Document startmeeting in our meetbot fork

Change-Id: I08b474a60c688ff61bb931f3170a8699ba165b4f
This commit is contained in:
James E. Blair 2015-06-23 10:38:52 -07:00
parent 9a015b0d18
commit aafabdcf67

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@ -89,6 +89,21 @@ Manual installation of t
plugin is straightforward and documented in that repository's README.
OpenStack Infrastructure installs and configures Meetbot through Puppet.
Starting a Meeting
To start a meeting, use the command ``#startmeeting`` followed by the
meeting name. For instance, if you are having a meeting of the
marketing committee use the command ``#startmeeting Marketing
Committee``. This will cause logs to automatically be placed in a
meeting-specific directory on the eavesdrop log server. The output
directory will be automatically lowercased and non-alphanumeric
characters translated to '_', so the above example will record to the
``marketing_committee`` directory. Be sure to use a consistent
meeting name to ensure logs are recorded to the same location.
This feature is specific to the OpenStack Infrastructure Meetbot fork.