# Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Class to install dependencies for uploading python packages to pypi and # maven repositories # class openstack_project::wheel_mirror_slave ( $jenkins_ssh_public_key, $project_config_repo = 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/project-config', $sysadmins = [], $jenkins_gitfullname = 'OpenStack Jenkins', $jenkins_gitemail = 'jenkins@openstack.org', $wheel_keytab = undef, ) { if( $wheel_keytab ) { file { "/etc/wheel.keytab": owner => 'jenkins', group => 'jenkins', mode => '0400', content => $wheel_keytab, } } class { 'openstack_project::slave': sysadmins => $sysadmins, ssh_key => $jenkins_ssh_public_key, jenkins_gitfullname => $jenkins_gitfullname, jenkins_gitemail => $jenkins_gitemail, project_config_repo => $project_config_repo, afs => true, } # Create a working directory for the wheel slave, and give it to jenkins to # work with file { "/opt/wheel": ensure => 'directory', owner => 'jenkins', group => 'jenkins', mode => '0750', } # below follows a rough list of things required to build binary # wheels. # TODO: global-requirements keeps other-requirements that can be # parsed by bindep. We should have some sort of bindep provider # that can interact with that case $::osfamily { 'Debian': { ensure_packages(['build-essential', 'python-all-dev', 'python3-all-dev', 'libxml2-dev', 'libxslt-dev', 'libffi-dev', 'libreadline-dev', 'libssl-dev', 'libyaml-dev', 'zlib1g-dev', 'libldap2-dev', 'libmysqlclient-dev', 'libpq-dev', 'libsasl2-dev', 'libsqlite3-dev', 'libvirt-dev', 'libzmq-dev', 'pkg-config', 'swig', 'uuid-dev']) } 'Redhat': { ensure_packages(['gcc', 'gcc-c++', 'make', 'python-devel', 'python34-devel', 'libxml2-devel', 'libxslt-devel', 'libffi-devel', 'readline-devel', 'openssl-devel', 'libyaml-devel', 'zlib-devel', 'openldap-devel', 'mariadb-devel', 'postgresql-devel', 'cyrus-sasl-devel', 'sqlite-devel', 'libvirt-devel', 'zeromq-devel', 'pkgconfig', 'swig', 'uuid-devel']) } default: { err "${::osfamily} not supported yet" } } }