#!/usr/bin/env python # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Generate a sample logging configuration file use log_config_generator.generate_log_config() to generate a sample logging configuration file. The sample splits up the log output for general logging and image builds and applys some sensible rotation defaults. """ import argparse import logging import yaml # default paths and outputs MODULES_PATH = '../modules/openstack_project/templates/nodepool' CONFIG_FILE = MODULES_PATH + '/nodepool.yaml.erb' LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE = MODULES_PATH + '/nodepool.logging.conf.erb' LOG_DIR = '/var/log/nodepool' IMAGE_LOG_DIR = '<%= @image_log_document_root %>' _BASIC_FILE = """ # # THIS FILE HAS BEEN AUTOGENERATED # Regenerate it with tools/nodepool_log_config.py # [loggers] keys=root,nodepool,requests,image,%(logger_titles)s [handlers] keys=console,debug,normal,image,%(handler_titles)s [formatters] keys=simple [logger_root] level=WARNING handlers=console [logger_requests] level=WARNING handlers=debug,normal qualname=requests [logger_nodepool] level=DEBUG handlers=debug,normal qualname=nodepool [logger_image] level=DEBUG handlers=image qualname=nodepool.image.build propagate=0 [handler_console] level=WARNING class=StreamHandler formatter=simple args=(sys.stdout,) [handler_debug] level=DEBUG class=logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler formatter=simple args=('%(log_dir)s/debug.log', 'H', 8, 30,) [handler_normal] level=INFO class=logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler formatter=simple args=('%(log_dir)s/nodepool.log', 'H', 8, 30,) [handler_image] level=DEBUG class=logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler formatter=simple args=('%(image_log_dir)s/image.log', 'H', 8, 30,) [formatter_simple] format=%%(asctime)s %%(levelname)s %%(name)s: %%(message)s datefmt= # ==== individual image loggers ==== %(image_loggers_and_handlers)s""" _IMAGE_HANDLER = """ [handler_%(title)s] level=DEBUG class=logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler formatter=simple args=('%(image_log_dir)s/%(filename)s', 'H', 8, 30,) """ _IMAGE_LOGGER = """ [logger_%(title)s] level=DEBUG handlers=%(handler)s qualname=nodepool.image.build.%(qualname)s propagate=0 """ def _get_providers_and_images(config_file): ret = [] config = yaml.load(config_file) for provider in config['providers']: for image in provider['images']: if 'diskimage' not in image: ret.append((provider['name'], image['name'])) logging.debug("Added %d providers & images" % len(ret)) # diskimages have a special provider if 'diskimages' in config: for diskimage in config['diskimages']: ret.append(('dib', diskimage['name'])) return ret def _generate_logger_and_handler(image_log_dir, provider, image): handler = _IMAGE_HANDLER % { 'image_log_dir': image_log_dir, 'title': '%s_%s' % (provider, image), 'filename': '%s.%s.log' % (provider, image), } logger = _IMAGE_LOGGER % { 'title': '%s_%s' % (provider, image), 'handler': '%s_%s' % (provider, image), 'qualname': '%s%s' % (provider + "." if provider != 'dib' else '', image), } return { 'handler_title': '%s_%s' % (provider, image), 'logger_title': '%s_%s' % (provider, image), 'handler': handler, 'logger': logger, } def generate_log_config(config, log_dir, image_log_dir, output): """Generate a sample logging file The logging output will have the correct formatters and handlers to split all image-build logs out into separate files grouped by provider. e.g. providers: - name: foo ... - images: - name: image1 ... - name: image2 ... - name: moo ... - images: - name: image1 ... - name: image2 ... Will result in log files (in `image_log_dir`) of foo.image1.log, foo.image2.log, moo.image1.log, moo.image2.log diskimage-builder built images will have special provider "dib" :param config: input config file :param log_dir: directory for main log file :param image_log_dir: directory for image build logs :param output: open file handle to output sample configuration to """ loggers_and_handlers = [] logging.debug("Reading config file %s" % config.name) for (provider, image) in _get_providers_and_images(config): loggers_and_handlers.append( _generate_logger_and_handler(image_log_dir, provider, image)) logger_titles = [] handler_titles = [] image_loggers_and_handlers = "" for item in loggers_and_handlers: logger_titles.append(item['logger_title']) handler_titles.append(item['handler_title']) image_loggers_and_handlers += item['logger'] + item['handler'] final_output = _BASIC_FILE % { 'log_dir': log_dir, 'image_log_dir': image_log_dir, 'logger_titles': ','.join(logger_titles), 'handler_titles': ','.join(handler_titles), 'image_loggers_and_handlers': image_loggers_and_handlers, } logging.debug("Writing output to %s" % output.name) output.write(final_output) output.flush() logging.debug("Done!") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help="Enable debugging") parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default=CONFIG_FILE, help="Config file to read in " "(default: %s)" % CONFIG_FILE, type=argparse.FileType('r')) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default=LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE, help="Output file " "(default: %s)" % LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE, type=argparse.FileType('w')) parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-dir', default=LOG_DIR, help="Output directory for logs " "(default: %s)" % LOG_DIR) parser.add_argument('-i', '--image-log-dir', default=IMAGE_LOG_DIR, help="Output directory for image logs " "(default: %s)" % IMAGE_LOG_DIR) args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO) generate_log_config(args.config, args.log_dir, args.image_log_dir, args.output) if __name__ == "__main__": main()