diff --git a/doc/source/github.rst b/doc/source/github.rst index dabb7b8f4f..5c8a4b324b 100644 --- a/doc/source/github.rst +++ b/doc/source/github.rst @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ At a Glance :Puppet: * https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/ * :file:`modules/openstack_project/manifests/gerrit.pp` - * :file:`hiera/fqdn/zuulv3.openstack.org.yaml` + * :file:`hiera/group/zuul-scheduler.yaml` :Projects: * https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul * https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/jeepyb @@ -68,22 +68,22 @@ OAuth Credentials which are all stored in hiera. The ID is a numerical identifier found on the App settings page labeled **ID**. The ID is placed into the ``app_id`` field in the ``github`` -entry in ``zuul_connection_secrets`` for the ``zuulv3.openstack.org`` FQDN. +entry in ``zuul_connection_secrets`` for the ``zuul-scheduler`` group. The Private key can only be retrieved when it is generated, so in the case it is lost a new one must be generated and the resulting value put into hiera. The Private key content is stored as ``zuul_github_app_key`` in private hiera and is written to ``/etc/zuul/github.key``. That path is placed into ``app_key`` field in the ``github`` entry in ``zuul_connections`` for the -``zuulv3.openstack.org`` FQDN. +``zuul-scheduler`` group. GitHub sends JSON payloads via HTTP POST to the URL configured in the Webhook URL setting. The current value of this setting for Zuul v3 is: -https://zuulv3.openstack.org/connection/github/payload. It includes the +https://zuul.openstack.org/connection/github/payload. It includes the configured "Webhook Secret" so that Zuul can verify that the payload actually did come from GitHub. The "Webhook Secret" is placed into the ``webhook_token`` field in the ``github`` entry in ``zuul_connection_secrets`` for the -``zuulv3.openstack.org`` FQDN. +``zuul-scheduler`` group. The OAuth credentials for the OpenStack Zuul App are currently unused. diff --git a/doc/source/signing.rst b/doc/source/signing.rst index 5e68a04c2b..6001e6cccb 100644 --- a/doc/source/signing.rst +++ b/doc/source/signing.rst @@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ as a secret to Zuul for use by release jobs. > https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul/plain/tools/encrypt_secret.py?\ > h=feature/zuulv3 root@puppetmaster:~# python encrypt_secret.py --infile temporary.gnupg/for-zuul \ - > --outfile temporary.gnupg/zuul.yaml https://zuulv3.openstack.org gerrit \ + > --outfile temporary.gnupg/zuul.yaml https://zuul.openstack.org gerrit \ > openstack-infra/project-config writing RSA key Public key length: 4096 bits (512 bytes) diff --git a/doc/source/zuulv3.rst b/doc/source/zuulv3.rst index a91b18b4ac..a46a0bc770 100644 --- a/doc/source/zuulv3.rst +++ b/doc/source/zuulv3.rst @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ At a Glance =========== :Hosts: - * http://zuulv3.openstack.org - * zuulv3.openstack.org + * http://zuul.openstack.org + * zuul.openstack.org * ze*.openstack.org :Puppet: * https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-zuul/tree/ @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ many changes may be tested in parallel while continuing to assure that each commit is correctly tested. Zuul's current status may be viewed at -``_. +``_. Zuul's configuration is stored in :config:`zuul/main.yaml`. Anyone may propose a change to the configuration by editing that file and @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Scheduler --------- The Zuul Scheduler and gear are all co-located on a single host, -zuulv3.openstack.org. +referred to by the ``zuul.openstack.org`` CNAME in DNS. Zuul is stateless, so the server does not need backing up. However zuul talks through git and ssh so you will need to manually check ssh @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ the executors using gear. OpenStack's Zuul installation is also configured to write job results into a MySQL database via the SQL Reporter plugin. The database for that is a Rackspace Cloud DB and is configured in the ``mysql`` entry of the -``zuul_connection_secrets`` entry for the ``zuulv3.openstack.org`` FQDN. +``zuul_connection_secrets`` entry for the ``zuul-scheduler`` group. Restarting the Scheduler ------------------------ @@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ running `zuul-changes.py `_ to save the check and gate queues:: - python /opt/zuul/tools/zuul-changes.py http://zuulv3.openstack.org \ + python /opt/zuul/tools/zuul-changes.py http://zuul.openstack.org \ check >check.sh - python /opt/zuul/tools/zuul-changes.py http://zuulv3.openstack.org \ + python /opt/zuul/tools/zuul-changes.py http://zuul.openstack.org \ gate >gate.sh These check.sh and gate.sh scripts will be used after the restart to @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ Web --- Zuul Web is a horizontally scalable service. It is currently running colocated -with the scheduler on zuulv3.openstack.org. Zuul Web provides live console +with the scheduler on zuul.openstack.org. Zuul Web provides live console streaming and will be the home of various web dashboards such as the status page. @@ -223,4 +223,4 @@ found on the :ref:`github` page at :ref:`openstack_zuul_app`. .. _OpenStack Zuul: https://github.com/apps/openstack-zuul .. _Zuul Reference Manual: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/feature/zuulv3 -.. _Zuul Status Page: http://zuulv3.openstack.org +.. _Zuul Status Page: http://zuul.openstack.org diff --git a/hiera/group/zuul-scheduler.yaml b/hiera/group/zuul-scheduler.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c18bfe4e97 --- /dev/null +++ b/hiera/group/zuul-scheduler.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +--- +zuul_connections: + - name: 'smtp' + driver: 'smtp' + server: 'localhost' + port: '25' + default_from: 'zuul@zuul.openstack.org' + default_to: 'zuul.reports@zuul.openstack.org' + + - name: 'gerrit' + driver: 'gerrit' + server: 'review.openstack.org' + canonical_hostname: 'git.openstack.org' + user: 'zuul' + sshkey: '/var/lib/zuul/ssh/id_rsa' + gitweb_url_template: 'https://git.openstack.org/cgit/{project.name}/commit/?id={sha}' + + - name: 'mysql' + driver: 'sql' + + - name: 'github' + driver: 'github' + app_key: '/etc/zuul/github.key' + +gearman_server_ssl_cert: | + -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- + MIIEYTCCA0mgAwIBAgIJAKkAn3gh0LBPMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIG5MQswCQYD + VQQGEwJVUzEOMAwGA1UECAwFVGV4YXMxDzANBgNVBAcMBkF1c3RpbjEdMBsGA1UE + CgwUT3BlblN0YWNrIEZvdW5kYXRpb24xFzAVBgNVBAsMDkluZnJhc3RydWN0dXJl + MR0wGwYDVQQDDBR6dXVsdjMub3BlbnN0YWNrLm9yZzEyMDAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYj + b3BlbnN0YWNrLWluZnJhQGxpc3RzLm9wZW5zdGFjay5vcmcwHhcNMTcwNjE2MjA1 + NDAyWhcNMjcwNjE0MjA1NDAyWjCBszELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxDjAMBgNVBAgMBVRl + eGFzMQ8wDQYDVQQHDAZBdXN0aW4xHTAbBgNVBAoMFE9wZW5TdGFjayBGb3VuZGF0 + aW9uMRcwFQYDVQQLDA5JbmZyYXN0cnVjdHVyZTEXMBUGA1UEAwwOZ2Vhcm1hbi5z + ZXJ2ZXIxMjAwBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWI29wZW5zdGFjay1pbmZyYUBsaXN0cy5vcGVu + c3RhY2sub3JnMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA3aMR61f/ + LZkP/acuqiCEiSFF4GI1ViNkOSPEq0CP4HfNckeW0///x6vI/uaR4MlF8g8qNFGB + j2FCYRW1gEzS7TLoP3xYs4SMnvXvZRbdxcozOop506quLmlfPDF1o2GzLSQYDNXe + WbpYiNM+EdgBjqLz4G5DdaXMMw2zYP21kbtSxJIvrpqeW/TKBGWDI2bBH81PFb9B + gq1P4XxI/Aw7Ez6hApLV2D6DP7JidQUGOzvGw7LUEZjLEscQU7HH8j1qDvrM2gV4 + FRSRrtw8Yr/erBsaNr84guEZQREqiOjr1HvMZK5o1vGb69ArWSk9b8PW+A2uxvfS + ukv7hvNsuCouHQIDAQABo3AwbjAJBgNVHRMEAjAAMCEGCWCGSAGG+EIBDQQUFhJj + bGllbnQgY2VydGlmaWNhdGUwHQYDVR0OBBYEFImAuHnbfxpEEZwiiro9KEa8YA+1 + MB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFFP8JfdXPn8mhZLaXMa8NQIJlmneMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUA + A4IBAQBTNIVB758W+wBtCMlIRFUPBiR+w+7RRsY8HXME5unvO65PcsfLKQXOr3i/ + K2SliyyBliwKY+wtbvQZVltpBiloDqslSMD6veb5YsZDzTZ+x8xP1GEhcB3c6CsN + 0RDJ/xUGv2IXgQW8kw+MINILr9iQA6fn9dBN0OqimlchPHtvA9gO7Rv+IV3zZP+Q + yNWoBiZ6H5ANIt6vfcK0BHGDB6GXN9f1gpgsJd3l3vs3t/FgP1qYJiDd5VvcOXxt + uJziOvdg7jte0u609MWj3DOdey4HsxlEU27w13kzGI6RpPquvl/YB8Y6WMAIL8in + 1GRv9pIfENRRHOiC57p0RSQZZ/2V + -----END CERTIFICATE----- + +zuul_ssl_cert_file_contents: | + -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- + MIICzjCCAbagAwIBAgIJAMV1mxY+iSJpMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMB8xHTAbBgNV + BAMMFHp1dWx2My5vcGVuc3RhY2sub3JnMB4XDTE3MDYwMjE5MzUwMloXDTI3MDUz + MTE5MzUwMlowHzEdMBsGA1UEAwwUenV1bHYzLm9wZW5zdGFjay5vcmcwggEiMA0G + CSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDvgAf85YVjjBTHYJnIx8VA1VvSAidD + LHp2Yn+7DgUfHXjNdpftTgvWxnzXMFaglNzrNrixGNlkg1sdGDJ+DB/mvptKJUEH + WMfOVI98Eo0dx5w+lcP8XGTg6/SY59+PiqNpCmi+T49axQO2XKNlt+ZJsSVaEhEj + E2OrkZY+A8RFj07TUjSMv/pmo3AxgVjFoWszDT8pj30CTT3lg3eXXJwlqrH/P9IQ + FnwRSt3sR60ahFFJnvHdL1FJl/I0W5nWD6LNEpX7ryaIUIqMhQpQjGDpvG77ntfW + A5zhBVWPC7p2k6OaUD6AjlPMJLZh5YbyGaRN4l2Z4oizBGjoq1Qv9QehAgMBAAGj + DTALMAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAOFIxTTiw10jWRKQuRKU + KskncSNj3ZxSjwPTOQs++hLjYYYlKA4LbWwokp7u5rTpJP/NHYLHXIda6l/Ne3JG + +Mby/vu0TKMX2z+0IQx3MZG7b+4NkH4jg40Q+Y879n0jvOfBplHtJB1UmQYk51fs + Hbrb6vvxeLRJ74JZX6t756gZnagzAoLj7DtmTfruUVjD/kRJK8gUCyKMNvN6PH3u + 5Ls4WwOME+bFdFcxBJjj1LSKGlZoE22mSVlRqHvVXVfM9XTolvw5PequFhiPXYyj + ESN9QfRuVeKltTl8NdDgwlYjBBUYR5omuX5LLWUSXuvQK/dYM4ahERf3ivbXMjhF + M+Q= + -----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/manifests/site.pp b/manifests/site.pp index 83e96f98c4..0deecdee1f 100644 --- a/manifests/site.pp +++ b/manifests/site.pp @@ -1443,33 +1443,102 @@ node 'zuulv3.openstack.org' { } -# Node-OS: trusty -node 'zuul.openstack.org' { +# Node-OS: xenial +node /^zuul\d+\.openstack\.org$/ { + $gerrit_server = 'review.openstack.org' + $gerrit_user = 'zuul' + $gerrit_ssh_host_key = hiera('gerrit_zuul_user_ssh_key_contents') + $zuul_ssh_private_key = hiera('zuul_ssh_private_key_contents') + $zuul_url = "http://zuul.openstack.org/p" + $git_email = 'zuul@openstack.org' + $git_name = 'OpenStack Zuul' + $revision = 'feature/zuulv3' + $gearman_workers = [ - 'nodepool.openstack.org', + 'ze01.openstack.org', + 'ze02.openstack.org', + 'ze03.openstack.org', + 'ze04.openstack.org', + 'ze05.openstack.org', + 'ze06.openstack.org', + 'ze07.openstack.org', + 'ze08.openstack.org', + 'ze09.openstack.org', + 'ze10.openstack.org', + 'zm01.openstack.org', + 'zm02.openstack.org', + 'zm03.openstack.org', + 'zm04.openstack.org', + 'zm05.openstack.org', + 'zm06.openstack.org', + 'zm07.openstack.org', + 'zm08.openstack.org', ] $iptables_rules = regsubst ($gearman_workers, '^(.*)$', '-m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 4730 -s \1 -j ACCEPT') class { 'openstack_project::server': - iptables_public_tcp_ports => [80, 443], + iptables_public_tcp_ports => [79, 80, 443], iptables_rules6 => $iptables_rules, iptables_rules4 => $iptables_rules, sysadmins => hiera('sysadmins', []), } - class { 'openstack_project::zuul_prod': - project_config_repo => 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/project-config', - gerrit_server => 'review.openstack.org', - gerrit_user => 'jenkins', - gerrit_ssh_host_key => hiera('gerrit_ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents'), - zuul_ssh_private_key => hiera('zuul_ssh_private_key_contents'), - url_pattern => 'http://logs.openstack.org/{build.parameters[LOG_PATH]}', - proxy_ssl_cert_file_contents => hiera('zuul_ssl_cert_file_contents'), - proxy_ssl_key_file_contents => hiera('zuul_ssl_key_file_contents'), - proxy_ssl_chain_file_contents => hiera('zuul_ssl_chain_file_contents'), - zuul_url => 'http://zuul.openstack.org/p', - statsd_host => 'graphite.openstack.org', + class { '::project_config': + url => 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/project-config', } + + # NOTE(pabelanger): We call ::zuul directly, so we can override all in one + # settings. + class { '::zuul': + gerrit_server => $gerrit_server, + gerrit_user => $gerrit_user, + zuul_ssh_private_key => $zuul_ssh_private_key, + git_email => $git_email, + git_name => $git_name, + revision => $revision, + python_version => 3, + zookeeper_hosts => 'nodepool.openstack.org:2181', + zookeeper_session_timeout => 40, + zuulv3 => true, + connections => hiera('zuul_connections', []), + connection_secrets => hiera('zuul_connection_secrets', []), + zuul_status_url => '', + zuul_web_url => '', + gearman_client_ssl_cert => hiera('gearman_client_ssl_cert'), + gearman_client_ssl_key => hiera('gearman_client_ssl_key'), + gearman_server_ssl_cert => hiera('gearman_server_ssl_cert'), + gearman_server_ssl_key => hiera('gearman_server_ssl_key'), + gearman_ssl_ca => hiera('gearman_ssl_ca'), + proxy_ssl_cert_file_contents => hiera('zuul_ssl_cert_file_contents'), + proxy_ssl_key_file_contents => hiera('zuul_ssl_key_file_contents'), + statsd_host => 'graphite.openstack.org', + } + + file { "/etc/zuul/github.key": + ensure => present, + owner => 'zuul', + group => 'zuul', + mode => '0600', + content => hiera('zuul_github_app_key'), + require => File['/etc/zuul'], + } + + class { '::zuul::scheduler': + layout_dir => $::project_config::zuul_layout_dir, + require => $::project_config::config_dir, + python_version => 3, + use_mysql => true, + } + + class { '::zuul::web': } + class { '::zuul::fingergw': } + + include bup + bup::site { 'rax.ord': + backup_user => 'bup-zuulv3', + backup_server => 'backup01.ord.rax.ci.openstack.org', + } + } # Node-OS: xenial diff --git a/modules/openstack_project/templates/status.vhost.erb b/modules/openstack_project/templates/status.vhost.erb index 0e7bb2f98c..e668353c43 100644 --- a/modules/openstack_project/templates/status.vhost.erb +++ b/modules/openstack_project/templates/status.vhost.erb @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ NameVirtualHost <%= @vhost_name %>:<%= @port %> - RedirectMatch temp ^/zuul(.*) http://zuulv3.openstack.org/ + RedirectMatch temp ^/zuul(.*) http://zuul.openstack.org/ ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/<%= @name %>_error.log LogLevel warn diff --git a/playbooks/remote_puppet_else.yaml b/playbooks/remote_puppet_else.yaml index 41e9a2d804..1c6467ab0c 100644 --- a/playbooks/remote_puppet_else.yaml +++ b/playbooks/remote_puppet_else.yaml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -- hosts: '!review.openstack.org:!git0*:!zuulv3*:!afs*:!baremetal*:!controller*:!compute*:!puppetmaster*:!disabled' +- hosts: '!review.openstack.org:!git0*:!zuul[0-9]+.*:!zuulv3*:!afs*:!baremetal*:!controller*:!compute*:!puppetmaster*:!disabled' strategy: free gather_facts: true roles: diff --git a/playbooks/remote_puppet_git.yaml b/playbooks/remote_puppet_git.yaml index 332fc0c336..612e5317d4 100644 --- a/playbooks/remote_puppet_git.yaml +++ b/playbooks/remote_puppet_git.yaml @@ -29,6 +29,15 @@ project_config_ref: "{{ hostvars.localhost.gitinfo.after }}" vars: puppet_timeout: 60m +- hosts: "zuul[0-9]+.openstack.org:!disabled" + strategy: free + gather_facts: true + roles: + - role: puppet + facts: + project_config_ref: "{{ hostvars.localhost.gitinfo.after }}" + vars: + puppet_timeout: 60m - hosts: "zuulv3.openstack.org:!disabled" strategy: free gather_facts: true