# Class salt # class salt ( $salt_master = $::fqdn ) { if ($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') { include apt # Wrap in ! defined checks to allow minion and master installs on the # same host. if ! defined(Apt::Ppa['ppa:saltstack/salt']) { apt::ppa { 'ppa:saltstack/salt': } } if ! defined(Package['python-software-properties']) { package { 'python-software-properties': ensure => present, } } Apt::Ppa['ppa:saltstack/salt'] -> Package['salt-minion'] } package { 'salt-minion': ensure => present } file { '/etc/salt/minion': ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', content => template('salt/minion.erb'), replace => true, require => Package['salt-minion'], } service { 'salt-minion': ensure => running, enable => true, require => File['/etc/salt/minion'], subscribe => [ Package['salt-minion'], File['/etc/salt/minion'], ], } }