- job-template: name: '{name}-coverage' wrappers: - timeout: timeout: 40 fail: true - timestamps triggers: - zuul-post builders: - gerrit-git-prep - coverage: github-org: '{github-org}' project: '{name}' publishers: - coverage-log-post - console-log-post node: '{node}' - job-template: name: 'gate-{name}-pep8' triggers: - zuul builders: - gerrit-git-prep - pep8: github-org: '{github-org}' project: '{name}' publishers: - pep8 - console-log node: '{node}' - job-template: name: 'gate-{name}-pylint' triggers: - zuul builders: - gerrit-git-prep - pylint: github-org: '{github-org}' project: '{name}' publishers: - pylint - console-log node: '{node}' - job-template: name: 'gate-{name}-python26' wrappers: - timeout: timeout: 40 fail: true - timestamps triggers: - zuul builders: - gerrit-git-prep - python26: github-org: '{github-org}' project: '{name}' - assert-no-extra-files publishers: - scp: site: 'static.openstack.org' files: - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '**/*nose_results.html' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '**/*testr_results.html.gz' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '.testrepository/tmp*' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '**/*subunit_log.txt.gz' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - console-log # >= precise does not have python2.6 node: oneiric # temporary/non-voting while we burn in rhel6 slaves for havana - job-template: name: 'gate-{name}-python26-rhel6' wrappers: - timeout: timeout: 40 fail: true - timestamps triggers: - zuul builders: - gerrit-git-prep - python26: github-org: '{github-org}' project: '{name}' - assert-no-extra-files publishers: - scp: site: 'static.openstack.org' files: - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '**/*nose_results.html' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '**/*testr_results.html.gz' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '.testrepository/tmp*' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '**/*subunit_log.txt.gz' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - console-log node: rhel6 - job-template: name: 'gate-{name}-python27' wrappers: - timeout: timeout: 40 fail: true - timestamps parameters: - label: name: NODE_LABEL description: Label of node to use for this build default: '{node}' triggers: - zuul builders: - gerrit-git-prep - python27: github-org: '{github-org}' project: '{name}' - assert-no-extra-files publishers: - scp: site: 'static.openstack.org' files: - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '**/*nose_results.html' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '**/*testr_results.html.gz' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '.testrepository/tmp*' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - target: 'logs/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER' source: '**/*subunit_log.txt.gz' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: true - console-log node: '{node}' - job-template: name: 'gate-{name}-docs' triggers: - zuul builders: - gerrit-git-prep - docs: github-org: '{github-org}' project: '{name}' publishers: - console-log - scp: site: 'static.openstack.org' files: - target: 'docs-draft/$ZUUL_CHANGE/$ZUUL_PATCHSET/$ZUUL_PIPELINE/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/' source: 'doc/build/html/**' keep-hierarchy: true copy-after-failure: true node: '{node}' - job-template: name: 'gate-{name}-pyflakes' node: quantal triggers: - zuul builders: - gerrit-git-prep - pyflakes: github-org: '{github-org}' project: '{name}' publishers: - console-log - job-template: name: '{name}-tarball' node: quantal triggers: - zuul-post builders: - gerrit-git-prep - tarball: github-org: '{github-org}' project: '{name}' publishers: - tarball: project: '{name}' site: '{tarball-site}' - console-log-post - job-template: name: '{name}-branch-tarball' concurrent: false node: quantal triggers: - zuul-post builders: - gerrit-git-prep - tarball: github-org: '{github-org}' project: '{name}' - shell: | #!/bin/bash -xe BRANCH=$ZUUL_REFNAME BRANCH_PATH=`echo $BRANCH | tr / -` mv dist/* dist/{name}-$BRANCH_PATH.tar.gz publishers: - tarball: project: '{name}' site: '{tarball-site}' - console-log-post - job-template: name: 'gate-{name}-requirements' node: quantal triggers: - zuul builders: - gerrit-git-prep - shell: | #!/bin/bash -xe /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/project-requirements-change.py $ZUUL_BRANCH publishers: - console-log - job-group: name: python-jobs jobs: - '{name}-coverage' - 'gate-{name}-pep8' - 'gate-{name}-python26' - 'gate-{name}-python26-rhel6' - 'gate-{name}-python27' - 'gate-{name}-docs' - 'gate-{name}-requirements' - '{name}-tarball' - '{name}-branch-tarball' # pyflakes isn't standard # pylint isn't standard