Jeremy Stanley 5baefe21af Install ptgbot on eavesdrop.o.o
This installs the ptgbot Puppet module so it will run from the server and generate its Web content there.
Include some rudimentary operational documentation.

Change-Id: I92ddbbb683dede2c325f70267bd5e26884a35c01
Depends-On: Idb1fc5273b67ab88e1c78578275969b04c781c7a
2017-07-06 21:03:48 +00:00

138 lines
3.7 KiB

# Eavesdrop server
class openstack_project::eavesdrop (
$nickpass = '',
$statusbot_nick = '',
$statusbot_password = '',
$statusbot_server = '',
$statusbot_channels = '',
$statusbot_auth_nicks = '',
$statusbot_wiki_user = '',
$statusbot_wiki_password = '',
$statusbot_wiki_url = '',
$statusbot_wiki_pageid = '',
$statusbot_wiki_successpageid = '',
$statusbot_irclogs_url = '',
$statusbot_twitter = undef,
$statusbot_twitter_key = '',
$statusbot_twitter_secret = '',
$statusbot_twitter_token_key = '',
$statusbot_twitter_token_secret = '',
$accessbot_nick = '',
$accessbot_password = '',
$project_config_repo = '',
$meetbot_channels = [],
$ptgbot_nick = '',
$ptgbot_password = '',
) {
include ::httpd
include meetbot
$vhost_extra = '
<Location /alert>
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
meetbot::site { 'openstack':
nick => 'openstack',
nickpass => $nickpass,
network => 'FreeNode',
server => '',
use_ssl => 'True',
vhost_extra => $vhost_extra,
manage_index => false,
channels => $meetbot_channels,
class { 'statusbot':
nick => $statusbot_nick,
password => $statusbot_password,
server => $statusbot_server,
channels => $statusbot_channels,
auth_nicks => $statusbot_auth_nicks,
wiki_user => $statusbot_wiki_user,
wiki_password => $statusbot_wiki_password,
wiki_url => $statusbot_wiki_url,
wiki_pageid => $statusbot_wiki_pageid,
wiki_successpageid => $statusbot_wiki_successpageid,
irclogs_url => $statusbot_irclogs_url,
twitter => $statusbot_twitter,
twitter_key => $statusbot_twitter_key,
twitter_secret => $statusbot_twitter_secret,
twitter_token_key => $statusbot_twitter_token_key,
twitter_token_secret => $statusbot_twitter_token_secret,
file { '/srv/meetbot-openstack/alert':
ensure => link,
target => '/var/lib/statusbot/www',
require => Class['statusbot'],
if ! defined(Httpd::Mod['headers']) {
httpd::mod { 'headers':
ensure => present,
class { 'project_config':
url => $project_config_repo,
class { 'accessbot':
nick => $accessbot_nick,
password => $accessbot_password,
server => $statusbot_server,
channel_file => $::project_config::accessbot_channels_yaml,
require => $::project_config::config_dir,
# Needed to allow Jenkins jobs to publish meeting info to
# the eavesdrop server.
include openstack_project
class { 'jenkins::jenkinsuser':
ssh_key => $openstack_project::jenkins_ssh_key,
file { '/srv/yaml2ical':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'jenkins',
group => 'jenkins',
require => User['jenkins'],
file { '/srv/yaml2ical/calendars':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'jenkins',
group => 'jenkins',
require => File['/srv/yaml2ical'],
file { '/srv/meetbot-openstack/index.html':
ensure => link,
target => '/srv/yaml2ical/index.html',
require => File['/srv/yaml2ical'],
file { '/srv/meetbot-openstack/irc-meetings.ical':
ensure => link,
target => '/srv/yaml2ical/irc-meetings.ical',
require => File['/srv/yaml2ical'],
file { '/srv/meetbot-openstack/calendars/':
ensure => link,
target => '/srv/yaml2ical/calendars/',
require => File['/srv/yaml2ical'],
class { 'ptgbot':
nick => $ptgbot_nick,
password => $ptgbot_password,
channel => '#openstack-ptg',
vhost_name => '',