Khai Do 7011082193 upgrade review-dev from gerrit ver 2.4.x to ver 2.8
This patch will update gerrit on review-dev.o.o from our forked ver 2.4.x to
the upstream ver 2.8 release. The purpose is so we can test this newer version
before rolling it out to production.

gerrit upgrade documentation:

Change-Id: I9c4974fca4986ce8b94cd5bc4b6c87cc2920dde1
2013-12-04 18:31:39 +00:00

121 lines
4.4 KiB

# == Class: openstack_project::review_dev
class openstack_project::review_dev (
$github_oauth_token = '',
$github_project_username = '',
$github_project_password = '',
$mysql_password = '',
$mysql_root_password = '',
$email_private_key = '',
$contactstore_appsec = '',
$contactstore_pubkey = '',
$ssh_dsa_key_contents = '',
$ssh_dsa_pubkey_contents = '',
$ssh_rsa_key_contents = '',
$ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents = '',
$ssh_project_rsa_key_contents = '',
$ssh_project_rsa_pubkey_contents = '',
$lp_sync_consumer_key = '',
$lp_sync_token = '',
$lp_sync_secret = '',
$sysadmins = [],
$swift_username = '',
$swift_password = ''
) {
# Setup MySQL
class { 'gerrit::mysql':
mysql_root_password => $mysql_root_password,
database_name => 'reviewdb',
database_user => 'gerrit2',
database_password => $mysql_password,
class { 'openstack_project::gerrit':
vhost_name => '',
canonicalweburl => '',
ssl_cert_file => '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem',
ssl_key_file => '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key',
ssl_chain_file => '',
ssh_dsa_key_contents => $ssh_dsa_key_contents,
ssh_dsa_pubkey_contents => $ssh_dsa_pubkey_contents,
ssh_rsa_key_contents => $ssh_rsa_key_contents,
ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents => $ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents,
ssh_project_rsa_key_contents => $ssh_project_rsa_key_contents,
ssh_project_rsa_pubkey_contents => $ssh_project_rsa_pubkey_contents,
email => '',
war =>
contactstore => true,
contactstore_appsec => $contactstore_appsec,
contactstore_pubkey => $contactstore_pubkey,
contactstore_url =>
script_user => 'launchpadsync',
script_key_file => '/home/gerrit2/.ssh/launchpadsync_rsa',
script_logging_conf => '/home/gerrit2/.sync_logging.conf',
projects_file =>
github_username => 'openstack-gerrit-dev',
github_oauth_token => $github_oauth_token,
github_project_username => $github_project_username,
github_project_password => $github_project_password,
trivial_rebase_role_id =>
mysql_password => $mysql_password,
email_private_key => $email_private_key,
sysadmins => $sysadmins,
gitweb => false,
cgit => true,
web_repo_url => '',
swift_username => $swift_username,
swift_password => $swift_password,
replication => [
name => 'github',
url => '',
authGroup => 'Anonymous Users',
replicatePermissions => false,
mirror => true,
name => 'local',
url => 'file:///var/lib/git/',
replicationDelay => '0',
threads => '4',
mirror => true,
file { '/home/gerrit2/.ssh':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0700',
require => User['gerrit2'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/.launchpadlib':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0775',
require => User['gerrit2'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/.launchpadlib/creds':
ensure => present,
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0600',
content => template('openstack_project/gerrit_lp_creds.erb'),
replace => true,
require => User['gerrit2'],
include bup
bup::site { 'rs-ord':
backup_user => 'bup-review-dev',
backup_server => '',