If replicate_local is set, this will ensure that /var/lib/git is created, and that projects listed in the projects.config have repos there. Additionally, it creates a new config file, projects.config which is a yaml file listing all of the projects and various operational semantics about them, such as whether or not they should have pull requests closed and whether or not they track any remotes. This replaces remotes.config and github.config. Moving forward, there is no reason to not have this script be able to do github api calls to create the github repo if it's not there, set the github project description, gerrit api calls to create the project in gerrit, and initial project permissions templates. Change-Id: I1ad803b0aa5f7386206d0c3f4cd858017242fe64
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class gerrit::remotes($ensure=present) {
cron { "gerritfetchremotes":
user => gerrit2,
ensure => $ensure,
minute => "*/30",
command => 'sleep $((RANDOM\%60+90)) && python /usr/local/gerrit/scripts/fetch_remotes.py',
require => File['/usr/local/gerrit/scripts'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/remotes.config':
ensure => absent