file. Later versions of ansible have a
# "inventory_ignore_patterns" that might help, we just copy & remove
# in a separate inventory
mkdir ${inv}
cp /etc/ansible/hosts/* ${inv}
rm -f ${inv}/generated-groups*
for line in $(</etc/ansible/groups.txt); do
name=$(echo $line | cut -f1 -d' ')
pattern=$(echo $line | cut -f2 -d' ')
echo "[${name}]" >> $outfile
ansible -i ${inv} "${pattern}" --list-hosts | egrep -v '^ +hosts \([0-9]+\):' >> $outfile
cp $outfile /etc/ansible/hosts/generated-groups
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
afs afs*.*
afsadmin ~mirror-update\d+\.openstack\.org
afsdb afsdb*
cacti ~cacti\d+\.openstack\.org
ci-backup backup\d+.*\ci\.openstack\.org
disabled backup\d+.*\ci\.openstack\
eavesdrop ~eavesdrop\d*\.openstack\.org
elasticsearch ~elasticsearch0[1-7]\.openstack\.org
ethercalc ~ethercalc\d+\.openstack\.org
files ~files\d+\.openstack\.org
git-loadbalancer ~git(-fe\d+)?\.openstack\.org
git-server ~git\d+\.openstack\.org
logstash-worker ~logstash-worker\d+\.openstack\.org
mailman ~lists\d*\.openstack\.org:~lists\d*\.katacontainers\.io
nodepool nodepool***
review ~review\d+\.openstack\.org
review-dev ~review-dev\d*\.openstack\.org
subunit-worker ~subunit-worker\d+\.openstack\.org
survey ~survey\d+\.openstack\.org
translate ~translate\d+\.openstack\.org
translate-dev ~translate-dev\d*\.openstack\.org
wiki ~wiki\d+\.openstack\.org
wiki-dev ~wiki-dev\d+\.openstack\.org
zuul-scheduler ~zuul\d+\.openstack\.org
zuul-merger ~z[lm](static)?\d+\.openstack\.org
zuul-executor ~ze\d+\.openstack\.org
grafana ~grafana\d*\.openstack\.org
status ~status\d*\.openstack\.org
paste ~paste\d*\.openstack\.org
adns ~adns\d*\.openstack\.org
ns ~ns\d*\.openstack\.org
futureparser ~review-dev\d*\.openstack\.org:~graphite\d*\.openstack\.org:~groups\d*\.openstack\.org:~groups-dev\d*\.openstack\.org:~etherpad-dev\d*\.openstack\.org:~ask-staging\d*\.openstack\.org:~codesearch\d*\.openstack\.org
puppet !
@ -9,29 +9,9 @@ class openstack_project::puppetmaster (
month => '*',
weekday => '*',
$enable_mqtt = false,
$mqtt_hostname = '',
$mqtt_port = 8883,
$mqtt_username = 'infra',
$mqtt_password = undef,
$mqtt_ca_cert_contents = undef,
) {
include logrotate
class { '::ansible':
ansible_hostfile => '/etc/ansible/hosts',
retry_files_enabled => 'False',
ansible_version => '',
file { '/etc/ansible/hostfile':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
require => Class['ansible'],
cron { 'updatecloudlauncher':
ensure => absent,
@ -47,84 +27,6 @@ class openstack_project::puppetmaster (
require => Cron['updatepuppetmaster'],
logrotate::file { 'updatecloudlaunchercron':
ensure => present,
log => '/var/log/puppet_run_cloud_launcher_cron.log',
options => ['compress',
'rotate 7',
require => Cron['updatepuppetmaster'],
cron { 'updatepuppetmaster':
ensure => absent,
logrotate::file { 'updatepuppetmaster':
ensure => present,
log => '/var/log/puppet_run_all.log',
options => ['compress',
'rotate 7',
require => Cron['updatepuppetmaster'],
logrotate::file { 'updatepuppetmastercron':
ensure => present,
log => '/var/log/puppet_run_all_cron.log',
options => ['compress',
'rotate 7',
require => Cron['updatepuppetmaster'],
cron { 'deleteoldreports':
ensure => absent,
cron { 'deleteoldreports-json':
ensure => absent,
file { '/etc/puppet/hieradata':
ensure => directory,
group => 'puppet',
mode => '0750',
owner => 'puppet',
file { '/etc/puppet/hieradata/production':
ensure => directory,
group => 'puppet',
mode => '0750',
owner => 'root',
recurse => true,
require => File['/etc/puppet/hieradata'],
file { '/var/lib/puppet/reports':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'puppet',
group => 'puppet',
mode => '0750',
if ! defined(File['/root/.ssh']) {
@ -171,38 +73,6 @@ class openstack_project::puppetmaster (
content => template('openstack_project/puppetmaster/all-clouds.yaml.erb'),
# For puppet master apache serving.
package { 'puppetmaster-passenger':
ensure => absent,
file { '/etc/apache2/sites-available/puppetmaster.conf':
ensure => absent,
file { '/etc/apache2/envvars':
ensure => absent,
# For launch/
$pip_packages = [
package { $pip_packages:
ensure => latest,
provider => openstack_pip,
package { 'python-paramiko':
ensure => present,
# No longer needed with latest client libs
package { 'python-lxml':
ensure => absent,
package { 'libxslt1-dev':
ensure => absent,
# For signing key management
package { 'gnupg':
@ -234,157 +104,6 @@ class openstack_project::puppetmaster (
require => File['/root/signing.gnupg'],
# Ansible mgmt
# TODO: Put this into its own class, maybe called bastion::ansible or something
vcsrepo { '/opt/ansible':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => 'devel',
source => '',
file { '/etc/ansible/hosts':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'admin',
mode => '0755',
file { '/etc/ansible/hosts/puppet':
ensure => absent,
file { '/etc/ansible/hosts/openstack':
ensure => absent,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
require => Vcsrepo['/opt/ansible'],
file { '/etc/ansible/hosts/openstack_inventory':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
source => '/opt/ansible/contrib/inventory/',
replace => true,
require => [
file { '/etc/ansible/hosts/static':
ensure => absent,
file { '/etc/ansible/hosts/emergency':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'admin',
mode => '0664',
file { '/etc/ansible/hosts/generated-groups':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'admin',
mode => '0664',
file { '/etc/ansible/groups.txt':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/puppetmaster/groups.txt',
notify => Exec['expand_groups'],
file { '/var/cache/ansible-inventory':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'admin',
mode => '2775',
file { '/var/cache/ansible-inventory/ansible-inventory.cache':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'admin',
mode => '0664',
file { '/usr/local/bin/':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/puppetmaster/',
notify => Exec['expand_groups'],
cron { 'expandgroups':
ensure => absent,
logrotate::file { 'expandgroups':
ensure => present,
log => '/var/log/expand_groups.log',
options => ['compress',
'rotate 7',
require => Cron['expandgroups'],
# Temporarily pin paho-mqtt to 1.2.3 since 1.3.0 won't support TLS on
# Trusty's Python 2.7.
if $enable_mqtt {
package {'paho-mqtt':
ensure => '1.2.3',
provider => openstack_pip,
require => Class['pip'],
file { '/etc/mqtt_ca_cert.pem.crt':
ensure => present,
content => $mqtt_ca_cert_contents,
replace => true,
owner => 'root',
group => 'admin',
mode => '0555',
file { '/etc/mqtt_client.yaml':
owner => 'root',
group => 'admin',
mode => '0664',
content => template('openstack_project/puppetmaster/mqtt_client.yaml.erb'),
file { '/opt/ansible/lib/ansible/plugins/callback/':
ensure => absent,
file { '/etc/ansible/callback_plugins/':
owner => 'root',
group => 'admin',
mode => '0664',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/puppetmaster/',
require => File['/etc/ansible/callback_plugins'],
exec { 'expand_groups':
command => '',
path => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin',
refreshonly => true,
# Certificate Authority for zuul services.
file { '/etc/zuul-ca':
ensure => directory,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user