# TODO(mordred) We should do *something* where this could use a zuul cloned # copy of project-config instead. This is needed not just for things like # manage-projects (which could be run completely differently and non-locally) # but also for things like notify-impact, which is currently run by a gerrit # hook inside of the container via jeepyb. - name: Clone project-config repo git: repo: https://opendev.org/openstack/project-config dest: /opt/project-config force: yes - name: Ensure /etc/gerrit-compose directory file: state: directory path: /etc/gerrit-compose mode: 0755 - name: Put docker-compose file in place template: src: docker-compose.yaml.j2 dest: /etc/gerrit-compose/docker-compose.yaml mode: 0644 - name: Clean up old directory file: state: absent path: /etc/gerrit-podman - name: Create Gerrit Group group: name: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" gid: "{{ gerrit_id }}" system: yes - name: Create Gerrit User user: name: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" uid: "{{ gerrit_id }}" comment: Gerrit User shell: /bin/bash home: "{{ gerrit_home_dir }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" create_home: yes system: yes - name: Ensure review_site directory exists file: state: directory path: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0755 - name: Ensure Gerrit volume directories exists file: state: directory path: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/{{ item }}" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0755 loop: - etc - git - index - cache - static - hooks - tmp - logs - name: Write Gerrit config file template: src: gerrit.config dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/etc/gerrit.config" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0644 - name: Write Gerrit secure config file template: src: secure.config dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/etc/secure.config" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0600 - name: Write Gerrit replication config template: src: replication.config.j2 dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/etc/replication.config" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" when: gerrit_replication is defined # Server host key for SSH service on port 29418 - name: Write Gerrit SSH host private key copy: content: "{{ gerrit_ssh_rsa_key_contents }}" dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0600 - name: Write Gerrit SSH host public key copy: content: "{{ gerrit_ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents }}" dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0644 # Private key for openstack-project-creator user - name: Write Gerrit SSH project private key copy: content: "{{ gerrit_project_ssh_rsa_key_contents }}" dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/etc/ssh_project_rsa_key" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0600 # Public key for openstack-project-creator user - name: Write Gerrit SSH project public key copy: content: "{{ gerrit_project_ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents }}" dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/etc/ssh_project_rsa_key.pub" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0644 # Private key for welcome message user - name: Write Welcome SSH private key copy: content: "{{ welcome_message_gerrit_ssh_private_key }}" dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/etc/ssh_welcome_rsa_key" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0600 when: welcome_message_gerrit_ssh_private_key is defined - name: Write Welcome SSH public key copy: content: "{{ welcome_message_gerrit_ssh_public_key }}" dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/etc/ssh_welcome_rsa_key.pub" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0644 when: welcome_message_gerrit_ssh_public_key is defined - name: Ensure .ssh directory exists file: state: directory path: "{{ gerrit_home_dir }}/.ssh" mode: 0700 # Private key for gerrit user to connect to other systems, # such as for replication. - name: Write Gerrit SSH private key copy: content: "{{ gerrit_replication_ssh_rsa_key_contents }}" dest: "{{ gerrit_home_dir }}/.ssh/id_rsa" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0600 - name: Write Gerrit SSH public key copy: content: "{{ gerrit_replication_ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents }}" dest: "{{ gerrit_home_dir }}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0644 # Make the directory even if we don't have creds to make # bind mounting in the docker-compose file simple. - name: Ensure launchpadlib directory exists file: state: directory path: "{{ gerrit_home_dir }}/.launchpadlib" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0775 - name: Write Launchpad creds file template: src: infra_lp_creds.j2 dest: "{{ gerrit_home_dir }}/.launchpadlib/creds" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0600 when: lp_access_token is defined - name: Copy static hooks copy: src: "hooks/{{ item }}" dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/hooks/{{ item }}" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0555 loop: - change-merged - change-abandoned - name: Copy notify-impact yaml file copy: src: "/opt/project-config/gerrit/notify_impact.yaml" dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/hooks/notify_impact.yaml" remote_src: yes owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0444 - name: Install patchset-created hook template: src: patchset-created.j2 dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/hooks/patchset-created" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: 0555 # TODO(mordred) These things should really go into the image instead. - name: Copy static and etc copy: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{ gerrit_site_dir }}/{{ item }}" owner: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" group: "{{ gerrit_user_name }}" mode: preserve loop: - static - etc - name: Install apache2 apt: name: - apache2 - apache2-utils state: present - name: Apache modules apache2_module: state: present name: "{{ item }}" loop: - rewrite - proxy - proxy_http - ssl - headers - name: Copy apache config template: src: gerrit.vhost.j2 dest: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf owner: root group: root mode: 0644 notify: gerrit Reload apache2 - name: Install podman-compose pip: name: podman-compose state: latest # NOTE(mordred) Cannot use full path to pip3 here because it is # different on zuul test nodes and in production. This is, of # course, not stellar. executable: pip3 # TODO(mordred) Make this suck less, like if we could do an init container # or something just generally less gross. - name: Run gerrit init when: gerrit_run_init | bool command: > podman run -it --rm --net=host -u gerrit {% for volume in gerrit_container_volumes %} -v {{ volume }} {% endfor %} {{ gerrit_container_image }} /usr/local/openjdk-8/bin/java -jar /var/gerrit/bin/gerrit.war init -d /var/gerrit -b --no-auto-start --install-all-plugins - name: Run podman-compose up shell: cmd: podman-compose up -d chdir: /etc/gerrit-compose/