Alex Gaynor 4e8e6cc976 Removed handling for ids of "None"
The server no longer sends them

Change-Id: Idc555754c284c2ebfc4dd5ba9fdd10f1655a7945
2013-10-03 19:46:20 -07:00

396 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2012-2013 OpenStack Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
window.zuul_enable_status_updates = true;
window.zuul_filter = [];
function format_time(ms, words) {
if (ms == null) {
return "unknown";
var seconds = (+ms)/1000;
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);
var hours = Math.floor(minutes/60);
seconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
minutes = Math.floor(minutes % 60);
r = '';
if (words) {
if (hours) {
r += hours;
r += ' hr ';
r += minutes + ' min';
} else {
if (hours < 10) r += '0';
r += hours + ':';
if (minutes < 10) r += '0';
r += minutes + ':';
if (seconds < 10) r += '0';
r += seconds;
return r;
function format_progress(elapsed, remaining) {
if (remaining != null) {
total = elapsed + remaining;
} else {
total = null;
r = '<progress class="change_progress" title="' +
format_time(elapsed, false) + ' elapsed, ' +
format_time(remaining, false)+' remaining" ' +
'value="'+elapsed+'" max="'+total+'">in progress</progress>';
return r;
function is_hide_project(project) {
var filters = window.zuul_filter;
if (filters.length == 0) {
return false;
var hide = true;
$.each(filters, function(filter_i, filter) {
if(project.indexOf(filter) != -1)
hide = false;
return hide;
function remove(l, idx) {
l[idx] = null;
while (l[l.length-1] === null) {
function create_tree(pipeline) {
var count = 0;
var pipeline_max_tree_columns = 1;
$.each(pipeline['change_queues'], function(change_queue_i, change_queue) {
var tree = [];
var max_tree_columns = 1;
var changes = [];
var last_tree_length = 0;
$.each(change_queue['heads'], function(head_i, head) {
$.each(head, function(change_i, change) {
changes[change['id']] = change;
change['_tree_position'] = change_i;
$.each(change_queue['heads'], function(head_i, head) {
$.each(head, function(change_i, change) {
count += 1;
var idx = tree.indexOf(change['id']);
if (idx > -1) {
change['_tree_index'] = idx;
remove(tree, idx);
} else {
change['_tree_index'] = 0;
change['_tree_branches'] = [];
change['_tree'] = [];
change['items_behind'].sort(function(a, b) {
return changes[b]['_tree_position'] - changes[a]['_tree_position'];
$.each(change['items_behind'], function(i, id) {
if (tree.length>last_tree_length && last_tree_length > 0)
if (tree.length > max_tree_columns) {
max_tree_columns = tree.length;
if (tree.length > pipeline_max_tree_columns) {
pipeline_max_tree_columns = tree.length;
change['_tree'] = tree.slice(0); // make a copy
last_tree_length = tree.length;
change_queue['_tree_columns'] = max_tree_columns;
pipeline['_tree_columns'] = pipeline_max_tree_columns;
return count;
function get_sparkline_url(pipeline_name) {
if (!(pipeline_name in window.zuul_sparkline_urls)) {
window.zuul_sparkline_urls[pipeline_name] = $.fn.graphite.geturl({
url: "",
from: "-8hours",
width: 100,
height: 16,
margin: 0,
hideLegend: true,
hideAxes: true,
hideGrid: true,
target: [
"color(stats.gauges.zuul.pipeline."+pipeline_name+".current_changes, '6b8182')",
return window.zuul_sparkline_urls[pipeline_name];
function format_pipeline(data) {
var count = create_tree(data);
var width = (16 * data['_tree_columns']) + 300;
var html = '<div class="pipeline" style="width:'+width+'"><h3 class="subhead">'+
html += '<span class="count"><img src="' + get_sparkline_url(data['name']);
html += '" title="8 hour history of changes in pipeline"/>';
if (count > 0) {
html += ' (' + count + ')';
html += '</span></h3>';
if (data['description'] != null) {
html += '<p>'+data['description']+'</p>';
$.each(data['change_queues'], function(change_queue_i, change_queue) {
$.each(change_queue['heads'], function(head_i, head) {
var projects = "";
var hide_queue = true;
$.each(head, function(change_i, change) {
projects += change['project'] + "|";
hide_queue &= is_hide_project(change['project']);
html += '<div project="' + projects + '" style="'
+ (hide_queue ? 'display:none;' : '') + '">';
if (data['change_queues'].length > 1 && head_i == 0) {
html += '<div> Change queue: ';
var name = change_queue['name'];
html += '<a title="' + name + '">';
if (name.length > 32) {
name = name.substr(0,32) + '...';
html += name + '</a></div>';
html += '<table>'
$.each(head, function(change_i, change) {
html += format_change(change, change_queue);
html += '</table></div>'
html += '</div>';
return html;
function safe_id(id) {
if (id === null) {
return "null";
return id.replace(',', '_');
function format_change(change, change_queue) {
var html = '<tr>';
for (var i=0; i<change_queue['_tree_columns']; i++) {
var cls = 'tree';
if (i < change['_tree'].length && change['_tree'][i] !== null) {
cls += ' line';
html += '<td class="'+cls+'">';
if (i == change['_tree_index']) {
if (change['failing_reasons'] && change['failing_reasons'].length > 0) {
html += '<img src="red.png" title="Failing because '+
change['failing_reasons'].join(', ')+'"/>';
} else {
html += '<img src="green.png" title="Succeeding"/>';
if (change['_tree_branches'].indexOf(i) != -1) {
if (change['_tree_branches'].indexOf(i) == change['_tree_branches'].length-1)
html += '<img src="line-angle.png"/>';
html += '<img src="line-t.png"/>';
html += '</td>';
html += '<td class="change-container">';
html += '<div class="change" id="' + safe_id(change['id']) + '"><div class="header">';
html += '<span class="project">' + change['project'] + '</span>';
var id = change['id'];
var url = change['url'];
if (id !== null) {
if (id.length == 40) {
id = id.substr(0,7);
html += '<span class="changeid">';
if (url !== null) {
html += '<a href="'+url+'">';
html += id;
if (url !== null) {
html += '</a>';
html += '</span><span class="time">';
html += format_time(change['remaining_time'], true);
html += '</span></div><div class="jobs">';
$.each(change['jobs'], function(i, job) {
result = job['result'];
var result_class = "result";
if (result === null) {
if (job['url'] !== null) {
result = 'in progress';
} else {
result = 'queued';
} else if (result == 'SUCCESS') {
result_class += " result_success";
} else if (result == 'FAILURE') {
result_class += " result_failure";
} else if (result == 'LOST') {
result_class += " result_unstable";
} else if (result == 'UNSTABLE') {
result_class += " result_unstable";
html += '<span class="job">';
if (job['url'] !== null) {
html += '<a href="'+job['url']+'">';
html += job['name'];
if (job['url'] !== null) {
html += '</a>';
html += ': ';
if (job['result'] === null && job['url'] !== null) {
html += format_progress(job['elapsed_time'], job['remaining_time']);
} else {
html += '<span class="result '+result_class+'">'+result+'</span>';
if (job['voting'] == false) {
html += ' (non-voting)';
html += '</span>';
html += '</div></div></td></tr>';
return html;
function update_timeout() {
if (!window.zuul_enable_status_updates) {
setTimeout(update_timeout, 5000);
window.zuul_graph_update_count += 1;
/* Only update graphs every minute */
if (window.zuul_graph_update_count > 11) {
window.zuul_graph_update_count = 0;
setTimeout(update_timeout, 5000);
function update() {
var html = '';
$.getJSON('', function(data) {
if ('message' in data) {
$("#message").attr('class', 'alertbox');
} else {
html += '<br style="clear:both"/>';
$.each(data['pipelines'], function(i, pipeline) {
html = html + format_pipeline(pipeline);
html += '<br style="clear:both"/>';
function update_graphs() {
$('.graph').each(function(i, img) {
var newimg = new Image();
var parts = img.src.split('#');
newimg.src = parts[0] + '#' + new Date().getTime();
$(newimg).load(function (x) {
img.src = newimg.src;
$.each(window.zuul_sparkline_urls, function(name, url) {
var newimg = new Image();
var parts = url.split('#');
newimg.src = parts[0] + '#' + new Date().getTime();
$(newimg).load(function (x) {
window.zuul_sparkline_urls[name] = newimg.src;
$(function() {
window.zuul_graph_update_count = 0;
window.zuul_sparkline_urls = {};
'show.visibility': function() {
window.zuul_enable_status_updates = true;
'hide.visibility': function() {
window.zuul_enable_status_updates = false;
$('#projects_filter').live('keyup change', function () {
window.zuul_filter = $('#projects_filter').val().trim().split(',');
window.zuul_filter = window.zuul_filter.filter(function(n){
return n;
$.each($('div[project]'), function (idx, val) {
val = $(val);
var project = val.attr('project');
if (is_hide_project(project)) {
} else {;