# == Define: openstack_project::mariadb_mirror # define openstack_project::mariadb_mirror ( ) { ### MariaDB mirror ### ::openstack_project::reprepro { "ubuntu-mariadb-$name-reprepro-mirror": confdir => "/etc/reprepro/ubuntu-mariadb-$name", basedir => "/afs/.openstack.org/mirror/ubuntu-mariadb/$name", distributions => 'openstack_project/reprepro/distributions.ubuntu-mariadb.erb', updates_file => "puppet:///modules/openstack_project/reprepro/ubuntu-mariadb-$name-updates", releases => [ 'trusty', 'xenial' ], } # NOTE(ianw) we have several versions, but they all share the same # mirror.ubuntu-mariadb volume. Start them at offset times, but # also share the lock so that one doesn't release the volume when # the other is half-complete. cron { "reprepro ubuntu mariadb $name": user => $user, hour => '*/2', minute => fqdn_rand(30, $name), command => "flock -w 3600 /var/run/reprepro/ubuntu-mariadb.lock reprepro-mirror-update /etc/reprepro/ubuntu-mariadb-$name mirror.ubuntu-mariadb >>/var/log/reprepro/ubuntu-mariadb-$name-mirror.log 2>&1", environment => 'PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', } }