Clark Boylan 5f0718b3b5 Increase the number of Gerrit threads for http requests
We've seen CI systems consume all of our threads which causes the web UI
to become non responsive. To address this increase the number of httpd
threads from 100 to 150. Note that we do not modify sshd.threads beacuse
sshd.threads determines the max number of git requests across both ssh
and http.

In theory what this means is that httpd has an additional 50 threads to
process non git requests (for example web UI requests) which will
hopefully keep that responsive even if git requests are max'd out.

It is possible that we also need to increase the sshd.threads value to
handle those git requests, but we will start by modifying one config
value at a time. If we do bump sshd.threads we should increase
httpd.maxThreads to give it that additional headroom.

Finally, I believe this is likely to be safe as we doubled the size of
our Gerrit server when we moved it to vexxhost. The old server was
pretty well maxed out though so increase these values on the new server
slowly and monitor the results.

Details on the configuration can be found at:

Change-Id: I57a1e248c3c01597bb29c7afc304688e834a64cc
2022-08-17 10:34:47 -07:00

199 lines
5.0 KiB

# This file is managed by ansible.
basePath = git
canonicalWebUrl = https://{{ gerrit_vhost_name }}/
reportBugText = Get Help
reportBugUrl = ""
gitHttpUrl = https://{{ gerrit_vhost_name }}/
serverId = {{ gerrit_serverid }}
# We have a long history of case sensitive usernames and need
# to preserve that behavior.
userNameCaseInsensitive = false
{% if not gerrit_run_init_dev_mode %}
contributorAgreements = true
cookieSecure = true
enableRunAs = true
openIdSsoUrl =
{% else %}
# In dev mode it's very useful to be able to reload plugins
allowRemoteAdmin = true
{% endif %}
smtpServer = localhost
from = MIXED
includeDiff = false
threadPoolSize = 4
user = gerrit2
startupTimeout = 300
{% if gerrit_heap_limit is defined %}
heapLimit = {{ gerrit_heap_limit }}
{% endif %}
javaHome = /usr/local/openjdk-11/jre
javaOptions = ""
javaOptions = ""
packedGitOpenFiles = {{ gerrit_packed_git_open_files }}
packedGitLimit = 400m
packedGitWindowSize = 16k
listenAddress = *:29418
threads = 100
# batchThreads = 0 means share the 100 thread pool set above.
batchThreads = 0
idleTimeout = 3600
maxConnectionsPerUser = 96
listenUrl = proxy-https://*:8081/
minThreads = 20
maxThreads = 150
maxQueued = 200
requestLog = true
performanceLogging = false
directory = cache
[cache "accounts"]
memoryLimit = 32768
[cache "accounts_byemail"]
memoryLimit = 32768
[cache "accounts_byname"]
memoryLimit = 32768
[cache "changeid_project"]
memoryLimit = 32768
[cache "groups_bysubgroup"]
memoryLimit = 2048
[cache "groups_byuuid"]
memoryLimit = 32768
[cache "permission_sort"]
memoryLimit = 2048
[cache "projects"]
memoryLimit = 4096
[cache "web_sessions"]
maxAge = 7days
# Set to because lacks a valid MX
email =
allowDrafts = false
disablePrivateChanges = true
move = false
# Keep pre-3.4 behavior
mergeabilityComputationBehavior = API_REF_UPDATED_AND_CHANGE_REINDEX
# Explicitly enable this to avoid problems if the default changes
conflictsPredicateEnabled = true
maxObjectSizeLimit = 100 m
enableSignedPush = false
[commentlink "bugheader"]
match = "([Cc]loses|[Pp]artial|[Rr]elated)-[Bb]ug:\\s*#?(\\d+)"
link =$2
html =
[commentlink "bug"]
match = "\\b[Bb]ug:? #?(\\d+)"
link =$1
html =
[commentlink "story"]
match = "\\b[Ss]tory:? #?(\\d+)"
link = "{{ gerrit_storyboard_url }}/#!/story/$1"
html =
[commentlink "task"]
match = "\\b[Tt]ask:? #?(\\d+)"
link = "{{ gerrit_storyboard_url }}/#!/task/$1"
html =
[commentlink "its-storyboard"]
match = "\\b[Tt]ask:? #?(\\d+)"
link = task: $1
html =
[commentlink "blueprint"]
match = "(\\b[Bb]lue[Pp]rint\\b|\\b[Bb][Pp]\\b)[ \\t#:]*([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+)"
link =$2
html =
[commentlink "changeid"]
match = (I[0-9a-f]{8,40})
link = "/#/q/$1"
html =
[commentlink "gitsha"]
match = "(<p>|[\\s(])([0-9a-f]{40})(</p>|[\\s.,;:)])"
link =
html = "$1<a href=\"/#/q/$2\">$2</a>$3"
url = {{ gerrit_storyboard_url }}
[trackingid "launchpad-bug"]
match = "\\#?(\\d+)"
footer = closes-bug:
footer = partial-bug:
footer = related-bug:
system = Launchpad
[trackingid "storyboard-story"]
match = "\\#?(\\d+)"
footer = story:
system = Storyboard
[trackingid "storyboard-task"]
match = "\\#?(\\d+)"
footer = task:
system = Storyboard
[plugin "javamelody"]
allowTopMenu = false
# Custom code browser linking for Gitea.
branch = "${project}/src/branch/${branch}"
file = "${project}/src/commit/${hash}/${file}"
filehistory = "${project}/commits/branch/${branch}/${file}"
linkname = gitea
project = "${project}"
revision = "${project}/commit/${commit}"
roottree = "${project}/src/commit/${commit}"
type = custom
urlEncode = false
tag = "${project}/src/tag/${tag}"
url = ""
type = LUCENE
threads = 8
command = checkout
command = cherry_pick
command = pull
command = format_patch
scheme = ssh
scheme = anon_http
archive = tar
archive = tbz2
archive = tgz
archive = txz
# Plugin commit-message-length-validator config
maxLineLength = 72
newGroupsVisibleToAll = true
[mimetype "image/*"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-yaml"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/xml"]
safe = true
[mimetype "application/xml"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-rst"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/plain"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-puppet"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-ini"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-properties"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-markdown"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/css"]
safe = true