The iptables class allowed specifying a list of public UDP ports, just like it has support for TCP. However, a couple of places needed to be updated to pass through the UDP port list to make it usable. Change-Id: I00764bf1d7baff862fa51a6cd03211fe9a29ecdd
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# == Class: openstack_project::server
# A server that we expect to run for some time
class openstack_project::server (
$iptables_public_tcp_ports = [],
$iptables_public_udp_ports = [],
$iptables_rules4 = [],
$iptables_rules6 = [],
$sysadmins = [],
$certname = $::fqdn
) {
class { 'openstack_project::template':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => $iptables_public_tcp_ports,
iptables_public_udp_ports => $iptables_public_udp_ports,
iptables_rules4 => $iptables_rules4,
iptables_rules6 => $iptables_rules6,
certname => $certname,
class { 'exim':
sysadmin => $sysadmins,
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
# Custom rsyslog config to disable /dev/xconsole noise on Debuntu servers
file { '/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
source =>
replace => true,
service { 'rsyslog':
ensure => running,
hasrestart => true,
subscribe => File['/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf'],
# Ubuntu installs their whoopsie package by default, but it eats through
# memory and we don't need it on servers
package { 'whoopsie':
ensure => absent,