Jeremy Stanley 6b7d540833 Gerrit Trivial Rebase Detection
Adds for bug 881184.

* modules/openstack_project/files/gerrit/scripts/ A
modified version of the contrib/ included in upstream
Gerrit's git tree (we'll try to get individual patches submitted
upstream soon):

    git clone

* modules/openstack_project/files/gerrit/patchset-created: Moved to
modules/openstack_project/templates/gerrit_patchset-created.erb and
added an entry for the script with variables for its
command-line options sourced from gerrit.pp and review{,_dev}.pp.

* modules/openstack_project/manifests/gerrit.pp: Changed the file
definition for /home/gerrit2/review_site/hooks/patchset-created to use a
template, adding the ssh_host_key and trivial_rebase_role_id variables
it requires. Added a file entry for as well, since
we're putting it in modules/openstack_project instead of modules/gerrit
where the existing scripts reside (we'll eventually want to move all of
modules/gerrit/files/scripts out of there at some point, but not now).

* modules/openstack_project/manifests/review_dev.pp: Override the
trivial_rebase_role_id variable to trivial-rebase@review-dev.o.o on

* modules/openstack_project/manifests/review.pp: Override the
trivial_rebase_role_id variable to trivial-rebase@review.o.o on review.

Change-Id: I941f15525c72b84708ae1de6832834eb53ab6863
Reviewed-by: Clark Boylan <>
Reviewed-by: James E. Blair <>
Approved: James E. Blair <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
2012-09-10 16:20:09 +00:00

177 lines
5.4 KiB

# A wrapper class around the main gerrit class that sets gerrit
# up for launchpad single sign on, bug/blueprint links and user
# import and sync
# TODO: launchpadlib creds for user sync script
class openstack_project::gerrit (
) {
class { 'openstack_project::server':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => [80, 443, 29418],
sysadmins => $sysadmins
class { '::gerrit':
vhost_name => $vhost_name,
canonicalweburl => $canonicalweburl,
# opinions
enable_melody => 'true',
melody_session => 'true',
# passthrough
ssl_cert_file => $ssl_cert_file,
ssl_key_file => $ssl_key_file,
ssl_chain_file => $ssl_chain_file,
email => $email,
openidssourl => "",
database_poollimit => $database_poollimit,
container_heaplimit => $container_heaplimit,
core_packedgitopenfiles => $core_packedgitopenfiles,
core_packedgitlimit => $core_packedgitlimit,
core_packedgitwindowsize => $core_packedgitwindowsize,
sshd_threads => $sshd_threads,
httpd_acceptorthreads => $httpd_acceptorthreads,
httpd_minthreads => $httpd_minthreads,
httpd_maxthreads => $httpd_maxthreads,
httpd_maxwait => $httpd_maxwait,
commentlinks => [ { name => 'changeid',
match => '(I[0-9a-f]{8,40})',
link => '#q,$1,n,z' },
{ name => 'launchpad',
match => '([Bb]ug|[Ll][Pp])[\\s#:]*(\\d+)',
link => '$2' },
{ name => 'blueprint',
match => '([Bb]lue[Pp]rint|[Bb][Pp])[\\s#:]*([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+)',
link => '$2' },
war => $war,
mysql_password => $mysql_password,
mysql_root_password => $mysql_root_password,
email_private_key => $email_private_key,
projects_file => $projects_file,
replicate_github => true,
testmode => $testmode,
require => Class[openstack_project::server],
if ($testmode == false) {
class { 'gerrit::cron':
script_user => $script_user,
script_key_file => $script_key_file,
class { 'github':
username => $github_username,
oauth_token => $github_oauth_token,
require => Class['::gerrit']
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/static/echosign-cla.html':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 444,
ensure => 'present',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/echosign-cla.html',
replace => 'true',
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/static/title.png':
ensure => 'present',
source => "puppet:///modules/openstack_project/openstack.png",
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/static/openstack-page-bkg.jpg':
ensure => 'present',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/openstack-page-bkg.jpg',
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/GerritSite.css':
ensure => 'present',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/GerritSite.css',
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/GerritSiteHeader.html':
ensure => 'present',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/GerritSiteHeader.html',
require => Class['::gerrit'],
cron { "gerritsyncusers":
ensure => absent,
class { "launchpad_sync":
user => "gerrit2",
script_user => $script_user,
script_key_file => $script_key_file,
script_logging_conf => $script_logging_conf,
site => "openstack",
root_team => "openstack",
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/hooks/change-merged':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 555,
ensure => 'present',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/change-merged',
replace => 'true',
require => Class['::gerrit']
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/hooks/patchset-created':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 555,
ensure => 'present',
content => template('openstack_project/gerrit_patchset-created.erb'),
replace => 'true',
require => Class['::gerrit']
file { '/usr/local/gerrit/scripts/':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 444,
ensure => 'present',
source =>
replace => 'true',
require => Class['::gerrit']