The centos-minimal dib build is failing as it tries to cache some packages that have dependencies on python-setuptools. Since I556b2cec249ef46e09ffca3cd75521e0beeb7779 we have been installing a yum.conf that has an "excludes" for this package. We have not noticed this on the existing dib builds because they have python-setuptools already installed in the base-image as part of the cloud-init install. So this satisfies the dependency; however on the minimal builds the package is not there, and the exclude means the packages dependencies that can not be satisfied and the build stops. The original code has since been removed. I think the problem of some parts of the packaged setuptools conflicting was probably due to the large version delta between whatever was in CentOS6 to a current pip install. Clearly the issue doesn't exist with pip installing over the Centos7 version (because it's working now), but for an abundance of caution let's pre-install the packaged version, clear it out, then install from pip. Change-Id: I35408717dc340271dea3d857bc19ea1590e84361
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# == Class: openstack_project::template
# A template host with no running services
class openstack_project::template (
$iptables_public_tcp_ports = [],
$iptables_public_udp_ports = [],
$iptables_rules4 = [],
$iptables_rules6 = [],
$pin_puppet = '3.',
$install_users = true,
$install_resolv_conf = true,
$automatic_upgrades = true,
$certname = $::fqdn,
$ca_server = undef,
$enable_unbound = true,
$afs = false,
$afs_cache_size = 500000,
$puppetmaster_server = 'puppetmaster.openstack.org',
$manage_exim = false,
$sysadmins = [],
$pypi_index_url = 'https://pypi.python.org/simple',
$pypi_trusted_hosts = [
$purge_apt_sources = false,
) {
# Classes for all hosts
include ntp
include snmpd
include sudoers
include openstack_project::params
include openstack_project::users
class { 'ssh':
trusted_ssh_source => $puppetmaster_server,
if ( $afs ) {
$all_udp = concat(
$iptables_public_udp_ports, [7001])
class { 'openafs::client':
cell => 'openstack.org',
realm => 'OPENSTACK.ORG',
admin_server => 'kdc.openstack.org',
cache_size => $afs_cache_size,
kdcs => [
} else {
$all_udp = $iptables_public_udp_ports
class { 'iptables':
public_tcp_ports => $iptables_public_tcp_ports,
public_udp_ports => $all_udp,
rules4 => $iptables_rules4,
rules6 => $iptables_rules6,
class { 'timezone':
timezone => 'Etc/UTC',
# Process if ( $high_level_directive ) blocks
if $manage_exim {
class { 'exim':
sysadmins => $sysadmins,
if $automatic_upgrades == true {
class { 'openstack_project::automatic_upgrades':
origins => ["Puppetlabs:${lsbdistcodename}"],
class {'openstack_project::users_install':
install_users => $install_users
if ($enable_unbound) {
class { 'unbound':
install_resolv_conf => $install_resolv_conf
if ($::in_chroot) {
notify { 'rsyslog in chroot':
message => 'rsyslog not refreshed, running in chroot',
$rsyslog_notify = []
} else {
service { 'rsyslog':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => Package['rsyslog'],
$rsyslog_notify = [ Service['rsyslog'] ]
# System tweaks
# Increase syslog message size in order to capture
# python tracebacks with syslog.
file { '/etc/rsyslog.d/99-maxsize.conf':
ensure => present,
# Note MaxMessageSize is not a puppet variable.
content => '$MaxMessageSize 6k',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
notify => $rsyslog_notify,
require => Package['rsyslog'],
# We don't like byobu
file { '/etc/profile.d/Z98-byobu.sh':
ensure => absent,
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
# Custom rsyslog config to disable /dev/xconsole noise on Debuntu servers
file { '/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
source =>
replace => true,
notify => $rsyslog_notify,
require => Package['rsyslog'],
# Ubuntu installs their whoopsie package by default, but it eats through
# memory and we don't need it on servers
package { 'whoopsie':
ensure => absent,
package { 'popularity-contest':
ensure => absent,
# Package resources for all operating systems
package { 'lvm2':
ensure => present,
package { 'strace':
ensure => present,
package { 'tcpdump':
ensure => present,
package { 'rsyslog':
ensure => present,
package { 'git':
ensure => present,
package { 'rsync':
ensure => present,
package { $::openstack_project::params::packages:
ensure => present
# Package resources for specific operating systems
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
# Purge and augment existing /etc/apt/sources.list if requested
class { '::apt':
purge => { 'sources.list' => $purge_apt_sources }
if $purge_apt_sources == true {
file { '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/openstack-infra.list':
ensure => present,
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
owner => 'root',
source => "puppet:///modules/openstack_project/sources.list.${::lsbdistcodename}",
# Make sure dig is installed
package { 'dnsutils':
ensure => present,
'RedHat': {
# Make sure dig is installed
package { 'bind-utils':
ensure => present,
# Manage python/pip
$desired_virtualenv = '13.1.0'
class { '::pip':
index_url => $pypi_index_url,
trusted_hosts => $pypi_trusted_hosts,
optional_settings => {
'extra-index-url' => '',
manage_pip_conf => true,
if (( versioncmp($::virtualenv_version, $desired_virtualenv) < 0 )) {
$virtualenv_ensure = $desired_virtualenv
} else {
$virtualenv_ensure = present
package { 'virtualenv':
ensure => $virtualenv_ensure,
provider => pip,
require => Class['pip'],
# Manage Root ssh
if ! defined(File['/root/.ssh']) {
file { '/root/.ssh':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0700',
ssh_authorized_key { 'puppet-remote-2014-04-17':
ensure => absent,
user => 'root',
ssh_authorized_key { 'puppet-remote-2014-05-24':
ensure => absent,
user => 'root',
ssh_authorized_key { 'puppet-remote-2014-09-11':
ensure => absent,
user => 'root',
ssh_authorized_key { 'puppet-remote-2014-09-15':
ensure => present,
user => 'root',
type => 'ssh-rsa',
key => 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDSLlN41ftgxkNeUi/kATYPwMPjJdMaSbgokSb9PSkRPZE7GeNai60BCfhu+ky8h5eMe70Bpwb7mQ7GAtHGXPNU1SRBPhMuVN9EYrQbt5KSiwuiTXtQHsWyYrSKtB+XGbl2PhpMQ/TPVtFoL5usxu/MYaakVkCEbt5IbPYNg88/NKPixicJuhi0qsd+l1X1zoc1+Fn87PlwMoIgfLIktwaL8hw9mzqr+pPcDIjCFQQWnjqJVEObOcMstBT20XwKj/ymiH+6p123nnlIHilACJzXhmIZIZO+EGkNF7KyXpcBSfv9efPI+VCE2TOv/scJFdEHtDFkl2kdUBYPC0wQ92rp',
options => [
require => File['/root/.ssh'],
ssh_authorized_key { '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys':
ensure => absent,
user => 'root',
file_line { 'ensure NoRoaming for ssh clients':
after => '^Host *',
path => '/etc/ssh/ssh_config',
line => ' UseRoaming no',
# Manage Puppet
# possible TODO: break this into openstack_project::puppet
case $pin_puppet {
'2.7.': {
$pin_facter = '1.'
$pin_puppetdb = '1.'
/^3\./: {
$pin_facter = '2.'
$pin_puppetdb = '2.'
default: {
fail("Puppet version not supported")
if ($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora') {
package { 'hiera':
ensure => latest,
provider => 'gem',
exec { 'symlink hiera modules' :
command => 'ln -s /usr/local/share/gems/gems/hiera-puppet-* /etc/puppet/modules/',
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
subscribe => Package['hiera'],
refreshonly => true,
# Which Puppet do I take?
# Take $puppet_version and pin to that version
if ($::osfamily == 'Debian') {
# Note(JR): Puppetlabs does not support Ubuntu Vivid currently, but it
# also seems that distro packages are recent enough
if ($::operatingsystemrelease != '15.04') {
apt::source { 'puppetlabs':
location => 'http://apt.puppetlabs.com',
repos => 'main',
key => {
'id' =>'47B320EB4C7C375AA9DAE1A01054B7A24BD6EC30',
'server' => 'pgp.mit.edu',
file { '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80retry':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/80retry',
replace => true,
file { '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90no-translations':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/90no-translations',
replace => true,
file { '/etc/apt/preferences.d/00-puppet.pref':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
content => template('openstack_project/00-puppet.pref.erb'),
replace => true,
file { '/etc/default/puppet':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/puppet.default',
replace => true,
if ($::operatingsystem == 'CentOS') {
if ($::operatingsystemmajrelease == '6') {
$puppet_repo_source_path =
$custom_cgit = present
} elsif ($::operatingsystemmajrelease == '7') {
$puppet_repo_source_path =
$custom_cgit = absent
file { '/etc/yum.repos.d/puppetlabs.repo':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => $puppet_repo_source_path,
replace => true,
# This git package includes a small work-around for slow https
# cloning performance, as discussed in redhat bz#1237395. Should
# be fixed in 6.8
file { '/etc/yum.repos.d/git-1237395.repo':
ensure => $custom_cgit,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/git-1237395.repo',
replace => true,
$puppet_version = $pin_puppet
file { '/etc/puppet/puppet.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
content => template('openstack_project/puppet.conf.erb'),
replace => true,
service { 'puppet':
ensure => stopped,
file { '/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0555',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/puppet/hiera.yaml',
replace => true,
file {'/etc/puppet/environments':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
file {'/etc/puppet/environments/production':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
file {'/etc/puppet/environments/production/environment.conf':
ensure => file,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/puppet/production_environment.conf',