Previously you could not use the Jenkins module to go from fresh host to running jenkins. There were two problems. 1. jenkins::master does not explicitly create a jenkins user which is required by Zuul. Instead the jenkins deb package creates the users. Zuul File resources that need the jenkins user should require the jenkins package. 2. jenkins::master did not install Bazaar but attempted to run a service that depended on bzr. Correct these two errors (require jenkins package and remove bzr service). Change-Id: Ib2d6f58fbcd456781f10cf2ceefc11503d6f92f2 Reviewed-on: https://review.openstack.org/13926 Reviewed-by: Paul Belanger <paul.belanger@polybeacon.com> Reviewed-by: James E. Blair <corvus@inaugust.com> Approved: Clark Boylan <clark.boylan@gmail.com> Reviewed-by: Clark Boylan <clark.boylan@gmail.com> Tested-by: Jenkins
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class zuul (
) {
$packages = ["python-webob",
package { $packages:
ensure => "present",
# A lot of things need yaml, be conservative requiring this package to avoid
# conflicts with other modules.
if ! defined(Package['python-yaml']) {
package { 'python-yaml':
ensure => "present",
# Packages that need to be installed from pip
$pip_packages = ["GitPython"]
package { $pip_packages:
ensure => latest, # we want the latest from these
provider => pip,
require => Class[pip]
vcsrepo { "/opt/zuul":
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => "master",
source => $git_source_repo,
exec { "install_zuul":
command => "python setup.py install",
cwd => "/opt/zuul",
path => "/bin:/usr/bin",
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Vcsrepo["/opt/zuul"],
file { "/etc/zuul":
ensure => "directory",
# TODO: We should put in notify either Service['zuul'] or Exec['zuul-reload']
# at some point, but that still has some problems.
file { "/etc/zuul/zuul.conf":
owner => 'jenkins',
mode => 400,
ensure => 'present',
content => template('zuul/zuul.conf.erb'),
require => [File["/etc/zuul"], Package['jenkins']]
file { "/var/log/zuul":
ensure => "directory",
owner => 'jenkins',
require => Package['jenkins']
file { "/var/run/zuul":
ensure => "directory",
owner => 'jenkins',
require => Package['jenkins']
file { "/var/lib/zuul":
ensure => "directory",
owner => 'jenkins',
require => Package['jenkins']
file { "/var/lib/zuul/git":
ensure => "directory",
owner => 'jenkins',
require => Package['jenkins']
file { "/etc/init.d/zuul/":
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 555,
ensure => 'present',
source => 'puppet:///modules/zuul/zuul.init',
exec { "zuul-reload":
command => '/etc/init.d/zuul reload',
require => File['/etc/init.d/zuul'],
refreshonly => true,
service { 'zuul':
name => 'zuul',
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => File['/etc/init.d/zuul'],