Matthew Treinish 2bc5dd7ca4
Add imap delete config to lpmqtt and remove ssl
We need to conserve space on the disk of firehose, this commit sets
lpmqtt to delete emails after it processes them.

Change-Id: I3c917df78e27762efcbf5ce07766702380ae2cc5
2016-09-19 09:14:47 -04:00

102 lines
2.6 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# firehose glue class.
class openstack_project::firehose (
$sysadmins = [],
$gerrit_username = 'germqtt',
$mqtt_hostname = '',
$mqtt_username = 'infra',
) {
include mosquitto
class {'mosquitto::server':
infra_service_username => $mqtt_username,
infra_service_password => $mqtt_password,
enable_tls => true,
ca_file => $ca_file,
cert_file => $cert_file,
key_file => $key_file,
include germqtt
class {'germqtt::server':
gerrit_username => $gerrit_username,
gerrit_public_key => $gerrit_public_key,
gerrit_private_key => $gerrit_private_key,
gerrit_ssh_host_key => $gerrit_ssh_host_key,
mqtt_username => $mqtt_username,
mqtt_password => $mqtt_password,
package {'cyrus-imapd':
ensure => latest,
package {'sasl2-bin':
ensure => latest,
package {'cyrus-admin':
ensure => latest,
service {'cyrus-imapd':
ensure => running,
class {'::exim':
sysadmins => $sysadmins,
routers => [
{'cyrus' => {
'driver' => 'accept',
'domains' => '+local_domains',
'local_part_suffix' => '+*',
'local_part_suffix_optional' => true,
'transport' => 'cyrus',
transports => [
{'cyrus' => {
'driver' => 'lmtp',
'socket' => '/var/run/cyrus/socket/lmtp',
'user' => 'cyrus',
'batch_max' => '35',
require => Package['cyrus-imapd'],
include lpmqtt
class {'lpmqtt::server':
mqtt_username => $mqtt_username,
mqtt_password => $mqtt_password,
imap_hostname => $imap_hostname,
imap_username => $imap_username,
imap_password => $imap_password,
imap_use_ssl => false,
imap_delete_old => true,