Make multisite
This switches the configuration of to use the new multi-site support in the mailman puppet module. Existing lists will need to be manually copied into the new location. Story: 2001382 Task: 6091 Depends-On: Ic92726dc341af5802ad803d239bd547ef5068043 Depends-On: I090070308785d4b55bac12806a05e2896306c0a3 Depends-On: I3a31465882ec95d822d590045216ec751c7cd22e Change-Id: I5670bb9e10eb6d8cd3d7b15ebfdf62335fb0a82f
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,13 +4,17 @@ class openstack_project::lists(
$listpassword = ''
) {
$listdomain = ''
class { 'mailman':
multihost => true,
class { 'exim':
sysadmins => $listadmins,
queue_interval => '1m',
queue_run_max => '50',
mailman_domains => [$listdomain],
smtp_accept_max => '100',
smtp_accept_max_per_host => '10',
extra_aliases => {
@ -32,10 +36,64 @@ class openstack_project::lists(
'women-of-openstack-owner' => 'spam',
'spam' => ':fail: delivery temporarily disabled due to ongoing spam flood',
class { 'mailman':
vhost_name => $listdomain,
local_domains => "@:$mm_domains",
routers => [
{'mailman_verp_router' => {
'driver' => 'dnslookup',
# we only consider messages sent in through loopback
'condition' => '${if or{{eq{$sender_host_address}{}}\
# we do not do this for traffic going to the local machine
'domains' => '!+local_domains:!+mm_domains',
'ignore_target_hosts' => '<;; \
||||; \
||||; \
::1/128;fe80::/10;fe \
# only the un-VERPed bounce addresses are handled
'senders' => '"*-bounces@*"',
'transport' => 'mailman_verp_smtp',
{'mailman_router' => {
'driver' => 'accept',
'domains' => "$mm_domains",
'require_files' => '${lookup{${lc::$domain}}lsearch{/etc/mailman/sites}}/lists/${lc::$local_part}/config.pck',
'local_part_suffix_optional' => true,
'local_part_suffix' => '-admin : \
-bounces : -bounces+* : \
-confirm : -confirm+* : \
-join : -leave : \
-owner : -request : \
-subscribe : -unsubscribe',
'transport' => 'mailman_transport',
transports => [
{'mailman_transport' => {
'driver' => 'pipe',
'environment' => 'MAILMAN_INSTALL_DIR=${lookup{${lc:$domain}}lsearch{/etc/mailman/sites}}',
'command' => '/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman \
\'${if def:local_part_suffix \
{${sg{$local_part_suffix}{-(\\w+)(\\+.*)?}{\$1}}} \
{post}}\' \
'current_directory' => '/var/lib/mailman',
'home_directory' => '/var/lib/mailman',
'user' => 'list',
'group' => 'list',
{'mailman_verp_smtp' => {
'driver' => 'smtp',
'return_path' => '${local_part:$return_path}+$local_part=$domain@${domain:$return_path}',
'max_rcpt' => '1',
'headers_remove' => 'Errors-To',
'headers_add' => 'Errors-To: ${return_path}',
realize (
@ -52,386 +110,358 @@ class openstack_project::lists(
backup_server => '',
Maillist {
provider => 'noaliasmailman',
# Begin user servicable parts
mailman::site { 'openstack':
default_email_host => '',
default_url_host => '',
maillist { 'openstack-es':
# Add new mailing lists below this line
mailman_list { 'mailman@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'The mailman site list',
mailman_list { 'openstack-es@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Lista de correo acerca de OpenStack en español',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-fr':
mailman_list { 'openstack-fr@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List of the OpenStack french user group',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-de':
mailman_list { 'openstack-de@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List for German-speaking OpenStack users',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-i18n':
mailman_list { 'openstack-i18n@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List of the OpenStack Internationalization team.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-i18n-de':
mailman_list { 'openstack-i18n-de@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List of the German OpenStack Internationalization team.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-ir':
mailman_list { 'openstack-ir@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'Roozbeh.Shafiee@Gmail.Com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack IRAN Community Discussions in Persian/Farsi',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-it':
mailman_list { 'openstack-it@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussioni su OpenStack in italiano',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-el':
mailman_list { 'openstack-el@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List of the OpenStack Greek User Group',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-travel-committee':
mailman_list { 'openstack-travel-committee@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Private discussions for the OpenStack Travel Program Committee for Hong Kong Summit 2013.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-personas':
mailman_list { 'openstack-personas@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'A group of designers, researchers, developers, writers and users that are creating a set of personas for OpenStack that are intended to help drive development around the needs of our users.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-vi':
mailman_list { 'openstack-vi@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions in Vietnamese - please add Vietnamese translation here',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-tw':
mailman_list { 'openstack-tw@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack Taiwan User Group 臺灣使用者郵件群組)',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-ko':
mailman_list { 'openstack-ko@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack Korea Community Discussions in Korean (오픈스택 한국 커뮤니티 메일링리스트)',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-ru':
mailman_list { 'openstack-ru@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Рассылка для обсуждения OpenStack на русском',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-zh':
mailman_list { 'openstack-zh@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack社区中文讨论群组',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'nov-2013-track-chairs':
mailman_list { 'nov-2013-track-chairs@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordination of tracks at OpenStack Summit April 2013',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-track-chairs':
mailman_list { 'openstack-track-chairs@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordination of tracks at OpenStack Summits',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'summitsponsors':
mailman_list { 'summitsponsors@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordination among OpenStack Summit event sponsors',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-sos':
mailman_list { 'openstack-sos@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordination of activities for Significant Others at Summits',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'elections-committee':
mailman_list { 'elections-committee@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions of the OpenStack Foundation Elections Committee',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'defcore-committee':
mailman_list { 'defcore-committee@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions of the OpenStack Foundation Core Definition Committee',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'interop-wg':
mailman_list { 'interop-wg@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions of the OpenStack Foundation Board Interoperability Working Group',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'ambassadors':
mailman_list { 'ambassadors@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Private discussions between OpenStack Ambassadors',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-content':
mailman_list { 'openstack-content@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions of the OpenStack Content team',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'superuser':
mailman_list { 'superuser@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions for Superuser editorial advisors to collaborate, and for readers to be able to contact the editorial team to make suggestions, provide feedback',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'admin-cert-wg':
mailman_list { 'admin-cert-wg@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Collaboration workspace for members of the Certified OpenStack Administrator Working Group of the User Commitee/Board.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-api-consumers':
mailman_list { 'openstack-api-consumers@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions around consuming the OpenStack REST APIs and development of API-consuming SDKs and frameworks',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-sigs':
mailman_list { 'openstack-sigs@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack SIGs discussions, gathering users, operators and developers of OpenStack into common groups.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'enterprise-wg':
mailman_list { 'enterprise-wg@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Collaboration workspace for members of the Win The Enterprise Working Group of the User Commitee/Board.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'product-wg':
mailman_list { 'product-wg@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Collaboration workspace for OpenStack-related Product Managers working group.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'tax-affairs':
mailman_list { 'tax-affairs@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'board committee focused on tax issues.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'third-party-announce':
mailman_list { 'third-party-announce@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Announcements for third party CI operators.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'women-of-openstack':
mailman_list { 'women-of-openstack@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Women of OpenStack discussion list.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-internships':
mailman_list { 'openstack-internships@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List to coordinate mentors and interns of OpenStack programs.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'foundation-testing-standards':
mailman_list { 'foundation-testing-standards@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack Foundation test standards (for humans, not
drivers) working group list.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'analyst-relations':
mailman_list { 'analyst-relations@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordination of Analyst Relations Working Group.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'app-catalog-admin':
mailman_list { 'app-catalog-admin@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordinate admin details for OpenStack Community App Catalog.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'openstack-i18n-fr':
mailman_list { 'openstack-i18n-fr@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List of the OpenStack Internationalization team, french local group.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'release-job-failures':
mailman_list { 'release-job-failures@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Notification messages for failures from release-related build jobs.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'embargo-notice':
mailman_list { 'embargo-notice@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Announcements to stakeholders for embargoed security vulnerabilities.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'release-announce':
mailman_list { 'release-announce@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Announcement of official OpenStack releases.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
maillist { 'edge-computing':
mailman_list { 'edge-computing@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Organizing efforts around the edge-computing focus area.',
webserver => $listdomain,
mailserver => $listdomain,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user