There is a mismatch between 'archive' modules between the modules provided by modules.env and the dependencies of puppet-grafana. Change-Id: I783e19243e79147d8d2e76dcd39a747993f0f1fb
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# == Class: openstack_project::grafana
# === Parameters
# [*cfg*]
# Manages the Grafana configuration file. The upstream puppet-grafana module
# documentaion: https://github.com/bfraser/puppet-grafana#cfg
class openstack_project::grafana (
$admin_password = '',
$admin_user = 'admin',
$grafana_cfg = {},
$mysql_host = '',
$mysql_name = 'grafana',
$mysql_user = 'grafana',
$secret_key = '',
$vhost_name = $::fqdn,
) {
include ::httpd
$grafana_cfg_defaults = {
# NOTE(pabelanger): app_mode must be the first key!
'app_mode' => 'production',
'analytics' => {
'reporting_enabled' => false,
'auth.anonymous' => {
enabled => true,
'database' => {
type => 'mysql',
host => "${mysql_host}:3306",
name => $mysql_name,
user => $mysql_user,
password => $mysql_password,
'security' => {
admin_password => $admin_password,
admin_user => $admin_user,
secret_key => $secret_key,
'server' => {
http_addr => '',
http_port => 8080,
'users' => {
allow_sign_up => false,
$grafana_cfg_merged = merge($grafana_cfg_defaults, $grafana_cfg)
class { '::grafana':
cfg => $grafana_cfg_merged,
# Note that we can't use archive because that install_method requires
# the camptocamp-archive module but we have puppetcommunity-archive
# in modules.env, and puppet only supports having one in the modulepath
# at a time.
install_method => 'repo',
version => '2.1.0',
::httpd::vhost { $vhost_name:
port => 80,
priority => '50',
template => 'openstack_project/grafana.vhost.erb',
httpd_mod { 'rewrite':
ensure => present,
httpd_mod { 'proxy':
ensure => present,
httpd_mod { 'proxy_http':
ensure => present,