Ian Wienand 694241ad77 docker: install rsyslog to capture container output
This started with me wondering why gerritbot was putting all its
output into /var/log/syslog -- it turns out Xenial docker is
configured to use journalctl (which forwards to syslog) and Bionic
onwards uses json-file.

Both are sub-optimial; but particularly the json-file because we lose
the logs when the container dies.  This proposes moving to a more
standard model of having the containers log to syslog and redirecting
that to files on disk.

Install a rsyslog configuration to capture "docker-*" program names
and put them into logfiles in /var/log/containers.  Also install
rotation for these files.

In an initial group of docker-compose files, setup logging to syslog
which should then be captured into these files.  Add some basic

If this works OK, I think we can standardise our docker-compose files
like this to caputure the logs the same everywhere.

Change-Id: I940a5b05057e832e2efad79d9a2ed5325020ed0c
2020-10-19 16:06:03 +11:00

70 lines
1.5 KiB

- name: Create docker directory
become: yes
state: directory
path: /etc/docker
- name: Install docker-ce from upstream
include: upstream.yaml
when: use_upstream_docker|bool
- name: Install docker-engine from distro
include: distro.yaml
when: not use_upstream_docker|bool
- name: reset ssh connection to pick up docker group
meta: reset_connection
# We install docker-compose from pypi to get features like
# stop_grace_period.
# On arm64 we need build-essential, python3-dev, libffi-dev, and libssl-dev
# because wheels don't exist for all the things on arm64
- name: Install arm64 dev pacakges
when: ansible_architecture == 'aarch64'
- build-essential
- python3-dev
- libffi-dev
- libssl-dev
state: present
- name: ensure pip3 is installed
name: pip3
- name: Install docker-compose
name: docker-compose
state: present
executable: pip3
- name: Install rsyslog redirector for container tags
src: '98-docker.conf'
dest: /etc/rsyslog.d/
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
- Restart rsyslog
- name: Ensure rsyslog restarted now
meta: flush_handlers
- name: Create container log directories
state: directory
path: /var/log/containers/
owner: syslog
group: adm
mode: 0775
- name: Install log rotation for docker files
name: logrotate
logrotate_file_name: '/var/log/containers/*.log'