Khai Do 38dc89814f Increase the HTTP incoming connection queue
Upstream Gerrit confirms that the default value for the httpd.maxQueued
value was set too low.  The fix[1] for it was to change the default to
200 however the fix is only in version 2.12+ not in 2.11.

clarkb confirmed that we are seeing the same error (stack trace linked
in 1st ml thread in upstream fix[1]) in review.o.o logs.  This likey
indicates that VM starvation (due to GC) is making Gerrit to slow to
process incoming client requests so it pushes more requests into the
queue than it can handle.  Once the queue is exhausted the requests
get rejected with 500 errors.  Increasing the max number of client
connections may help alleviate this situation until Gerrit can catch


depends-on: Iea202fcfe7af4a9d5b4c3a360124c24649b1133b
Change-Id: I8d6c8d9ec6348fc6b950744237e527133a625bbe
2016-02-04 09:44:28 -08:00

498 lines
17 KiB

# == Class: openstack_project::gerrit
# A wrapper class around the main gerrit class that sets gerrit
# up for launchpad single sign on and bug/blueprint links
class openstack_project::gerrit (
$vhost_name = $::fqdn,
$canonicalweburl = "https://${::fqdn}/",
$serveradmin = '',
$ssh_host_key = '/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key',
$ssh_project_key = '/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_project_rsa_key',
$ssl_cert_file = "/etc/ssl/certs/${::fqdn}.pem",
$ssl_key_file = "/etc/ssl/private/${::fqdn}.key",
$ssl_chain_file = '/etc/ssl/certs/intermediate.pem',
$ssl_cert_file_contents = '',
$ssl_key_file_contents = '',
$ssl_chain_file_contents = '',
$ssh_dsa_key_contents = '', # If left empty puppet will not create file.
$ssh_dsa_pubkey_contents = '', # If left empty puppet will not create file.
$ssh_rsa_key_contents = '', # If left empty puppet will not create file.
$ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents = '', # If left empty puppet will not create file.
$ssh_project_rsa_key_contents = '', # If left empty will not create file.
$ssh_project_rsa_pubkey_contents = '', # If left empty will not create file.
$ssh_welcome_rsa_key_contents='', # If left empty will not create file.
$ssh_welcome_rsa_pubkey_contents='', # If left empty will not create file.
$ssh_replication_rsa_key_contents='', # If left empty will not create file.
$ssh_replication_rsa_pubkey_contents='', # If left empty will not create file.
$email = '',
$database_poollimit = '',
$container_heaplimit = '',
$core_packedgitopenfiles = '',
$core_packedgitlimit = '',
$core_packedgitwindowsize = '',
$sshd_threads = '',
$httpd_acceptorthreads = '',
$httpd_minthreads = '',
$httpd_maxthreads = '',
$httpd_maxqueued = '',
$httpd_maxwait = '',
$war = '',
$contactstore = false,
$contactstore_appsec = '',
$contactstore_pubkey = '',
$contactstore_url = '',
$acls_dir = 'UNDEF',
$notify_impact_file = 'UNDEF',
$projects_file = 'UNDEF',
$projects_config = 'UNDEF',
$github_username = '',
$github_oauth_token = '',
$github_project_username = '',
$github_project_password = '',
$trivial_rebase_role_id = '',
$email_private_key = '',
$token_private_key = '',
$replicate_local = true,
$replication_force_update = true,
$replication = [],
$local_git_dir = '/opt/lib/git',
$jeepyb_cache_dir = '/opt/lib/jeepyb',
$cla_description = 'OpenStack Individual Contributor License Agreement',
$cla_file = 'static/cla.html',
$cla_id = '2',
$cla_name = 'ICLA',
$testmode = false,
$swift_username = '',
$swift_password = '',
$gitweb = true,
$cgit = false,
$web_repo_url = '',
$web_repo_url_encode = false,
$secondary_index = true,
$report_bug_text = 'Get Help',
$report_bug_url = '',
$index_threads = 1,
) {
class { 'jeepyb::openstackwatch':
projects => [
container => 'rss',
json_url => '',
swift_username => $swift_username,
swift_password => $swift_password,
swift_auth_url => '',
auth_version => '1.0',
class { '::gerrit':
vhost_name => $vhost_name,
canonicalweburl => $canonicalweburl,
# opinions
allow_drafts => false,
enable_melody => true,
melody_session => true,
robots_txt_source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/robots.txt',
enable_javamelody_top_menu => false,
# passthrough
ssl_cert_file => $ssl_cert_file,
ssl_key_file => $ssl_key_file,
ssl_chain_file => $ssl_chain_file,
ssl_cert_file_contents => $ssl_cert_file_contents,
ssl_key_file_contents => $ssl_key_file_contents,
ssl_chain_file_contents => $ssl_chain_file_contents,
ssh_dsa_key_contents => $ssh_dsa_key_contents,
ssh_dsa_pubkey_contents => $ssh_dsa_pubkey_contents,
ssh_rsa_key_contents => $ssh_rsa_key_contents,
ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents => $ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents,
ssh_project_rsa_key_contents => $ssh_project_rsa_key_contents,
ssh_project_rsa_pubkey_contents => $ssh_project_rsa_pubkey_contents,
ssh_replication_rsa_key_contents => $ssh_replication_rsa_key_contents,
ssh_replication_rsa_pubkey_contents => $ssh_replication_rsa_pubkey_contents,
email => $email,
openidssourl => '',
database_poollimit => $database_poollimit,
container_heaplimit => $container_heaplimit,
core_packedgitopenfiles => $core_packedgitopenfiles,
core_packedgitlimit => $core_packedgitlimit,
core_packedgitwindowsize => $core_packedgitwindowsize,
sshd_threads => $sshd_threads,
httpd_acceptorthreads => $httpd_acceptorthreads,
httpd_minthreads => $httpd_minthreads,
httpd_maxthreads => $httpd_maxthreads,
httpd_maxqueued => $httpd_maxqueued,
httpd_maxwait => $httpd_maxwait,
commentlinks => [
name => 'bugheader',
match => '([Cc]loses|[Pp]artial|[Rr]elated)-[Bb]ug:\\s*#?(\\d+)',
link => '$2',
name => 'bug',
match => '\\b[Bb]ug:? #?(\\d+)',
link => '$1',
name => 'story',
match => '\\b[Ss]tory:? #?(\\d+)',
link => '!/story/$1',
name => 'blueprint',
match => '(\\b[Bb]lue[Pp]rint\\b|\\b[Bb][Pp]\\b)[ \\t#:]*([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+)',
link => '$2',
name => 'testresult',
match => '<li>([^ ]+) <a href=\"[^\"]+\" target=\"_blank\">([^<]+)</a> : ([^ ]+)([^<]*)</li>',
html => '<li class=\"comment_test\"><span class=\"comment_test_name\"><a href=\"$2\">$1</a></span> <span class=\"comment_test_result\"><span class=\"result_$3\">$3</span>$4</span></li>',
name => 'launchpadbug',
match => '<a href=\"(https://bugs\\.launchpad\\.net/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+/\\+bug/(\\d+))[^\"]*\">[^<]+</a>',
html => '<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>'
name => 'changeid',
match => '(I[0-9a-f]{8,40})',
link => '/#q,$1,n,z',
name => 'gitsha',
match => '(<p>|[\\s(])([0-9a-f]{40})(</p>|[\\s.,;:)])',
html => '$1<a href=\"/#q,$2,n,z\">$2</a>$3',
trackingids => [
name => 'storyboard',
footer => 'story:',
match => '\\#?(\\d+)',
system => 'Storyboard',
war => $war,
contactstore => $contactstore,
contactstore_appsec => $contactstore_appsec,
contactstore_pubkey => $contactstore_pubkey,
contactstore_url => $contactstore_url,
mysql_host => $mysql_host,
mysql_password => $mysql_password,
email_private_key => $email_private_key,
token_private_key => $token_private_key,
replicate_local => $replicate_local,
replicate_path => $local_git_dir,
replication_force_update => $replication_force_update,
replication => $replication,
gitweb => $gitweb,
cgit => $cgit,
web_repo_url => $web_repo_url,
web_repo_url_encode => $web_repo_url_encode,
testmode => $testmode,
secondary_index => $secondary_index,
require => Class[openstack_project::server],
report_bug_text => $report_bug_text,
report_bug_url => $report_bug_url,
index_threads => $index_threads,
mysql_backup::backup_remote { 'gerrit':
database_host => $mysql_host,
database_user => 'gerrit2',
database_password => $mysql_password,
require => Class['::gerrit'],
if ($testmode == false) {
include gerrit::cron
class { 'github':
username => $github_username,
project_username => $github_project_username,
project_password => $github_project_password,
oauth_token => $github_oauth_token,
require => Class['::gerrit']
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/static/cla.html':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/cla.html',
replace => true,
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/static/usg-cla.html':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/usg-cla.html',
replace => true,
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/static/system-cla.html':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/system-cla.html',
replace => true,
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/static/title.png':
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/openstack.png',
require => Class['::gerrit'],
notify => Exec['reload_gerrit_header'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/static/openstack-page-bkg.jpg':
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/openstack-page-bkg.jpg',
require => Class['::gerrit'],
package { 'libjs-jquery':
ensure => present,
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/static/jquery.js':
ensure => present,
source => '/usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.js',
require => [
subscribe => Package['libjs-jquery'],
notify => Exec['reload_gerrit_header'],
vcsrepo { '/opt/jquery-visibility':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => 'master',
source => '',
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/static/jquery-visibility.js':
ensure => present,
source => '/opt/jquery-visibility/jquery-visibility.js',
subscribe => Vcsrepo['/opt/jquery-visibility'],
notify => Exec['reload_gerrit_header'],
require => [ File['/home/gerrit2/review_site/static'],
Class['::gerrit'] ]
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/static/hideci.js':
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/hideci.js',
require => Class['::gerrit'],
notify => Exec['reload_gerrit_header'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/GerritSite.css':
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/GerritSite.css',
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/GerritSiteHeader.html':
ensure => present,
source =>
require => Class['::gerrit'],
exec { 'reload_gerrit_header':
command => 'sleep 10; touch /home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/GerritSiteHeader.html',
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
refreshonly => true,
cron { 'gerritsyncusers':
ensure => absent,
cron { 'sync_launchpad_users':
ensure => absent,
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/hooks/change-merged':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0555',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/change-merged',
replace => true,
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/hooks/change-abandoned':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0555',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/gerrit/change-abandoned',
replace => true,
require => Class['::gerrit'],
if ($notify_impact_file != 'UNDEF') {
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/hooks/notify_impact.yaml':
ensure => present,
source => $notify_impact_file,
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/hooks/patchset-created':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0555',
content => template('openstack_project/gerrit_patchset-created.erb'),
replace => true,
require => Class['::gerrit'],
if $ssh_welcome_rsa_key_contents != '' {
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_welcome_rsa_key':
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0600',
content => $ssh_welcome_rsa_key_contents,
replace => true,
require => File['/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc']
if $ssh_welcome_rsa_pubkey_contents != '' {
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/':
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0644',
content => $ssh_welcome_rsa_pubkey_contents,
replace => true,
require => File['/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc']
if ($projects_file != 'UNDEF') {
if ($replicate_local) {
if (!defined(File[$local_git_dir])) {
file { $local_git_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'gerrit2',
require => Class['::gerrit'],
cron { 'mirror_repack':
user => 'gerrit2',
weekday => '0',
hour => '4',
minute => '7',
command => "find ${local_git_dir} -type d -name \"*.git\" -print -exec git --git-dir=\"{}\" repack -afd \\;",
environment => 'PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin',
file { '/home/gerrit2/projects.yaml':
ensure => present,
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0444',
source => $projects_file,
replace => true,
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { $jeepyb_cache_dir:
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0755',
file { '/home/gerrit2/projects.ini':
ensure => present,
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0444',
content => template($projects_config),
replace => true,
require => Class['::gerrit'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/acls':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'gerrit2',
group => 'gerrit2',
mode => '0444',
recurse => true,
replace => true,
purge => true,
force => true,
source => $acls_dir,
require => Class['::gerrit']
if ($testmode == false) {
exec { 'manage_projects':
command => '/usr/local/bin/manage-projects -v -l /var/log/manage_projects.log',
timeout => 1800, # 30 minutes
subscribe => [
refreshonly => true,
logoutput => true,
require => [
include logrotate
logrotate::file { 'manage_projects.log':
log => '/var/log/manage_projects.log',
options => [
'rotate 30',
require => Exec['manage_projects'],
file { '/home/gerrit2/review_site/bin/':
ensure => absent,