This way we can manually gracefully restart jenkins. Since this won't immediately install plugins, change the download test to check whether an hpi or jpi file exists. Change-Id: I41667684ad8a57f5ae554f866dcc38d5ecca6ba0
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# Defined resource type to install jenkins plugins.
# Borrowed from: https://github.com/jenkinsci/puppet-jenkins
define jenkins::plugin(
) {
$plugin = "${name}.hpi"
$plugin_dir = '/var/lib/jenkins/plugins'
$plugin_parent_dir = '/var/lib/jenkins'
if ($version != 0) {
$base_url = "http://updates.jenkins-ci.org/download/plugins/${name}/${version}"
else {
$base_url = 'http://updates.jenkins-ci.org/latest'
if (!defined(File[$plugin_dir])) {
file {
ensure => directory,
owner => 'jenkins',
group => 'jenkins',
require => [Group['jenkins'], User['jenkins']],
if (!defined(Group['jenkins'])) {
group { 'jenkins' :
ensure => present,
if (!defined(User['jenkins'])) {
user { 'jenkins' :
ensure => present,
exec { "download-${name}" :
command => "wget --no-check-certificate ${base_url}/${plugin}",
cwd => $plugin_dir,
require => File[$plugin_dir],
path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin',],
user => 'jenkins',
unless => "test -f ${plugin_dir}/${name}.?pi",
# OpenStack modification: don't auto-restart jenkins so we can control
# outage timing better.
# notify => Service['jenkins'],