Andy Edmonds 91528d6b18 Adding occi-os to stackforge
This adds the occi-os project to stackforge. This commit is a follow-
up to bug/1172884.

Change-Id: Ica192bdb4adaff99731c39eefc566c27ae1de575
Fixes: bug #1172884
Reviewed-by: James E. Blair <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Approved: Jeremy Stanley <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
2013-05-26 03:43:25 +00:00

289 lines
14 KiB

- homepage:
acl-dir: /home/gerrit2/acls
local-git-dir: <%= local_git_dir %>
gerrit-host: <%= fqdn %>
gerrit-user: openstack-project-creator
gerrit-committer: OpenStack Project Creator <>
gerrit-key: <%= ssh_project_key %>
github-config: /etc/github/
has-wiki: False
has-issues: False
has-pull-requests: False
has-downloads: False
- project: openstack/heat-cfntools
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/heat
- project: openstack/heat-templates
- project: openstack/python-heatclient
- project: openstack-infra/askbot-theme
description: Theme for
- project: openstack-infra/devstack-gate
- project: openstack-infra/gear
description: Pure-Python asynchronous interface to Gearman
- project: openstack-infra/gerrit
description: Fork of Gerrit used by OpenStack
- project: openstack-infra/gerritbot
- project: openstack-infra/gerritlib
- project: openstack-infra/jeepyb
upstream: git://
description: Gerrit Project Builder Tools
- project: openstack-infra/gitdm
description: A fork of Jonathan Corbet's gitdm for OpenStack
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-infra/git-review
- project: openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder
- project: openstack-infra/lodgeit
- project: openstack-infra/meetbot
- project: openstack-infra/nose-html-output
- project: openstack-infra/puppet-apparmor
- project: openstack-infra/puppet-dashboard
- project: openstack-infra/puppet-vcsrepo
- project: openstack-infra/reviewday
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack code review report generator
- project: openstack-infra/releasestatus
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack Release Status page generator
- project: openstack-infra/statusbot
description: Infrastructure status update IRC bot
- project: openstack-infra/zmq-event-publisher
description: Jenkins plugin to publish build events via ZMQ PUB SUB.
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-infra/zuul
- project: openstack-dev/devstack
- project: openstack-dev/grenade
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack upgrade testing tool
- project: openstack-dev/hacking
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack Hacking Style Checks
- project: openstack-dev/pbr
upstream: git://
description: Python Build Reasonableness
- project: openstack-dev/openstack-nose
- project: openstack-dev/openstack-qa
- project: openstack-dev/sandbox
- project: openstack/api-site
- project: openstack/ceilometer
- project: openstack/cinder
- project: openstack/compute-api
- project: openstack/glance
- project: openstack/horizon
- project: openstack/identity-api
- project: openstack/image-api
- project: openstack/keystone
- project: openstack/netconn-api
- project: openstack/nova
- project: openstack/object-api
- project: openstack/openstack-chef
- project: openstack-infra/config
- project: openstack/openstack-manuals
- project: openstack/operations-guide
upstream: git://
description: OpenStack Operations Guide
- project: openstack/openstack-planet
- project: openstack/oslo-incubator
description: "Part of OpenStack's Oslo project. New Oslo APIs go through an incubation phase in this repository before being released as part of a proper Python library."
- project: openstack/oslo.config
- project: openstack/python-ceilometerclient
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/python-cinderclient
- project: openstack/python-glanceclient
- project: openstack/python-keystoneclient
- project: openstack/python-novaclient
- project: openstack/python-openstackclient
- project: openstack/python-quantumclient
- project: openstack/python-swiftclient
- project: openstack/quantum
- project: openstack/requirements
- project: openstack/swift
- project: openstack/tempest
- project: openstack/volume-api
- project: stackforge/MRaaS
- project: stackforge/diskimage-builder
description: "Image building tools for Openstack"
- project: stackforge/tripleo-image-elements
description: "Disk image elements for deployment images of Openstack"
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/healthnmon
description: "Healthnmon aims to deliver 'Cloud Resource Monitor', an extensible service to OpenStack Cloud Operating system by providing monitoring service for Cloud Resources and Infrastructure with a pluggable framework for 'Inventory Management', 'Alerts and notifications' and 'Utilization Data."
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/libra
- project: stackforge/python-libraclient
- project: stackforge/marconi
- project: stackforge/moniker
- project: stackforge/billingstack
upstream: git://
description: Billing software
- project: stackforge/python-monikerclient
- project: stackforge/python-reddwarfclient
- project: stackforge/reddwarf
- project: stackforge/reddwarf-integration
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/bufunfa
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/kwapi
description: Energy Efficiency Monitoring
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/climate
description: OpenStack Reservation Service
upstream: git://
- project: openstack-infra/gearman-plugin
description: The jenkins gearman plugin
- project: stackforge/packstack
description: Install utility to deploy openstack on multiple hosts.
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/database-api
description: Doc repo for reddwarf project
- project: stackforge/anvil
description: "A set of python scripts and utilities to forge raw openstack into a productive tool!"
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/savanna
description: "Savanna aims to provide users with simple means to provision a Hadoop cluster by specifying several parameters like Hadoop version, cluster topology, nodes hardware details and a few more."
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/python-savannaclient
description: "Python bindings and CLI to Savanna."
- project: stackforge/savanna-dashboard
description: "Savanna Horizon plugin."
- project: stackforge/os-config-applier
description: "Apply configuration from cloud metadata"
- project: stackforge/os-refresh-config
upstream: git://
description: "Restart services and coordinate data migration on Heat config changes."
- project: stackforge/puppet-ceilometer
description: OpenStack Ceilometer Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-cinder
description: OpenStack Cinder Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-glance
description: OpenStack Glance Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-horizon
description: OpenStack Horizon Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-keystone
description: OpenStack Keystone Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-nova
description: OpenStack Nova Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-openstack
description: OpenStack Examples Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-openstack_dev_env
description: OpenStack Puppet Dev Environment
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-swift
description: OpenStack Swift Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-tempest
description: OpenStack Tempest Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/puppet-quantum
description: OpenStack Quantum Puppet Module
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/opencafe
description: "Common Automation Framework Engine. Core driver for CloudCAFE"
- project: stackforge/cloudcafe
description: "OpenStack based test automation framework. Based on OpenCAFE engine"
- project: stackforge/cloudroast
description: "Automated Test Case Repository for OpenStack. Based on CloudCAFE."
- project: stackforge/openvz-nova-driver
description: OpenVz driver for Nova
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/python-marconiclient
- project: stackforge/openstack-chef-repo
description: Example Chef Repo that sets up an OpenStack Deployment
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-common
description: Chef Cookbook - common OpenStack configuration
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Compute
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-identity
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Identity
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-image
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Image
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Network
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-object-storage
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Object Storage
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-block-storage
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Block Storage
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-dashboard
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Dashboard
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-metering
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Metering
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-orchestration
description: Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Orchestration
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-ops-database
description: Chef Cookbook - Support Cookbook for Database
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-ops-messaging
description: Chef Cookbook - Support Cookbook for Messaging
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/chef-cookbooks.config
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/murano-agent
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/murano-api
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/murano-conductor
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/murano-dashboard
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/murano-deployment
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/murano-docs
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/murano-tests
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: stackforge/python-muranoclient
upstream: git://
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/murano.config
- project: openstack/ironic
description: A service for managing and provisioning Bare Metal servers.
upstream: git://
- project: openstack/python-ironicclient
description: A python client implementing the Ironic API.
- project: stackforge/inception
description: "Inception Cloud Project"
upstream: git://
- project: stackforge/occi-os
description: OCCI-OS provides a python egg which can be easily deployed in OpenStack and will thereby add OCCI support and interface to OpenStack.
upstream: git://