The projects list is a common list for devs to interact with. The config in the list is not, but the config in the list means the file needs to be in an erb template. Split the two concerns, similar to zuul. Put the config in a config file and the project data in a yaml file. Change-Id: I708b8655b4b1ce377f3b7369e987418c1d72d977
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127 lines
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# == Class: openstack_project::review_dev
class openstack_project::review_dev (
$github_oauth_token = '',
$github_project_username = '',
$github_project_password = '',
$mysql_password = '',
$mysql_root_password = '',
$email_private_key = '',
$contactstore_appsec = '',
$contactstore_pubkey = '',
$ssh_dsa_key_contents = '',
$ssh_dsa_pubkey_contents = '',
$ssh_rsa_key_contents = '',
$ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents = '',
$ssh_project_rsa_key_contents = '',
$ssh_project_rsa_pubkey_contents = '',
$lp_sync_consumer_key = '',
$lp_sync_token = '',
$lp_sync_secret = '',
$sysadmins = [],
$swift_username = '',
$swift_password = ''
) {
realize (
# Setup MySQL
class { 'gerrit::mysql':
mysql_root_password => $mysql_root_password,
database_name => 'reviewdb',
database_user => 'gerrit2',
database_password => $mysql_password,
class { 'openstack_project::gerrit':
vhost_name => 'review-dev.openstack.org',
canonicalweburl => 'https://review-dev.openstack.org/',
ssl_cert_file => '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem',
ssl_key_file => '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key',
ssl_chain_file => '',
ssh_dsa_key_contents => $ssh_dsa_key_contents,
ssh_dsa_pubkey_contents => $ssh_dsa_pubkey_contents,
ssh_rsa_key_contents => $ssh_rsa_key_contents,
ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents => $ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents,
ssh_project_rsa_key_contents => $ssh_project_rsa_key_contents,
ssh_project_rsa_pubkey_contents => $ssh_project_rsa_pubkey_contents,
email => 'review-dev@openstack.org',
war =>
contactstore => true,
contactstore_appsec => $contactstore_appsec,
contactstore_pubkey => $contactstore_pubkey,
contactstore_url =>
script_user => 'launchpadsync',
script_key_file => '/home/gerrit2/.ssh/launchpadsync_rsa',
script_logging_conf => '/home/gerrit2/.sync_logging.conf',
projects_file =>
projects_config =>
github_username => 'openstack-gerrit-dev',
github_oauth_token => $github_oauth_token,
github_project_username => $github_project_username,
github_project_password => $github_project_password,
trivial_rebase_role_id =>
mysql_password => $mysql_password,
email_private_key => $email_private_key,
sysadmins => $sysadmins,
gitweb => false,
cgit => true,
web_repo_url => 'https://git.openstack.org/cgit/',
swift_username => $swift_username,
swift_password => $swift_password,
replication => [
name => 'github',
url => 'git@github.com:',
authGroup => 'Anonymous Users',
replicatePermissions => false,
mirror => true,
name => 'local',
url => 'file:///var/lib/git/',
replicationDelay => '0',
threads => '4',
mirror => true,
file { '/home/gerrit2/.ssh':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0700',
require => User['gerrit2'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/.launchpadlib':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0775',
require => User['gerrit2'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/.launchpadlib/creds':
ensure => present,
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0600',
content => template('openstack_project/gerrit_lp_creds.erb'),
replace => true,
require => User['gerrit2'],
include bup
bup::site { 'rs-ord':
backup_user => 'bup-review-dev',
backup_server => 'ci-backup-rs-ord.openstack.org',