It seems newer focal images force you to use the ubuntu user account. We already have code that attempts to fallback to ubuntu, but we were not properly catching the error when root fails which caused the whole script to fail. Address this by catching the exception, logging a message, then continuing to the next possible option. If no possible options are found we raise an exception already which handles the worst case situation. Change-Id: Ie6013763daff01063840abce193050b33120a7a2
Create Server
The commands in this section should be run as root.
To launch a node in the OpenStack CI account (production servers):
export OS_CLOUD=openstackci-rax
export FLAVOR="8 GB Performance"
export FQDN=servername01.opendev.org
cd /opt/system-config/launch/
./launch-node.py $FQDN --flavor "$FLAVOR" \
--cloud=$OS_CLOUD --region=$OS_REGION_NAME
Manually add the hostname to DNS (the launch script does not do so automatically, but it prints the commands to run). Note that for *.opendev.org hosts you'll only be able to add the reverse dns records via the printed commands. Forward A and AAAA records should be added to opendev/zone-opendev.org/zones/opendev.org/zone.db.
We need to add the host to our static inventory file so that the ansible runs see the new host. The launch script prints out the appropriate lines to add to opendev/system-config:inventory/openstack.yaml.
In order for Ansible to work, you also need to accept the root SSH key for the new server. Once the new DNS entries have propagated, as root on bridge.openstack.org:
ssh root@$FQDN
Verify the fingerprint of the new server and type "yes" to accept. Then you can log out.
Add DNS Records
The launch-node script will print the commands needed to be run to configure DNS for a newly launched server. To see the commands for an existing server, run:
./dns.py $FQDN