Change-Id: Idd712a8ee5ec81c6b88b7d3e2270dce4da254927 Reviewed-on: https://review.openstack.org/10838 Approved: Monty Taylor <mordred@inaugust.com> Reviewed-by: Monty Taylor <mordred@inaugust.com> Tested-by: Jenkins
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# Current thinking on Gerrit tuning parameters:
# database.poolLimit:
# This limit must be several units higher than the total number of
# httpd and sshd threads as some request processing code paths may need
# multiple connections.
# database.poolLimit = 1 + max(sshd.threads,sshd.batchThreads) + sshd.streamThreads + sshd.commandStartThreads + httpd.acceptorThreads + httpd.maxThreads
# http://groups.google.com/group/repo-discuss/msg/4c2809310cd27255
# or "2x sshd.threads"
# http://groups.google.com/group/repo-discuss/msg/269024c966e05d6a
# container.heaplimit:
# core.packedgit*
# http://groups.google.com/group/repo-discuss/msg/269024c966e05d6a
# sshd.threads:
# http://groups.google.com/group/repo-discuss/browse_thread/thread/b91491c185295a71
# httpd.maxWait:
# 12:07 <@spearce> httpd.maxwait defaults to 5 minutes and is how long gerrit
# waits for an idle sshd.thread before aboring the http request
# 12:08 <@spearce> ironically
# 12:08 <@spearce> ProjectQosFilter passes this value as minutes
# 12:08 <@spearce> to a method that accepts milliseconds
# 12:09 <@spearce> so. you get 5 milliseconds before aborting
# thus, set it to 5000minutes until the bug is fixed.
class openstack_project::review(
$gerritbot_password) {
include openstack_project
class { 'openstack_project::gerrit':
ssl_cert_file => '/etc/ssl/certs/review.openstack.org.pem',
ssl_key_file => '/etc/ssl/private/review.openstack.org.key',
ssl_chain_file => '/etc/ssl/certs/intermediate.pem',
email => 'review@openstack.org',
database_poollimit => '150', # 1 + 100 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 25 = 139(rounded up)
container_heaplimit => '8g',
core_packedgitopenfiles => '4096',
core_packedgitlimit => '400m',
core_packedgitwindowsize => '16k',
sshd_threads => '100',
httpd_maxwait => '5000min',
war => 'http://tarballs.openstack.org/ci/gerrit-2.4.2-11-gb5a28fb.war',
script_user => 'launchpadsync',
script_key_file => '/home/gerrit2/.ssh/launchpadsync_rsa',
projects_file => 'puppet:///openstack_project/review.projects.yaml',
github_username => 'openstack-gerrit',
github_oauth_token => $github_oauth_token,
mysql_password => $mysql_password,
mysql_root_password => $mysql_root_password,
email_private_key => $email_private_key,
class { 'gerritbot':
nick => 'openstackgerrit',
password => $gerritbot_password,
server => 'irc.freenode.net',
user => 'gerritbot',
vhost_name => $fqdn
include gerrit::remotes