- name: Deploy Docker key include_tasks: utils/keys.yaml vars: _keys: - { key_id: '0EBFCD88', file: 'debian-docker.asc' } # Unfortunately docker upstream doesn't do the pool model correctly, # and we have to mirror each distro separately to avoid file # conflicts (they have the same .deb files) - name: Copy Debian Docker Xenial config include_tasks: utils/copy-config.yaml vars: _dir: 'debian-docker-xenial' - name: Copy Debian Docker Bionic include_tasks: utils/copy-config.yaml vars: _dir: 'debian-docker-bionic' - name: Copy Debian Docker Focal config include_tasks: utils/copy-config.yaml vars: _dir: 'debian-docker-focal' # Beacuse they all live on the same volume, run in order - name: Install update cron jobs cron: name: 'Debian Docker reprepro mirror sync' job: 'flock -n /var/run/reprepro/debian-docker.lock bash -c "for DISTRO in xenial bionic focal; do reprepro-mirror-update /etc/reprepro/debian-docker-\$DISTRO mirror.deb-docker >>/var/log/reprepro/debian-docker-\$DISTRO-mirror.log 2>&1; done"' state: present hour: '*/2' minute: '{{ 45 | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}'