Jeremy Stanley 710fec8521 Increase git haproxy maxconn from 32 to 256
It seems from the logs that we're regularly hitting the max 32
connections limit in haproxy for the git protocol backend under
periods of moderate to high load. Increase this to 256, and also
increase the backlog to 256 so that we can have up to one backlogged
connection per active connection.

In theory 256 should be a sane max since we have leastconn balancing
across 8 backends running persistent git-daemon with its default max
connections value of 32.

Change-Id: I80785348b8abb831a2f833a535a5e4234ce3e7f3
2015-07-17 17:12:24 +00:00

138 lines
3.8 KiB

# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Class to configure haproxy to serve git on a CentOS node.
# == Class: openstack_project::git
class openstack_project::git (
$sysadmins = [],
$balancer_member_names = [],
$balancer_member_ips = []
) {
class { 'openstack_project::server':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => [80, 443, 9418],
sysadmins => $sysadmins,
if ($::osfamily == 'RedHat') {
class { 'selinux':
mode => 'enforcing'
package { 'socat':
ensure => present,
package { 'lsof':
ensure => present,
class { 'haproxy':
enable => true,
global_options => {
'log' => ' local0',
'chroot' => '/var/lib/haproxy',
'pidfile' => '/var/run/',
'maxconn' => '4000',
'user' => 'haproxy',
'group' => 'haproxy',
'daemon' => '',
'stats' => 'socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats user root group root mode 0600 level admin'
defaults_options => {
'log' => 'global',
'stats' => 'enable',
'option' => 'redispatch',
'retries' => '3',
'timeout' => [
'http-request 10s',
'queue 1m',
'connect 10s',
'client 2m',
'server 2m',
'check 10s',
'maxconn' => '8000',
# The three listen defines here are what the world will hit.
haproxy::listen { 'balance_git_http':
ipaddress => [$::ipaddress, $::ipaddress6],
ports => ['80'],
mode => 'tcp',
collect_exported => false,
options => {
'balance' => 'leastconn',
'option' => [
haproxy::listen { 'balance_git_https':
ipaddress => [$::ipaddress, $::ipaddress6],
ports => ['443'],
mode => 'tcp',
collect_exported => false,
options => {
'balance' => 'leastconn',
'option' => [
haproxy::listen { 'balance_git_daemon':
ipaddress => [$::ipaddress, $::ipaddress6],
ports => ['9418'],
mode => 'tcp',
collect_exported => false,
options => {
'maxconn' => '256',
'backlog' => '256',
'balance' => 'leastconn',
'option' => [
haproxy::balancermember { 'balance_git_http_member':
listening_service => 'balance_git_http',
server_names => $balancer_member_names,
ipaddresses => $balancer_member_ips,
ports => '8080',
haproxy::balancermember { 'balance_git_https_member':
listening_service => 'balance_git_https',
server_names => $balancer_member_names,
ipaddresses => $balancer_member_ips,
ports => '4443',
haproxy::balancermember { 'balance_git_daemon_member':
listening_service => 'balance_git_daemon',
server_names => $balancer_member_names,
ipaddresses => $balancer_member_ips,
ports => '29418',
options => 'maxqueue 512',
file { '/etc/rsyslog.d/haproxy.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/git/rsyslog.haproxy.conf',
notify => Service['rsyslog'],