# define to manage a git repo (should replace with vcsrepo module) define git_repo ( $repo, $dest, $user = 'root', $branch = 'master' ) { # if we already have the git repo the pull updates exec { "update_${title}": command => "git pull --ff-only origin ${branch}", cwd => $dest, path => '/bin:/usr/bin', user => $user, onlyif => "test -d ${dest}", before => Exec["clone_${title}"], } # otherwise get a new clone of it exec { "clone_${title}": command => "git clone ${repo} ${dest}", path => '/bin:/usr/bin', user => $user, onlyif => "test ! -d ${dest}", } -> exec { "checkout_${title}_${branch}": command => "git checkout ${branch}", path => '/bin:/usr/bin', cwd => $dest, user => $user, subscribe => Exec["clone_${title}"], refreshonly => true, onlyif => "test -d ${dest}" } } # define to build from source using ./configure && make && make install. define buildsource( $dir = $title, $user = 'root' ) { exec { "./configure in ${dir}": command => './configure', path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:${dir}", user => $user, cwd => $dir, } -> exec { "make in ${dir}": command => 'make', path => '/usr/bin:/bin', user => $user, cwd => $dir, } -> exec { "make install in ${dir}": command => 'make install', path => '/usr/bin:/bin', user => $user, cwd => $dir, } } # Class to install etherpad lite. Puppet acts a lot like a package manager # through this class. # # To use etherpad lite you will want the following includes: # include etherpad_lite # include etherpad_lite::mysql # necessary to use mysql as the backend # include etherpad_lite::site # configures etherpad lite instance # include etherpad_lite::nginx # will add reverse proxy on localhost # The defaults for all the classes should just work (tm) # # You will need to have a file at # /root/secret-files/etherpad-lite_settings.json on the host that is puppet # master or running puppet apply. This file should contain the settings for # etherpad-lite. A template for that settings file can be found at: # https://raw.github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/master/settings.json.template # class etherpad_lite ( $ep_user = 'eplite', $base_log_dir = '/var/log', $base_install_dir = '/opt/etherpad-lite' ) { user { $ep_user: shell => '/sbin/nologin', home => "${base_log_dir}/${ep_user}", system => true, gid => $ep_user, require => Group[$ep_user] } group { $ep_user: ensure => present } # Below is what happens when you treat puppet as a package manager. # This is probably bad, but it works and you don't need to roll .debs. file { "${base_install_dir}": ensure => directory, group => $ep_user, mode => 0664, } package { 'git': ensure => present } git_repo { 'nodejs_repo': repo => 'https://github.com/joyent/node.git', dest => "${base_install_dir}/nodejs", branch => 'v0.6.16-release', require => Package['git'] } package { ['gzip', 'curl', 'python', 'libssl-dev', 'pkg-config', 'abiword', 'build-essential',]: ensure => present } buildsource { "${base_install_dir}/nodejs": require => [Package['gzip'], Package['curl'], Package['python'], Package['libssl-dev'], Package['pkg-config'], Package['build-essential'], Git_repo['nodejs_repo']] } git_repo { 'etherpad_repo': repo => 'https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite.git', dest => "${base_install_dir}/etherpad-lite", user => $ep_user, require => Package['git'] } exec { 'install_etherpad_dependencies': command => './bin/installDeps.sh', path => "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:${base_install_dir}/etherpad-lite", user => $ep_user, cwd => "${base_install_dir}/etherpad-lite", environment => "HOME=${base_log_dir}/${ep_user}", creates => "${base_install_dir}/etherpad-lite/node_modules", require => [Git_repo['etherpad_repo'], Buildsource["${base_install_dir}/nodejs"]], before => File["${base_install_dir}/etherpad-lite/settings.json"] } file { '/etc/init/etherpad-lite.conf': ensure => 'present', content => template('etherpad_lite/upstart.erb'), replace => 'true', owner => 'root', } file { '/etc/init.d/etherpad-lite': ensure => link, target => '/lib/init/upstart-job' } file { "${base_log_dir}/${ep_user}": ensure => directory, owner => $ep_user, } # end package management ugliness }