Install and configure Ansible on a host via pip **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: install_ansible_name :default: ansible The name of the ansible package to install. To install from alternative sources, this can be a URL for a remote package; e.g. to install from upstream devel branch ``git+`` .. zuul:rolevar:: install_ansible_version :default: latest The version of the library from :zuul:rolevar:`install-ansible.install_ansible_name`. Set this to empty (YAML ``null``) if specifying versions via URL in :zuul:rolevar:`install-ansible.install_ansible_name`. The special value "latest" will ensure ``state: latest`` is set for the package and thus the latest version is always installed. .. zuul:rolevar:: install_ansible_openstacksdk_name :default: openstacksdk The name of the openstacksdk package to install. To install from alternative sources, this can be a URL for a remote package; e.g. to install from a gerrit change ``git+`` .. zuul:rolevar:: install_ansible_openstacksdk_version :default: latest The version of the library from :zuul:rolevar:`install-ansible.install_ansible_openstacksdk_name`. Set this to empty (YAML ``null``) if specifying versions via :zuul:rolevar:`install-ansible.install_ansible_openstacksdk_name`. The special value "latest" will ensure ``state: latest`` is set for the package and thus the latest version is always installed. .. zuul:rolevar:: install_ansible_ara_enable :default: false Whether or not to install the ARA Records Ansible callback plugin .. zuul:rolevar:: install_ansible_ara_name :default: ara[server] The name of the ARA package to install. To install from alternative sources, this can be a URL for a remote package. .. zuul:rolevar:: install_ansible_ara_version :default: latest Version of ARA to install. Set this to empty (YAML ``null``) if specifying versions via URL in :zuul:rolevar:`install-ansible.install_ansible_ara_name`. The special value "latest" will ensure ``state: latest`` is set for the package and hence the latest version is always installed. .. zuul:rolevar:: install_ansible_ara_config A dictionary of configuration keys and their values for ARA's Ansible plugins. Default configuration keys: - ``api_client: offline`` (can be ``http`` for sending to remote API servers) - ``api_server:`` (has no effect when using offline) - ``api_username: null`` (if required, an API username) - ``api_password: null`` (if required, an API password) - ``api_timeout: 30`` (the timeout on http requests) For a list of available configuration options, see the `ARA documentation`_ .. _ARA documentation: