Move gerrit scripts to puppet.

Take the things from openstack-ci/gerrit and move them directly
in to the puppet module. Install them using the model we're using
for the jenkins slave scripts.

Change-Id: I420b2b895bd57d40232b2cdda437617373a82890
This commit is contained in:
Monty Taylor 2012-05-01 17:11:48 -04:00
parent f18ab506c9
commit af48c6d986
11 changed files with 1446 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
python ~/openstack-ci/gerrit/ change-merged "$@" python /usr/local/gerrit/scripts/ change-merged "$@"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
python ~/openstack-ci/gerrit/ patchset-created "$@" python /usr/local/gerrit/scripts/ patchset-created "$@"
python ~/openstack-ci/gerrit/ patchset-created "$@" python /usr/local/gerrit/scripts/ patchset-created "$@"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2011 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Close Github pull requests with instructions to use Gerrit for
# code review. The list of projects is found in github.config
# and should look like:
# [project "GITHUB_PROJECT"]
# close_pull = true
# Github authentication information is read from,
# which should look like:
# [github]
# username = GITHUB_USERNAME
# api_token = GITHUB_API_TOKEN
import github2.client
import os
import StringIO
import ConfigParser
import logging
import re
MESSAGE = """Thank you for contributing to OpenStack!
%(project)s uses Gerrit for code review.
Please visit and follow the instructions there to upload your change to Gerrit.
PROJECT_RE = re.compile(r'^project\s+"(.*)"$')
secure_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
github = github2.client.Github(requests_per_second=1.0,
username=secure_config.get("github", "username"),
api_token=secure_config.get("github", "api_token"))
for section in config.sections():
# Each section looks like [project "openstack/project"]
m = PROJECT_RE.match(section)
if not m: continue
project =
# Make sure we're supposed to close pull requests for this project:
if not (config.has_option(section, "close_pull") and
config.get(section, "close_pull").lower() == 'true'):
# Close each pull request
pull_requests = github.pull_requests.list(project)
for req in pull_requests:
vars = dict(project=project)
github.issues.comment(project, req.number, MESSAGE%vars)
github.issues.close(project, req.number)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# This script is designed to expire old code reviews that have not been touched
# using the following rules:
# 1. if open and no activity in 2 weeks, expire
# 2. if negative comment and no activity in 1 week, expire
import os
import paramiko
import json
import logging
GERRIT_USER = os.environ.get('GERRIT_USER', 'launchpadsync')
GERRIT_SSH_KEY = os.environ.get('GERRIT_SSH_KEY',
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)-6s: %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', filename='/var/log/gerrit/expire_reviews.log')
logger= logging.getLogger('expire_reviews')
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)'Starting expire reviews')'Connecting to Gerrit')
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect('localhost', username=GERRIT_USER, key_filename=GERRIT_SSH_KEY, port=29418)
def expire_patch_set(patch_id, patch_subject, has_negative):
if has_negative:
message= 'code review expired after 1 week of no activity after a negative review'
message= 'code review expired after 2 weeks of no activity'
command='gerrit review --abandon --message="{0}" {1}'.format(message, patch_id)'Expiring: %s - %s: %s', patch_id, patch_subject, message)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
if != 0:
# Query all open with no activity for 2 weeks'Searching no activity for 2 weeks')
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('gerrit query --current-patch-set --format JSON status:open age:2w')
for line in stdout:
row= json.loads(line)
if not row.has_key('rowCount'):
expire_patch_set(row['currentPatchSet']['revision'], row['subject'], False)
# Query all reviewed with no activity for 1 week'Searching no activity on negative review for 1 week')
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('gerrit query --current-patch-set --all-approvals --format JSON status:reviewed age:1w')
for line in stdout:
row= json.loads(line)
if not row.has_key('rowCount'):
# Search for negative approvals
for approval in row['currentPatchSet']['approvals']:
if approval['value'] == '-1':
expire_patch_set(row['currentPatchSet']['revision'], row['subject'], True)
break'End expire review')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import argparse
import paramiko
import json
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--host", dest="host", default="",
help="gerrit host to connect to")
parser.add_argument("--port", dest="port", action='store', type=int,
default=29418, help="gerrit port to connect to")
parser.add_argument("groups", nargs=1)
options = parser.parse_args()
client = paramiko.SSHClient()
client.connect(, port=options.port)
group = options.groups[0]
query = "select group_uuid from account_groups where name = '%s'" % group
command = 'gerrit gsql --format JSON -c "%s"' % query
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(command)
for line in stdout:
row = json.loads(line)
if row['type'] == 'row':
print row['columns']['group_uuid']
ret =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# This is designed to be called by a gerrit hook. It searched new
# patchsets for strings like "blueprint FOO" or "bp FOO" and updates
# corresponding Launchpad blueprints with links back to the change.
from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
from launchpadlib.uris import LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT
import os
import argparse
import re
import subprocess
import StringIO
import ConfigParser
import MySQLdb
BASE_DIR = '/home/gerrit2/review_site'
GERRIT_CACHE_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.environ.get('GERRIT_CACHE_DIR',
GERRIT_CREDENTIALS = os.path.expanduser(os.environ.get('GERRIT_CREDENTIALS',
SPEC_RE = re.compile(r'(blueprint|bp)\s*[#:]?\s*(\S+)', re.I)
BODY_RE = re.compile(r'^\s+.*$')
def get_broken_config(filename):
""" gerrit config ini files are broken and have leading tabs """
text = ""
with open(filename,"r") as conf:
for line in conf.readlines():
text = "%s%s" % (text, line.lstrip())
fp = StringIO.StringIO(text)
return c
GERRIT_CONFIG = get_broken_config(GERRIT_CONFIG)
DB_USER = GERRIT_CONFIG.get("database", "username")
DB_PASS = SECURE_CONFIG.get("database","password")
DB_DB = GERRIT_CONFIG.get("database","database")
def update_spec(launchpad, project, name, subject, link, topic=None):
# For testing, if a project doesn't match openstack/foo, use
# the openstack-ci project instead.
group, project = project.split('/')
if group != 'openstack':
project = 'openstack-ci'
spec = launchpad.projects[project].getSpecification(name=name)
if not spec: return
if spec.whiteboard:
wb = spec.whiteboard.strip()
wb = ''
changed = False
if topic:
topiclink = '%s/#q,topic:%s,n,z' % (link[:link.find('/',8)],
if topiclink not in wb:
wb += "\n\n\nGerrit topic: %(link)s" % dict(link=topiclink)
changed = True
if link not in wb:
wb += "\n\n\nAddressed by: %(link)s\n %(subject)s\n" % dict(subject=subject,
changed = True
if changed:
spec.whiteboard = wb
def find_specs(launchpad, dbconn, args):
git_log = subprocess.Popen(['git',
'--git-dir=' + BASE_DIR + '/git/' + args.project + '.git',
'log', '--no-merges',
args.commit + '^1..' + args.commit],
cur = dbconn.cursor()
cur.execute("select subject, topic from changes where change_key=%s", args.change)
subject, topic = cur.fetchone()
specs = set([ for m in SPEC_RE.finditer(git_log)])
if topic:
topicspec = topic.split('/')[-1]
specs |= set([topicspec])
for spec in specs:
update_spec(launchpad, args.project, spec, subject,
args.change_url, topic)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--change', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--change-url', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--project', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--branch', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--commit', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--submitter', default=None)
# patchset-created
parser.add_argument('--uploader', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--patchset', default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()
launchpad = Launchpad.login_with('Gerrit User Sync', LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT,
credentials_file = GERRIT_CREDENTIALS,
conn = MySQLdb.connect(user = DB_USER, passwd = DB_PASS, db = DB_DB)
find_specs(launchpad, conn, args)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# This is designed to be called by a gerrit hook. It searched new
# patchsets for strings like "bug FOO" and updates corresponding Launchpad
# bugs status.
from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
from launchpadlib.uris import LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT
import os
import argparse
import re
import subprocess
BASE_DIR = '/home/gerrit2/review_site'
GERRIT_CACHE_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.environ.get('GERRIT_CACHE_DIR',
GERRIT_CREDENTIALS = os.path.expanduser(os.environ.get('GERRIT_CREDENTIALS',
def add_change_proposed_message(bugtask, change_url, project, branch):
subject = 'Fix proposed to %s (%s)' % (short_project(project), branch)
body = 'Fix proposed to branch: %s\nReview: %s' % (branch, change_url)
bugtask.bug.newMessage(subject=subject, content=body)
def add_change_merged_message(bugtask, change_url, project, commit,
submitter, branch, git_log):
subject = 'Fix merged to %s (%s)' % (short_project(project), branch)
git_url = '' % (project, commit)
body = '''Reviewed: %s
Committed: %s
Submitter: %s
Branch: %s\n''' % (change_url, git_url, submitter, branch)
body = body + '\n' + git_log
bugtask.bug.newMessage(subject=subject, content=body)
def set_in_progress(bugtask, launchpad, uploader, change_url):
"""Set bug In progress with assignee being the uploader"""
# Retrieve uploader from Launchpad. Use email as search key if
# provided, and only set if there is a clear match.
searchkey = uploader[uploader.rindex("(") + 1:-1]
except ValueError:
searchkey = uploader
persons = launchpad.people.findPerson(text=searchkey)
if len(persons) == 1:
bugtask.assignee = persons[0]
bugtask.status = "In Progress"
def set_fix_committed(bugtask):
"""Set bug fix committed"""
bugtask.status = "Fix Committed"
def release_fixcommitted(bugtask):
"""Set bug FixReleased if it was FixCommitted"""
if bugtask.status == u'Fix Committed':
bugtask.status = "Fix Released"
def tag_in_branchname(bugtask, branch):
"""Tag bug with in-branch-name tag (if name is appropriate)"""
lp_bug = bugtask.bug
branch_name = branch.replace('/', '-')
if branch_name.replace('-', '').isalnum():
lp_bug.tags = lp_bug.tags + ["in-%s" % branch_name]
lp_bug.tags.append("in-%s" % branch_name)
def short_project(full_project_name):
"""Return the project part of the git repository name"""
return full_project_name.split('/')[-1]
def git2lp(full_project_name):
"""Convert Git repo name to Launchpad project"""
project_map = {
'openstack/python-glanceclient': 'glance',
'openstack/python-keystoneclient': 'keystone',
'openstack/python-melangeclient': 'melange',
'openstack/python-novaclient': 'nova',
'openstack/python-quantumclient': 'quantum',
'openstack/openstack-ci-puppet': 'openstack-ci',
'openstack-ci/devstack-gate': 'openstack-ci',
return project_map.get(full_project_name, short_project(full_project_name))
def process_bugtask(launchpad, bugtask, git_log, args):
"""Apply changes to bugtask, based on hook / branch..."""
if args.hook == "change-merged":
if args.branch == 'master':
elif args.branch == 'milestone-proposed':
tag_in_branchname(bugtask, args.branch)
add_change_merged_message(bugtask, args.change_url, args.project,
args.commit, args.submitter, args.branch,
if args.hook == "patchset-created":
if args.branch == 'master':
set_in_progress(bugtask, launchpad, args.uploader, args.change_url)
if args.patchset == '1':
add_change_proposed_message(bugtask, args.change_url,
args.project, args.branch)
def find_bugs(launchpad, git_log, args):
"""Find bugs referenced in the git log and return related bugtasks"""
bug_regexp = r'([Bb]ug|[Ll][Pp])[\s#:]*(\d+)'
tokens = re.split(bug_regexp, git_log)
# Extract unique bug tasks
bugtasks = {}
for token in tokens:
if re.match('^\d+$', token) and (token not in bugtasks):
lp_bug = launchpad.bugs[token]
for lp_task in lp_bug.bug_tasks:
if lp_task.bug_target_name == git2lp(args.project):
bugtasks[token] = lp_task
except KeyError:
# Unknown bug
return bugtasks.values()
def extract_git_log(args):
"""Extract git log of all merged commits"""
cmd = ['git',
'--git-dir=' + BASE_DIR + '/git/' + args.project + '.git',
'log', '--no-merges', args.commit + '^1..' + args.commit]
return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--change', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--change-url', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--project', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--branch', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--commit', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--submitter', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--uploader', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--patchset', default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()
# Connect to Launchpad
launchpad = Launchpad.login_with('Gerrit User Sync', LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT,
# Get git log
git_log = extract_git_log(args)
# Process bugtasks found in git log
for bugtask in find_bugs(launchpad, git_log, args):
process_bugtask(launchpad, bugtask, git_log, args)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2011 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Add launchpad ids listed in the wiki CLA page to the CLA group in LP.
import os
import sys
import uuid
import os
import urllib
import re
import StringIO
import ConfigParser
from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
from launchpadlib.uris import LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT
DEBUG = False
LP_CACHE_DIR = '~/.launchpadlib/cache'
LP_CREDENTIALS = '~/.launchpadlib/creds'
CONTRIBUTOR_RE = re.compile(r'.*?\|\|\s*(?P<name>.*?)\s*\|\|\s*(?P<login>.*?)\s*\|\|\s*(?P<trans>.*?)\s*\|\|.*?')
LINK_RE = re.compile(r'\[\[.*\|\s*(?P<name>.*)\s*\]\]')
for check_path in (os.path.dirname(LP_CACHE_DIR),
if not os.path.exists(check_path):
wiki_members = []
for line in urllib.urlopen(''):
m = CONTRIBUTOR_RE.match(line)
if m and'login') and'trans'):
login ='login')
if login=="<#c0c0c0>'''Launchpad ID'''": continue
l = LINK_RE.match(login)
if l:
login ='name')
launchpad = Launchpad.login_with('CLA Team Sync', LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT,
credentials_file = LP_CREDENTIALS)
lp_members = []
team = launchpad.people['openstack-cla']
for detail in team.members_details:
user = None
# detail.self_link ==
# '${username}'
login = detail.self_link.split('/')[-1]
status = detail.status
for wm in wiki_members:
if wm not in lp_members:
print "Need to add %s to LP" % (wm)
person = launchpad.people[wm]
print 'Unable to find %s on LP'%wm
status = team.addMember(person=person, status="Approved")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2011 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Synchronize Gerrit users from Launchpad.
import os
import sys
import uuid
import os
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
import StringIO
import ConfigParser
import MySQLdb
from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
from launchpadlib.uris import LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT
from openid.consumer import consumer
from openid.cryptutil import randomString
DEBUG = False
GERRIT_USER = os.environ.get('GERRIT_USER', 'launchpadsync')
GERRIT_SSH_KEY = os.environ.get('GERRIT_SSH_KEY',
GERRIT_CACHE_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.environ.get('GERRIT_CACHE_DIR',
GERRIT_CREDENTIALS = os.path.expanduser(os.environ.get('GERRIT_CREDENTIALS',
for check_path in (os.path.dirname(GERRIT_CACHE_DIR),
if not os.path.exists(check_path):
def get_broken_config(filename):
""" gerrit config ini files are broken and have leading tabs """
text = ""
with open(filename,"r") as conf:
for line in conf.readlines():
text = "%s%s" % (text, line.lstrip())
fp = StringIO.StringIO(text)
return c
def get_type(in_type):
if in_type == "RSA":
return "ssh-rsa"
return "ssh-dsa"
gerrit_config = get_broken_config(GERRIT_CONFIG)
secure_config = get_broken_config(GERRIT_SECURE_CONFIG)
DB_USER = gerrit_config.get("database", "username")
DB_PASS = secure_config.get("database","password")
DB_DB = gerrit_config.get("database","database")
db_backup_file = "%s.%s.sql" % (DB_DB, datetime.isoformat(
db_backup_path = os.path.join(GERRIT_BACKUP_PATH, db_backup_file)
retval = os.system("mysqldump --opt -u%s -p%s %s > %s" %
(DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_DB, db_backup_path))
if retval != 0:
print "Problem taking a db dump, aborting db update"
conn = MySQLdb.connect(user = DB_USER, passwd = DB_PASS, db = DB_DB)
cur = conn.cursor()
launchpad = Launchpad.login_with('Gerrit User Sync', LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT,
credentials_file = GERRIT_CREDENTIALS)
def get_sub_teams(team, have_teams):
for sub_team in launchpad.people[team].sub_teams:
if not in have_teams:
have_teams = get_sub_teams(, have_teams)
return have_teams
teams_todo = get_sub_teams('openstack', [])
projects = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/ssh', '-p', '29418',
'-l', GERRIT_USER, 'localhost',
'gerrit', 'ls-projects']).split('\n')
for team_todo in teams_todo:
team = launchpad.people[team_todo]
groups[] = team.display_name
# Attempt to get nested group memberships. ~nova-core, for instance, is a
# member of ~nova, so membership in ~nova-core should imply membership in
# ~nova
group_in_group = groups_in_groups.get(, {})
for subgroup in team.sub_teams:
group_in_group[] = 1
# We should now have a dictionary of the form {'nova': {'nova-core': 1}}
groups_in_groups[] = group_in_group
for detail in team.members_details:
user = None
# detail.self_link ==
# '${username}'
login = detail.self_link.split('/')[-1]
if users.has_key(login):
user = users[login]
user = dict(add_groups=[])
status = detail.status
if (status == "Approved" or status == "Administrator"):
users[login] = user
# If we picked up subgroups that were not in our original list of groups
# make sure they get added
for (supergroup, subgroups) in groups_in_groups.items():
for group in subgroups.keys():
if group not in groups.keys():
groups[group] = None
# account_groups
# groups is a dict of team name to team display name
# here, for every group we have in that dict, we're building another dict of
# group_name to group_id - and if the database doesn't already have the
# group, we're adding it
for (group_name, group_display_name) in groups.items():
if cur.execute("select group_id from account_groups where name = %s",
group_ids[group_name] = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
cur.execute("""insert into account_group_id (s) values (NULL)""");
cur.execute("select max(s) from account_group_id")
group_id = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
# Match the 40-char 'uuid' that java is producing
group_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
second_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
full_uuid = "%s%s" % (group_uuid.hex, second_uuid.hex[:8])
cur.execute("""insert into account_groups
(group_id, group_type, owner_group_id,
name, description, group_uuid)
(%s, 'INTERNAL', 1, %s, %s, %s)""",
(group_id, group_name, group_display_name, full_uuid))
cur.execute("""insert into account_group_names (group_id, name) values
(%s, %s)""",
(group_id, group_name))
group_ids[group_name] = group_id
# account_group_includes
# groups_in_groups should be a dict of dicts, where the key is the larger
# group and the inner dict is a list of groups that are members of the
# larger group. So {'nova': {'nova-core': 1}}
for (group_name, subgroups) in groups_in_groups.items():
for subgroup_name in subgroups.keys():
cur.execute("""insert into account_group_includes
(group_id, include_id)
values (%s, %s)""",
(group_ids[group_name], group_ids[subgroup_name]))
except MySQLdb.IntegrityError:
# Make a list of implied group membership
# building a list which is the opposite of groups_in_group. Here
# group_implies_groups is a dict keyed by group_id containing a list of
# group_ids of implied membership. SO: if nova is 1 and nova-core is 2:
# {'2': [1]}
for group_id in group_ids.values():
total_groups = []
groups_todo = [group_id]
while len(groups_todo) > 0:
current_group = groups_todo.pop()
cur.execute("""select group_id from account_group_includes
where include_id = %s""", (current_group))
for row in cur.fetchall():
if row[0] != 1 and row[0] not in total_groups:
group_implies_groups[group_id] = total_groups
def get_group_name(in_group_id):
for (group_name, group_id) in group_ids.items():
if group_id == in_group_id:
return group_name
print "groups in groups"
for (k,v) in groups_in_groups.items():
print k, v
print "group_imples_groups"
for (k, v) in group_implies_groups.items():
print get_group_name(k)
for val in v:
print "\t", new_groups
for (username, user_details) in users.items():
# accounts
account_id = None
if cur.execute("""select account_id from account_external_ids where
external_id in (%s)""", ("username:%s" % username)):
account_id = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
# We have this bad boy - all we need to do is update his group membership
# We need details
member = launchpad.people[username]
if not member.is_team:
openid_consumer = consumer.Consumer(dict(id=randomString(16, '0123456789abcdef')), None)
openid_request = openid_consumer.begin("" %
user_details['openid_external_id'] = openid_request.endpoint.getLocalID()
# Handle username change
if cur.execute("""select account_id from account_external_ids where
external_id in (%s)""", user_details['openid_external_id']):
account_id = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
cur.execute("""update account_external_ids
set external_id=%s
where external_id like 'username%%'
and account_id = %s""",
('username:%s' % username, account_id))
user_details['ssh_keys'] = ["%s %s %s" % (get_type(key.keytype), key.keytext, key.comment) for key in member.sshkeys]
email = None
email =
except ValueError:
user_details['email'] = email
cur.execute("""insert into account_id (s) values (NULL)""");
cur.execute("select max(s) from account_id")
account_id = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
cur.execute("""insert into accounts (account_id, full_name, preferred_email) values
(%s, %s, %s)""", (account_id, username, user_details['email']))
# account_ssh_keys
for key in user_details['ssh_keys']:
cur.execute("""select ssh_public_key from account_ssh_keys where
account_id = %s""", account_id)
db_keys = [r[0].strip() for r in cur.fetchall()]
if key.strip() not in db_keys:
cur.execute("""select max(seq)+1 from account_ssh_keys
where account_id = %s""", account_id)
seq = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
if seq is None:
seq = 1
cur.execute("""insert into account_ssh_keys
(ssh_public_key, valid, account_id, seq)
(%s, 'Y', %s, %s)""",
(key.strip(), account_id, seq))
# account_external_ids
## external_id
if not cur.execute("""select account_id from account_external_ids
where account_id = %s and external_id = %s""",
(account_id, user_details['openid_external_id'])):
cur.execute("""insert into account_external_ids
(account_id, email_address, external_id)
values (%s, %s, %s)""",
(account_id, user_details['email'], user_details['openid_external_id']))
if not cur.execute("""select account_id from account_external_ids
where account_id = %s and external_id = %s""",
(account_id, "username:%s" % username)):
cur.execute("""insert into account_external_ids
(account_id, external_id) values (%s, %s)""",
(account_id, "username:%s" % username))
if user_details.get('email', None) is not None:
if not cur.execute("""select account_id from account_external_ids
where account_id = %s and external_id = %s""",
(account_id, "mailto:%s" % user_details['email'])):
cur.execute("""insert into account_external_ids
(account_id, email_address, external_id)
values (%s, %s, %s)""",
(account_id, user_details['email'], "mailto:%s" %
if account_id is not None:
# account_group_members
# user_details['add_groups'] is a list of group names for which the
# user is either "Approved" or "Administrator"
groups_to_add = []
groups_to_watch = {}
groups_to_rm = {}
for group in user_details['add_groups']:
# if you are in the group nova-core, that should also put you in nova
add_groups = group_implies_groups[group_ids[group]]
for add_group in add_groups:
if add_group not in groups_to_add:
# We only want to add watches for direct project membership groups
groups_to_watch[group_ids[group]] = group
# groups_to_add is now the full list of all groups we think the user
# should belong to. we want to limit the users groups to this list
for group in groups:
if group_ids[group] not in groups_to_add:
if group not in groups_to_rm.values():
groups_to_rm[group_ids[group]] = group
for group_id in groups_to_add:
if not cur.execute("""select account_id from account_group_members
where account_id = %s and group_id = %s""",
(account_id, group_id)):
# The current user does not exist in the group. Add it.
cur.execute("""insert into account_group_members
(account_id, group_id)
values (%s, %s)""", (account_id, group_id))
os_project_name = groups_to_watch.get(group_id, None)
if os_project_name is not None:
if os_project_name.endswith("-core"):
os_project_name = os_project_name[:-5]
os_project_name = "openstack/%s" % os_project_name
if os_project_name in projects:
if not cur.execute("""select account_id
from account_project_watches
where account_id = %s
and project_name = %s""",
(account_id, os_project_name)):
cur.execute("""insert into account_project_watches
("Y", "N", "N", %s, %s, "*")""",
(account_id, os_project_name))
for (group_id, group_name) in groups_to_rm.items():
cur.execute("""delete from account_group_members
where account_id = %s and group_id = %s""",
(account_id, group_id))
os.system("ssh -i %s -p29418 %s@localhost gerrit flush-caches" %

View File

@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2012 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Synchronize Gerrit users from Launchpad.
# TODO items:
# 1. add a temporary (instance level) object store for the launchpad class
# 2. split out the two classes into separate files to be used as a library
import os
import ConfigParser
import StringIO
import paramiko
import json
import logging
import uuid
from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
from launchpadlib.uris import LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT
from datetime import datetime
from openid.consumer import consumer
from openid.cryptutil import randomString
GERRIT_USER = os.environ.get('GERRIT_USER', 'launchpadsync')
GERRIT_SSH_KEY = os.environ.get('GERRIT_SSH_KEY',
GERRIT_CACHE_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.environ.get('GERRIT_CACHE_DIR',
GERRIT_CREDENTIALS = os.path.expanduser(os.environ.get('GERRIT_CREDENTIALS',
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)-6s: %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', filename='/var/log/gerrit/update_users.log')
logger= logging.getLogger('update_users')
for check_path in (os.path.dirname(GERRIT_CACHE_DIR),
if not os.path.exists(check_path):
def get_broken_config(filename):
""" gerrit config ini files are broken and have leading tabs """
text = ""
with open(filename,"r") as conf:
for line in conf.readlines():
text = "%s%s" % (text, line.lstrip())
fp = StringIO.StringIO(text)
return c
gerrit_config = get_broken_config(GERRIT_CONFIG)
secure_config = get_broken_config(GERRIT_SECURE_CONFIG)
DB_USER = gerrit_config.get("database", "username")
DB_PASS = secure_config.get("database","password")
DB_DB = gerrit_config.get("database","database")
def make_db_backup():
db_backup_file = "%s.%s.sql" % (DB_DB, datetime.isoformat(
db_backup_path = os.path.join(GERRIT_BACKUP_PATH, db_backup_file)
retval = os.system("mysqldump --opt -u%s -p%s %s > %s" %
(DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_DB, db_backup_path))
if retval != 0:
logger.error("Problem taking a db dump, aborting db update")
class LaunchpadAction(object):
def __init__(self):'Connecting to Launchpad')
self.launchpad= Launchpad.login_with('Gerrit User Sync', LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT,
credentials_file = GERRIT_CREDENTIALS)'Getting Launchpad teams')
self.lp_teams= self.get_all_sub_teams('openstack', [])
def get_all_sub_teams(self, team, have_teams):
for sub_team in self.launchpad.people[team].sub_teams:
if not in have_teams:
have_teams = self.get_all_sub_teams(, have_teams)
return have_teams
def get_sub_teams(self, team):
sub_teams= []
for sub_team in self.launchpad.people[team].sub_teams:
return sub_teams
def get_teams(self):
return self.lp_teams
def get_all_users(self):'Getting Launchpad users')
users= []
for team in self.lp_teams:
for detail in self.launchpad.people[team].members_details:
if (detail.status == 'Approved' or detail.status == 'Administrator'):
name= detail.self_link.split('/')[-1]
if ((users.count(name) == 0) and (name not in self.lp_teams)):
return users
def get_user_data(self, user):
return self.launchpad.people[user]
def get_team_members(self, team, gerrit):
users= []
for detail in self.launchpad.people[team].members_details:
if (detail.status == 'Approved' or detail.status == 'Administrator'):
name= detail.self_link.split('/')[-1]
# if we found a subteam
if name in self.lp_teams:
# check subteam for implied subteams
for implied_group in gerrit.get_implied_groups(name):
if implied_group in self.lp_teams:
users.extend(self.get_team_members(implied_group, gerrit))
users.extend(self.get_team_members(name, gerrit))
# check team for implied teams
for implied_group in gerrit.get_implied_groups(team):
if implied_group in self.lp_teams:
users.extend(self.get_team_members(implied_group, gerrit))
# filter out dupes
users= list(set(users))
return users
def get_team_watches(self, team):
users= []
for detail in self.launchpad.people[team].members_details:
if (detail.status == 'Approved' or detail.status == 'Administrator'):
name= detail.self_link.split('/')[-1]
if name in self.lp_teams:
if users.count(name) == 0:
return users
def get_team_display_name(self, team):
team_data = self.launchpad.people[team]
return team_data.display_name
class GerritAction(object):
def __init__(self):'Connecting to Gerrit')
self.ssh= paramiko.SSHClient()
self.ssh.connect('localhost', username=GERRIT_USER, port=29418, key_filename=GERRIT_SSH_KEY)
def cleanup(self):'Closing connection to Gerrit')
def run_query(self, query):
command= 'gerrit gsql --format JSON -c "{0}"'.format(query)
stdin, stdout, stderr= self.ssh.exec_command(command)
# trying to get stdout return code or stderr can hang with large result sets
# for line in stderr:
# logger.error(line)
return stdout
def get_groups(self):'Getting Gerrit groups')
groups= []
query= "select name from account_groups"
stdout= self.run_query(query)
for line in stdout:
row= json.loads(line)
if row['type'] == 'row':
group= row['columns']['name']
return groups
def get_users(self):'Getting Gerrit users')
users= []
query= "select external_id from account_external_ids"
stdout= self.run_query(query)
for line in stdout:
row= json.loads(line)
if row['type'] == 'row':
user= row['columns']['external_id'].replace('username:','')
return users
def get_group_id(self, group_name):
query= "select group_id from account_groups where name='{0}'".format(group_name)
stdout= self.run_query(query)
line= stdout.readline()
row= json.loads(line)
if row['type'] == 'row':
return row['columns']['group_id']
return 0
def get_user_id(self, user_name):
query= "select account_id from account_external_ids where external_id='username:{0}'".format(user_name)
stdout= self.run_query(query)
line= stdout.readline()
row= json.loads(line)
return row['columns']['account_id']
def get_users_from_group(self, group_name):'Getting Gerrit users from group %s', group_name)
users= []
gid= self.get_group_id(group_name)
query= "select external_id from account_external_ids join account_group_members on account_group_members.account_id=account_external_ids.account_id where account_group_members.group_id={0} and external_id like 'username%%'".format(gid)
stdout= self.run_query(query)
for line in stdout:
row= json.loads(line)
if row['type'] == 'row':
user= row['columns']['external_id'].replace('username:','')
return users
def get_users_from_watches(self, group_name):'Getting Gerrit users from watch list %s', group_name)
users= []
if group_name.endswith("-core"):
group_name = group_name[:-5]
group_name = "openstack/{0}".format(group_name)
query= "select external_id from account_external_ids join account_project_watches on account_project_watches.account_id=account_external_ids.account_id where account_project_watches.project_name like '{0}' and external_id like 'username%%'".format(group_name)
stdout= self.run_query(query)
for line in stdout:
row= json.loads(line)
if row['type'] == 'row':
user= row['columns']['external_id'].replace('username:','')
return users
def get_implied_groups(self, group_name):
gid= self.get_group_id(group_name)
groups= []
query= "select name from account_groups join account_group_includes on account_group_includes.include_id=account_groups.group_id where account_group_includes.group_id={0}".format(gid)
stdout= self.run_query(query)
for line in stdout:
row= json.loads(line)
if row['type'] == 'row':
group= row['columns']['name']
return groups
def add_group(self, group_name, group_display_name):'New group %s (%s)', group_display_name, group)
query= "insert into account_group_id (s) values (NULL)"
stdout= self.run_query(query)
row= json.loads(stdout.readline())
if row['rowCount'] is not 1:
print "Could not get a new account group ID"
query= "select max(s) from account_group_id"
stdout= self.run_query(query)
row= json.loads(stdout.readline())
gid= row['columns']['max(s)']
full_uuid= "{0}{1}".format(uuid.uuid4().hex, uuid.uuid4().hex[:8])
query= "insert into account_groups (group_id, group_type, owner_group_id, name, description, group_uuid) values ({0}, 'INTERNAL', 1, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}')". format(gid, group_name, group_display_name, full_uuid)
query= "insert into account_group_names (group_id, name) values ({0}, '{1}')".format(gid, group_name)
def add_user(self, user_name, user_data):"Adding Gerrit user %s", user_name)
openid_consumer = consumer.Consumer(dict(id=randomString(16, '0123456789abcdef')), None)
openid_request = openid_consumer.begin("" %
user_openid_external_id = openid_request.endpoint.getLocalID()
query= "select account_id from account_external_ids where external_id in ('{0}')".format(user_openid_external_id)
stdout= self.run_query(query)
row= json.loads(stdout.readline())
if row['type'] == 'row':
# we have a result so this is an updated user name
account_id= row['columns']['account_id']
query= "update account_external_ids set external_id='{0}' where external_id like 'username%%' and account_id = {1}".format('username:%s' % user_name, account_id)
# we really do have a new user
user_ssh_keys= ["%s %s %s" % ('ssh-%s' % key.keytype.lower(), key.keytext, key.comment) for key in user_data.sshkeys]
user_email= None
email =
except ValueError:
query= "insert into account_id (s) values (NULL)"
query= "select max(s) from account_id"
stdout= self.run_query(query)
row= json.loads(stdout.readline())
uid= row['columns']['max(s)']
query= "insert into accounts (account_id, full_name, preferred_email) values ({0}, '{1}', '{2}')".format(uid, user_name, user_email)
keyno= 1
for key in user_ssh_keys:
query= "insert into account_ssh_keys (ssh_public_key, valid, account_id, seq) values ('{0}', 'Y', {1}, {2})".format(key.strip(), uid, keyno)
keyno = keyno + 1
query= "insert into account_external_ids (account_id, email_address, external_id) values ({0}, '{1}', '{2}')".format(uid, user_email, user_openid_external_id)
query= "insert into account_external_ids (account_id, external_id) values ({0}, '{1}')".format(uid, "username:%s" % user_name)
if user_email is not None:
query= "insert into account_external_ids (account_id, email_address, external_id) values ({0}. '{1}', '{2}')".format(uid, user_email, "mailto:%s" % user_email)
return None
def add_user_to_group(self, user_name, group_name):"Adding Gerrit user %s to group %s", user_name, group_name)
uid= self.get_user_id(user_name)
gid= self.get_group_id(group_name)
if gid is 0:
print "Trying to add user {0} to non-existent group {1}".format(user_name, group_name)
query= "insert into account_group_members (account_id, group_id) values ({0}, {1})".format(uid, gid)
def add_user_to_watch(self, user_name, group_name):"Adding Gerrit user %s to watch group %s", user_name, group_name)
uid= self.get_user_id(user_name)
if group_name.endswith("-core"):
group_name = group_name[:-5]
group_name = "openstack/{0}".format(group_name)
query= "insert into account_project_watches VALUES ('Y', 'N', 'N', {0}, '{1}', '*')". format(uid, group_name)
def del_user_from_group(self, user_name, group_name):"Deleting Gerrit user %s from group %s", user_name, group_name)
uid= self.get_user_id(user_name)
gid= self.get_group_id(group_name)
query= "delete from account_group_members where account_id = {0} and group_id = {1}".format(uid, gid)
if group_name.endswith("-core"):
group_name = group_name[:-5]
group_name= "openstack/{0}".format(group_name)
query= "delete from account_project_watches where account_id = {0} and project_name= '{1}'".format(uid, group_name)
def rebuild_sub_groups(self, group, sub_groups):
gid= self.get_group_id(group)
for sub_group in sub_groups:
sgid= self.get_group_id(sub_group)
query= "select group_id from account_group_includes where group_id={0} and include_id={1}".format(gid, sgid)
stdout= self.run_query(query)
row= json.loads(stdout.readline())
if row['type'] != 'row':'Adding implied group %s to group %s', group, sub_group)
query= "insert into account_group_includes (group_id, include_id) values ({0}, {1})".format(gid, sgid)
# Actual work starts here!
lp= LaunchpadAction()
gerrit= GerritAction()'Making DB backup')
make_db_backup()'Starting group reconcile')
lp_groups= lp.get_teams()
gerrit_groups= gerrit.get_groups()
group_diff= filter(lambda a: a not in gerrit_groups, lp_groups)
for group in group_diff:
group_display_name= lp.get_team_display_name(group)
gerrit.add_group(group, group_display_name)
for group in lp_groups:
sub_group= lp.get_sub_teams(group)
if sub_group:
gerrit.rebuild_sub_groups(group, sub_group)'End group reconcile')'Starting user reconcile')
lp_users= lp.get_all_users()
gerrit_users= gerrit.get_users()
user_diff= filter(lambda a: a not in gerrit_users, lp_users)
for user in user_diff:
gerrit.add_user(user, lp.get_user_data(user))'End user reconcile')'Starting user to group reconcile')
lp_groups= lp.get_teams()
for group in lp_groups:
# First find users to attach to groups
gerrit_group_users= gerrit.get_users_from_group(group)
lp_group_users= lp.get_team_members(group, gerrit)
group_diff= filter(lambda a: a not in gerrit_group_users, lp_group_users)
for user in group_diff:
gerrit.add_user_to_group(user, group)
# Second find users to attach to watches
lp_group_watches= lp.get_team_watches(group)
gerrit_group_watches= gerrit.get_users_from_watches(group)
group_diff= filter(lambda a: a not in gerrit_group_watches, lp_group_watches)
for user in group_diff:
gerrit.add_user_to_watch(user, group)
# Third find users to remove from groups/watches
group_diff= filter(lambda a: a not in lp_group_users, gerrit_group_users)
for user in group_diff:
gerrit.del_user_from_group(user, group)'Ending user to group reconcile')

View File

@ -109,29 +109,27 @@ class gerrit($virtual_hostname='',
# Skip cron jobs if we're in test mode # Skip cron jobs if we're in test mode
if ($testmode == false) { if ($testmode == false) {
cron { "gerritupdateci":
user => gerrit2,
minute => "*/15",
command => 'sleep $((RANDOM\%60)) && cd /home/gerrit2/openstack-ci && /usr/bin/git pull -q origin master'
cron { "gerritsyncusers": cron { "gerritsyncusers":
user => gerrit2, user => gerrit2,
minute => "*/15", minute => "*/15",
command => 'sleep $((RANDOM\%60+60)) && cd /home/gerrit2/openstack-ci && python gerrit/' command => 'sleep $((RANDOM\%60+60)) && python /usr/local/gerrit/scripts/',
require => File['/usr/local/gerrit/scripts'],
} }
cron { "gerritclosepull": cron { "gerritclosepull":
user => gerrit2, user => gerrit2,
minute => "*/5", minute => "*/5",
command => 'sleep $((RANDOM\%60+90)) && cd /home/gerrit2/openstack-ci && python gerrit/' command => 'sleep $((RANDOM\%60+90)) && python /usr/local/gerrit/scripts/',
require => File['/usr/local/gerrit/scripts'],
} }
cron { "expireoldreviews": cron { "expireoldreviews":
user => gerrit2, user => gerrit2,
hour => 6, hour => 6,
minute => 3, minute => 3,
command => 'cd /home/gerrit2/openstack-ci && python gerrit/' command => 'python /usr/local/gerrit/scripts/',
require => File['/usr/local/gerrit/scripts'],
} }
cron { "gerrit_repack": cron { "gerrit_repack":
@ -494,4 +492,23 @@ class gerrit($virtual_hostname='',
require => File['/etc/init.d/gerrit'], require => File['/etc/init.d/gerrit'],
refreshonly => true, refreshonly => true,
} }
file { '/usr/local/gerrit':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 755,
ensure => 'directory',
file { '/usr/local/gerrit/scripts':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 755,
ensure => 'directory',
recurse => true,
require => File['/usr/local/gerrit'],
source => [
} }