After the 2.2.4 release we upgraded to a development commit between 2.2.4 and the future (at that time non existant) 2.2.5 release to fix integration between meetpad and etherpad. Now there is a proper 2.2.5 and we should update to get off the dev commit. This release fixes a number of bugs, updates dependencies, and adds proper swagger documentation for the API. The "complete" changelog can be seen here: https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/blob/v2.2.5/CHANGELOG.md Note that I don't believe the API has changed they are merely documenting it properly using swagger. Our testing should confirm. To expose the new swagger documentation we do add /api-docs/ and /api-docs.json to our proxy exclusion list. We also update our settings.json files to sync with upstream. This pulls in a new `updateServer` key value pair to set the location that should be checked by etherpad to determine if there is a newer version available. I believe this behavior has existing for years they are just now making it a bit more configurable. Unfortunately the way this value is used I think we will do a local file lookup if we set the value to "". I've stuck with the default since this shouldn't be a regression and we can try to disable it later. Change-Id: I73a09a0c79db18887cb1703c84f9aebae6f072eb
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