- name: Ensure bot directories file: state: directory path: '/var/lib/matrix-gerritbot/{{ item }}' mode: 0700 loop: - config - ssh - name: Install gerritbot config copy: src: gerritbot.yaml dest: /var/lib/matrix-gerritbot/config/gerritbot.yaml register: _gerritbot_config - name: Lookup the configuration schema command: docker run --rm "{{ gerritbot_matrix_image }}" print-config-schema register: _gerritbot_schema - name: Validate and create the configuration when: _gerritbot_config.changed shell: >- cat {{ config }}/gerritbot.yaml | {{ yaml_to_dhall }} "{{ schema }}" --output {{ config }}/gerritbot.dhall vars: config: /var/lib/matrix-gerritbot/config yaml_to_dhall: >- docker run -i -v {{ config }}:{{ config }} --rm docker.io/dhallhaskell/dhall-yaml yaml-to-dhall schema: "List {{ _gerritbot_schema.stdout }}" - name: Install gerritbot ssh key copy: content: "{{ gerritbot_ssh_key }}" dest: "/var/lib/matrix-gerritbot/ssh/id_{{ gerritbot_ssh_key_format }}" mode: 0400 no_log: true - name: Install gerritbot ssh key copy: content: "{{ gerritbot_ssh_pubkey }}" dest: "/var/lib/matrix-gerritbot/ssh/id_{{ gerritbot_ssh_key_format }}.pub" - name: Install gerritbot known host copy: content: "{{ gerritbot_known_hosts }}" dest: "/var/lib/matrix-gerritbot/ssh/known_hosts" - name: Ensure /etc/matrix-gerritbot-docker directory file: state: directory path: /etc/matrix-gerritbot-docker mode: 0755 - name: Put docker-compose file in place template: src: docker-compose.yaml.j2 dest: /etc/matrix-gerritbot-docker/docker-compose.yaml # The token is written into the file mode: 0600 - name: Run docker-compose up shell: cmd: "docker-compose up -d" chdir: /etc/matrix-gerritbot-docker/ - name: Run docker prune to cleanup unneeded images shell: cmd: docker image prune -f