Jeremy Stanley fec46f5170 Puppet dashboard mysqld innodb_file_per_table.
In 232747f we attempted to implement it this way initially, but
subsequent patchsets went off into the weeds instead trying to use
mysql::server::config which, as it turns out, was not introduced
until a newer version of the puppetlabs mysql module than we use.
Rather than go through a potentially disruptive infrastructure-wide
upgrade right this moment, this patch gets the job done in a more
traditional fashion.

Change-Id: I6967388072c7c8b3e170048e23618ea95bccfecc
Reviewed-by: James E. Blair <>
Reviewed-by: Anita Kuno <>
Reviewed-by: Khai Do <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Belanger <>
Approved: Clark Boylan <>
Reviewed-by: Clark Boylan <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
2013-04-25 23:47:50 +00:00

36 lines
966 B

class openstack_project::dashboard(
$password = '',
$mysql_password = '',
$sysadmins = []
) {
include mysql::server
class { 'openstack_project::server':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => [80, 443, 3000],
sysadmins => $sysadmins
class { '::dashboard':
dashboard_ensure => 'present',
dashboard_user => 'www-data',
dashboard_group => 'www-data',
dashboard_password => $password,
dashboard_db => 'dashboard_prod',
dashboard_charset => 'utf8',
dashboard_site => $::fqdn,
dashboard_port => '3000',
mysql_root_pw => $mysql_password,
passenger => true,
file { '/etc/mysql/conf.d/mysqld_innodb_fpt.cnf':
ensure => present,
source =>
require => Class['mysql::server'],
notify => Service['mysql'],
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