The default value is 1024, which causes issues for users that have starred more than that number of changes. Bump by 50% hoping that the possible performance impact will be moderate. [0] https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/config-gerrit.html#index Change-Id: I0c00110cfd6ba6d235821f6a5db7e1b91e2a8945
200 lines
5.0 KiB
200 lines
5.0 KiB
# This file is managed by ansible.
# https://opendev.org/opendev/system-config
basePath = git
canonicalWebUrl = https://{{ gerrit_vhost_name }}/
reportBugText = Get Help
reportBugUrl = "https://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/project.html#contributing"
gitHttpUrl = https://{{ gerrit_vhost_name }}/
serverId = {{ gerrit_serverid }}
# We have a long history of case sensitive usernames and need
# to preserve that behavior.
userNameCaseInsensitive = false
{% if not gerrit_run_init_dev_mode %}
contributorAgreements = true
cookieSecure = true
enableRunAs = true
openIdSsoUrl = https://login.ubuntu.com/+openid
{% else %}
# In dev mode it's very useful to be able to reload plugins
allowRemoteAdmin = true
{% endif %}
smtpServer = localhost
from = MIXED
includeDiff = false
threadPoolSize = 4
user = gerrit2
startupTimeout = 300
{% if gerrit_heap_limit is defined %}
heapLimit = {{ gerrit_heap_limit }}
{% endif %}
javaHome = /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
javaOptions = "-Dflogger.backend_factory=com.google.common.flogger.backend.log4j.Log4jBackendFactory#getInstance"
javaOptions = "-Dflogger.logging_context=com.google.gerrit.server.logging.LoggingContext#getInstance"
packedGitOpenFiles = {{ gerrit_packed_git_open_files }}
packedGitLimit = 400m
packedGitWindowSize = 16k
listenAddress = *:29418
threads = 100
# batchThreads = 0 means share the 100 thread pool set above.
batchThreads = 0
idleTimeout = 3600
maxConnectionsPerUser = 96
listenUrl = proxy-https://*:8081/
minThreads = 20
maxThreads = 150
maxQueued = 200
requestLog = true
performanceLogging = false
directory = cache
[cache "accounts"]
memoryLimit = 32768
[cache "accounts_byemail"]
memoryLimit = 32768
[cache "accounts_byname"]
memoryLimit = 32768
[cache "changeid_project"]
memoryLimit = 32768
[cache "groups_bysubgroup"]
memoryLimit = 2048
[cache "groups_byuuid"]
memoryLimit = 32768
[cache "permission_sort"]
memoryLimit = 2048
[cache "projects"]
memoryLimit = 4096
[cache "web_sessions"]
maxAge = 7days
# Set to @openstack.org because @opendev.org lacks a valid MX
email = review@openstack.org
allowDrafts = false
disablePrivateChanges = true
move = false
# Keep pre-3.4 behavior
mergeabilityComputationBehavior = API_REF_UPDATED_AND_CHANGE_REINDEX
# Explicitly enable this to avoid problems if the default changes
conflictsPredicateEnabled = true
maxObjectSizeLimit = 100 m
enableSignedPush = false
[commentlink "bugheader"]
match = "([Cc]loses|[Pp]artial|[Rr]elated)-[Bb]ug:\\s*#?(\\d+)"
link = https://launchpad.net/bugs/$2
html =
[commentlink "bug"]
match = "\\b[Bb]ug:? #?(\\d+)"
link = https://launchpad.net/bugs/$1
html =
[commentlink "story"]
match = "\\b[Ss]tory:? #?(\\d+)"
link = "{{ gerrit_storyboard_url }}/#!/story/$1"
html =
[commentlink "task"]
match = "\\b[Tt]ask:? #?(\\d+)"
link = "{{ gerrit_storyboard_url }}/#!/task/$1"
html =
[commentlink "its-storyboard"]
match = "\\b[Tt]ask:? #?(\\d+)"
link = task: $1
html =
[commentlink "blueprint"]
match = "(\\b[Bb]lue[Pp]rint\\b|\\b[Bb][Pp]\\b)[ \\t#:]*([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+)"
link = https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack/?searchtext=$2
html =
[commentlink "changeid"]
match = (I[0-9a-f]{8,40})
link = "/#/q/$1"
html =
[commentlink "gitsha"]
match = "(<p>|[\\s(])([0-9a-f]{40})(</p>|[\\s.,;:)])"
link =
html = "$1<a href=\"/#/q/$2\">$2</a>$3"
url = {{ gerrit_storyboard_url }}
[trackingid "launchpad-bug"]
match = "\\#?(\\d+)"
footer = closes-bug:
footer = partial-bug:
footer = related-bug:
system = Launchpad
[trackingid "storyboard-story"]
match = "\\#?(\\d+)"
footer = story:
system = Storyboard
[trackingid "storyboard-task"]
match = "\\#?(\\d+)"
footer = task:
system = Storyboard
[plugin "javamelody"]
allowTopMenu = false
# Custom code browser linking for Gitea.
branch = ${project}/src/branch/${branch}
file = ${project}/src/commit/${hash}/${file}
filehistory = ${project}/commits/branch/${branch}/${file}
linkname = gitea
project = ${project}
revision = ${project}/commit/${commit}
roottree = ${project}/src/commit/${commit}
type = custom
urlEncode = false
tag = ${project}/src/tag/${tag}
url = https://opendev.org/
maxTerms = 1536
type = LUCENE
threads = 8
command = checkout
command = cherry_pick
command = pull
command = format_patch
scheme = ssh
scheme = anon_http
archive = tar
archive = tbz2
archive = tgz
archive = txz
# Plugin commit-message-length-validator config
maxLineLength = 72
newGroupsVisibleToAll = true
[mimetype "image/*"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-yaml"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/xml"]
safe = true
[mimetype "application/xml"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-rst"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/plain"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-puppet"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-ini"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-properties"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/x-markdown"]
safe = true
[mimetype "text/css"]
safe = true