Andrew Hutchings 863f0c862a Make lodgeit module use our lodgeit git repo
Our lodgeit repo has antispam and will have other features soon

Change-Id: I12b1f8c1bfb5a2442370a55f8527196364c91ec8
2012-03-22 18:04:24 +00:00

62 lines
1.3 KiB

class lodgeit {
$packages = [ "nginx",
"python-mysqldb" ]
package { $packages: ensure => latest }
package { 'SQLAlchemy':
provider => pip,
ensure => present,
require => Package[python-pip]
file { '/srv/lodgeit':
ensure => directory
service { 'drizzle':
ensure => running,
hasrestart => true
service { "nginx":
ensure => running,
hasrestart => true
# if we already have the git repo the pull updates
exec { "update_lodgeit":
command => "git pull --ff-only",
cwd => "/tmp/lodgeit-main",
path => "/bin:/usr/bin",
onlyif => "test -d /tmp/lodgeit-main"
# otherwise get a new clone of it
exec { "get_lodgeit":
command => "git clone git:// /tmp/lodgeit-main",
path => "/bin:/usr/bin",
onlyif => "test ! -d /tmp/lodgeit-main"
# create initial git DB backup location
exec { "create_db_backup":
command => "git init /var/backups/lodgeit_db",
path => "/bin:/usr/bin",
onlyif => "test ! -d /var/backups/lodgeit_db"