Add the possibility to choose another username for jenkins_jobs_builder script. If you use another authentication method (LDAP for example), and the username is an email, the jenkins_job_builder fails, since gerrig isn't a valid user in the LDAP directory. This won't break the actual configuration. If the user don't set the jenkins_jobs_username, it will continue to use gerrig as default. Change-Id: I990cf15c4c583d3041725e8c8f1bd9beb29e0d0f
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# == Class: openstack_project::jenkins
class openstack_project::jenkins (
$vhost_name = $::fqdn,
$jenkins_jobs_password = '',
$jenkins_jobs_username = 'gerrig', # This is not a typo, well it isn't anymore.
$manage_jenkins_jobs = true,
$ssl_cert_file_contents = '',
$ssl_key_file_contents = '',
$ssl_chain_file_contents = '',
$jenkins_ssh_private_key = '',
$zmq_event_receivers = [],
$sysadmins = []
) {
include openstack_project
$iptables_rule = regsubst ($zmq_event_receivers, '^(.*)$', '-m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8888 -s \1 -j ACCEPT')
class { 'openstack_project::server':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => [80, 443],
iptables_rules6 => $iptables_rule,
iptables_rules4 => $iptables_rule,
sysadmins => $sysadmins,
if $ssl_chain_file_contents != '' {
$ssl_chain_file = '/etc/ssl/certs/intermediate.pem'
} else {
$ssl_chain_file = ''
class { '::jenkins::master':
vhost_name => $vhost_name,
serveradmin => 'webmaster@openstack.org',
logo => 'openstack.png',
ssl_cert_file => "/etc/ssl/certs/${vhost_name}.pem",
ssl_key_file => "/etc/ssl/private/${vhost_name}.key",
ssl_chain_file => $ssl_chain_file,
ssl_cert_file_contents => $ssl_cert_file_contents,
ssl_key_file_contents => $ssl_key_file_contents,
ssl_chain_file_contents => $ssl_chain_file_contents,
jenkins_ssh_private_key => $jenkins_ssh_private_key,
jenkins_ssh_public_key => $openstack_project::jenkins_ssh_key,
jenkins::plugin { 'ansicolor':
version => '0.3.1',
jenkins::plugin { 'bazaar':
version => '1.20',
jenkins::plugin { 'build-timeout':
version => '1.10',
jenkins::plugin { 'copyartifact':
version => '1.22',
jenkins::plugin { 'dashboard-view':
version => '2.3',
jenkins::plugin { 'envinject':
version => '1.70',
jenkins::plugin { 'gearman-plugin':
version => '0.0.3',
jenkins::plugin { 'git':
version => '1.1.23',
jenkins::plugin { 'github-api':
version => '1.33',
jenkins::plugin { 'github':
version => '1.4',
jenkins::plugin { 'greenballs':
version => '1.12',
jenkins::plugin { 'htmlpublisher':
version => '1.0',
jenkins::plugin { 'extended-read-permission':
version => '1.0',
jenkins::plugin { 'postbuild-task':
version => '1.8',
# TODO(clarkb): release
# jenkins::plugin { 'zmq-event-publisher':
# version => '1.0',
# }
jenkins::plugin { 'jclouds-jenkins':
version => '2.3.1',
# TODO(jeblair): release
# jenkins::plugin { 'scp':
# version => '1.9',
# }
jenkins::plugin { 'violations':
version => '0.7.11',
jenkins::plugin { 'jobConfigHistory':
version => '1.13',
jenkins::plugin { 'monitoring':
version => '1.40.0',
jenkins::plugin { 'nodelabelparameter':
version => '1.2.1',
jenkins::plugin { 'notification':
version => '1.4',
jenkins::plugin { 'openid':
version => '1.5',
jenkins::plugin { 'parameterized-trigger':
version => '2.15',
jenkins::plugin { 'publish-over-ftp':
version => '1.7',
jenkins::plugin { 'rebuild':
version => '1.14',
jenkins::plugin { 'simple-theme-plugin':
version => '0.2',
jenkins::plugin { 'timestamper':
version => '1.3.1',
jenkins::plugin { 'token-macro':
version => '1.5.1',
jenkins::plugin { 'url-change-trigger':
version => '1.2',
jenkins::plugin { 'urltrigger':
version => '0.24',
if $manage_jenkins_jobs == true {
class { '::jenkins::job_builder':
url => "https://${vhost_name}/",
username => $jenkins_jobs_username,
password => $jenkins_jobs_password,
file { '/etc/jenkins_jobs/config':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
recurse => true,
source =>
notify => Exec['jenkins_jobs_update'],
file { '/etc/default/jenkins':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/jenkins/jenkins.default',