- hosts: "localhost:!disabled" name: "Puppet-git: Collect the project-config ref" strategy: free connection: local tasks: - name: Clone project-config repo git: repo: https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/project-config dest: /opt/project-config force: yes register: gitinfo - hosts: "gitea:!disabled" name: "Create repos on gitea servers" strategy: free max_fail_percentage: 1 roles: - role: gitea-git-repos project_config_ref: "{{ hostvars.localhost.gitinfo.after }}" - hosts: "review:!disabled" name: "Puppet-git: Run puppet on the Gerrit server" strategy: free gather_facts: true roles: - role: puppet facts: project_config_ref: "{{ hostvars.localhost.gitinfo.after }}" puppet_timeout: 60m - hosts: "zuul-scheduler:!disabled" name: "Puppet-git: Run puppet on the Zuul scheduler" strategy: free gather_facts: true roles: - role: puppet facts: project_config_ref: "{{ hostvars.localhost.gitinfo.after }}" puppet_timeout: 60m