# This script reads a file with this format: # # email_addr account_id # # It will then remove all external ids with that email addr # in them from the account specified. # Note the account_ids and emails both may be non unique depending # on the gerrit account situation. We iterate over each line in this # file one at a time to avoid problems with deduping in datastructures. import getpass import json import requests def get_external_ids(account_id, auth): r = requests.get('https://review.opendev.org' '/a/accounts/%s/external.ids' % account_id, auth=auth) # Strip off the gerrit json prefix j = json.loads(r.text[5:]) return j def is_active(account_id, auth): r = requests.get('https://review.opendev.org' '/a/accounts/%s/detail' % account_id, auth=auth) # Strip off the gerrit json prefix j = json.loads(r.text[5:]) if 'inactive' in j and j['inactive']: return False else: return True if __name__ == '__main__': query_user = input('Username: ') query_pass = getpass.getpass('Password: ') if query_user and query_pass: auth = (query_user, query_pass) else: print("This script requires authentication") exit(1) with open('external_id_cleanups.txt') as f: for line in f: (email, account_id) = line.strip().split() print(email + ' ' + account_id) if is_active(account_id, auth): print('This account is active. Skipping.') continue j = get_external_ids(account_id, auth) print('external IDs: ' + str(j)) eids_to_remove = [] for eid in j: if 'email_address' in eid and eid['email_address'] == email: eids_to_remove.append(eid['identity']) if eids_to_remove: print('Removing these external IDs: ' + str(eids_to_remove)) url = 'https://review.opendev.org' \ '/a/accounts/%s/external.ids:delete' % account_id print(url) r = requests.post(url, json=eids_to_remove, auth=auth) print(r.status_code) print(r.text) else: print('No matching external ids')