#!/bin/bash -ex # Documentation can be submitted in markdown and then converted to docbook # so it can be built with the maven plugin. This is used by Jenkins when # invoking certain docs jobs and the resulting output is made available to maven. # In case we start doing something more sophisticated with other refs # later (such as tags). BRANCH=$ZUUL_REFNAME shopt -s extglob # Need to get the file name to insert here so it can be reused for multiple projects # Filenames for the known repos that could do this are openstackapi-programming.mdown # and images-api-v2.0.md and openstackapi-programming and images-api-v2.0 are the names # for the ID and xml filename. FILENAME=$1 FILEPATH=`find ./ -regextype posix-extended -regex ".*${FILENAME}\.(md|markdown|mdown)"` DIRPATH=`dirname $FILEPATH` pandoc -f markdown -t docbook -s ${FILEPATH} | xsltproc -o - /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/docbook5/db4-upgrade.xsl - | xmllint --format - | sed -e "s,,,' > ${DIRPATH}/$FILENAME.xml pwd