* modules/logstash/manifests/init.pp: Download and install Logstash 1.2.1. * modules/openstack_project/files/logstash/log-gearman-client.py: Logstash 1.2.1 comes with a new schema. Update the job data sent to log push workers to better accomodate the new schema. * modules/openstack_project/files/logstash/log-gearman-worker.py: Push Logstash 1.2.1 schema compliant JSON to the Logstash TCP input. * modules/openstack_project/templates/logstash/indexer.conf.erb: Logstash 1.2.1 comes with a new schema and many input and filter changes. Use the newly supported features like conditionals to keep the config up to date. * modules/kibana/templates/config.rb.erb: Change the default field for kibana to 'message'. It was @message which is deprecated in the new logstash schema. Change-Id: Id19fc05bcce8d42c5c0cf33df3da7e95f5794107
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module KibanaConfig
# A Note: While the only option you really have to set is "Elasticsearch" it
# is HIGHLY recommended you glance over every option. I personally consider
# 'Facet_index_limit' really important.
# Your elastic search server(s). This may be set as an array for round robin
# load balancing
# Elasticsearch = ["elasticsearch1:9200","elasticsearch2:9200"]
Elasticsearch = ["<%= scope.lookupvar("::kibana::discover_nodes").join("\",\"") %>"]
#Set the Net::HTTP read/open timeouts for the connection to the ES backend
ElasticsearchTimeout = 500
# The port Kibana should listen on
KibanaPort = 5601
# The adress ip Kibana should listen on. Comment out or set to
# to listen on all interfaces.
KibanaHost = ''
# The record type as defined in your logstash configuration.
# Seperate multiple types with a comma, no spaces. Leave blank
# for all.
Type = ''
# Results to show per page
Per_page = 100
# Timezone. Leave this set to 'user' to have the user's browser autocorrect.
# Otherwise, set a timezone string
# Examples: 'UTC', 'America/Phoenix', 'Europe/Athens', MST
# You can use `date +%Z` on linux to get your timezone string
Timezone = 'UTC'
# Format for timestamps. Defaults to mm/dd HH:MM:ss.
# For syntax see: http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/date-time-format
# Time_format = 'isoDateTime'
Time_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd\'T\'HH:MM:ss.l'
# Change which fields are shown by default. Must be set as an array
# Default_fields = ['@fields.vhost','@fields.response','@fields.request']
Default_fields = ['message']
# If set to true, Kibana will use the Highlight feature of Elasticsearch to
# display highlighted search results
Highlight_results = true
# A field needs to be specified for the highlight feature. By default,
# Elasticsearch doesn't allow highlighting on _all because the field has to
# be either stored or part of the _source field.
Highlighted_field = "message"
# Make URLs clickable in detailed view
Clickable_URLs = true
# The default operator used if no explicit operator is specified.
# For example, with a default operator of OR, the query capital of
# Hungary is translated to capital OR of OR Hungary, and with default
# operator of AND, the same query is translated to capital AND of AND
# Hungary. The default value is OR.
Default_operator = 'OR'
# When using analyze, use this many of the most recent
# results for user's query
Analyze_limit = 2000
# Show this many results in analyze/trend/terms/stats modes
Analyze_show = 25
# Show this many results in an rss feed
Rss_show = 25
# Show this many results in an exported file
Export_show = 2000
# Delimit exported file fields with what?
# You may want to change this to something like "\t" (tab) if you have
# commas in your logs
Export_delimiter = ","
# You may wish to insert a default search which all user searches
# must match. For example @source_host:www1 might only show results
# from www1.
Filter = ''
# When searching, Kibana will attempt to only search indices
# that match your timeframe, to make searches faster. You can
# turn this behavior off if you use something other than daily
# indexing
Smart_index = true
# You can define your custom pattern here for index names if you
# use something other than daily indexing. Pattern needs to have
# date formatting like '%Y.%m.%d'. Will accept an array of smart
# indexes.
# Smart_index_pattern = ['logstash-web-%Y.%m.%d', 'logstash-mail-%Y.%m.%d']
Smart_index_pattern = 'logstash-%Y.%m.%d'
# Number of seconds between each index. 86400 = 1 day.
Smart_index_step = 86400
# ElasticSearch has a default limit on URL size for REST calls,
# so Kibana will fall back to _all if a search spans too many
# indices. Use this to set that 'too many' number. By default this
# is set really high, ES might not like this
Smart_index_limit = 150
# Elasticsearch has an internal mechanism called "faceting" for performing
# analysis that we use for the "Stats" and "Terms" modes. However, on large
# data sets/queries facetting can cause ES to crash if there isn't enough
# memory available. It is suggested that you limit the number of indices that
# Kibana will use for the "Stats" and "Terms" to prevent ES crashes. For very
# large data sets and undersized ES clusers, a limit of 1 is not unreasonable.
# Default is 0 (unlimited)
Facet_index_limit = 1
# You probably don't want to touch anything below this line
# unless you really know what you're doing
# Primary field. By default Elastic Search has a special
# field called _all that is searched when no field is specified.
# Dropping _all can reduce index size significantly. If you do that
# you'll need to change primary_field to be '@message'
Primary_field = 'message'
# Default Elastic Search index to query
Default_index = 'message'
# TODO: This isn't functional yet
# Prevent wildcard search terms which result in extremely slow queries
# See: http:#www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/query-dsl/wildcard-query.html
Disable_fullscan = false
# Set headers to allow kibana to be loaded in an iframe from a different origin.
Allow_iframed = false
# Use this interval as fallback.
Fallback_interval = 900