Our log server filled up because log archive cron job was not running due to a prompt in the gzip command. Use the -f (force) option to force overwriting. gzip: /srv/static/logs/58/213458/5/check/...file.txt.gz already exists; do you wish to overwrite (y or n)? Change-Id: I47aca9603fa5c22a2726cee117f93d84252c314e
14 lines
676 B
14 lines
676 B
sleep $((RANDOM%600)) && \
flock -n /var/run/gziplogs.lock \
find -O3 /srv/static/logs/ -depth -not -name robots.txt -not -name lost+found \
-not -wholename /srv/static/logs/help/\* \( \
\( -type f -mmin +10 -not -name \*\[.-\]gz -not -name \*\[._-\]\[zZ\] \
\( -name \*.txt -or -name \*.html -or -name tmp\* \) \
-exec gzip -f \{\} \; \) \
-o \( -type f -mtime +120 -execdir rm \{\} \; \) \
-o \( -type d -empty -mtime +1 -execdir rmdir {} \; \) \)
find -O3 /srv/static/docs-draft/ -depth -not -name lost+found \( \
\( -type f -mtime +21 -execdir rm \{\} \; \) \
-o \( -type d -empty -mtime +1 -execdir rmdir {} \; \) \)