Don't depend on gpg key and other things to build the rest of the slave, just depend on the directory used to build the thing Change-Id: Ifb26ce2ca0bd3e284a173af9a1509ded1aab6941
122 lines
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122 lines
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class jenkins_slave($ssh_key) {
jenkinsuser { "jenkins":
ensure => present,
ssh_key => "${ssh_key}"
slavecirepo { "openstack-ci":
ensure => present,
require => [ Package[git], File[jenkinshome] ],
devstackrepo { "devstack":
ensure => present,
require => [ Package[git], File[jenkinshome] ],
apt::ppa { "ppa:openstack-ci/build-depends":
ensure => present
$packages = ["apache2",
"mercurial", # needed by pip bundle
"default-jdk", # jdk for building java jobs
"pandoc", #for docs, markdown->docbook, bug 924507
package { $packages:
ensure => "latest",
require => Apt::Ppa["ppa:openstack-ci/build-depends"],
package { "apache-libcloud":
ensure => latest,
provider => pip,
require => Package[python-pip]
package { "git-review":
ensure => latest,
provider => pip,
require => Package[python-pip],
cron { "updateci":
user => jenkins,
minute => "*/15",
command => "cd /home/jenkins/openstack-ci && /usr/bin/git pull -q origin master",
require => [ File[jenkinshome] ],
file { 'profilerubygems':
name => '/etc/profile.d/rubygems.sh',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 644,
ensure => 'present',
source => [
cron { "tmpreaper":
user => jenkins,
minute => '0',
hour => '1',
command => "/usr/sbin/tmpreaper --runtime 1200 --delay 600 1d /tmp 2>&1 | grep -v 'failed: Permission denied'",
require => [ Package[tmpreaper], File[jenkinshome] ],
file { 'tmpreaper-cron.daily':
name => '/etc/cron.daily/tmpreaper',
ensure => 'absent',