Yuriy Taraday 0a23df5a98 Allow Zuul status page to update with periodic tasks present
Recent addition of filter by change number breaks and prevents status
updating if there is an active task in the queue w/o id field such as
periodic tasks are.

Change-Id: I51ba1b218abbf22990fc9b94d569f897a4c445c0
2014-05-29 11:47:08 +04:00

557 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2012-2013 OpenStack Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
window.zuul_enable_status_updates = true;
window.zuul_filter = [];
window.zuul_collapsed_exceptions = [];
function format_enqueue_time(time) {
var hours = 60 * 60 * 1000;
var now = Date.now();
var delta = now - time;
var status = "queue_good";
var text = format_time(delta, true);
if (delta > (4 * hours)) {
status = "queue_bad";
} else if (delta > (2 * hours)) {
status = "queue_warn";
return '<span class="' + status + '">' + text + '</span>';
function format_time(ms, words) {
if (ms == null) {
return "unknown";
var seconds = (+ms)/1000;
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);
var hours = Math.floor(minutes/60);
seconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
minutes = Math.floor(minutes % 60);
r = '';
if (words) {
if (hours) {
r += hours;
r += ' hr ';
r += minutes + ' min';
} else {
if (hours < 10) r += '0';
r += hours + ':';
if (minutes < 10) r += '0';
r += minutes + ':';
if (seconds < 10) r += '0';
r += seconds;
return r;
function format_progress(elapsed, remaining) {
if (remaining != null) {
total = elapsed + remaining;
} else {
total = null;
r = '<progress class="change_progress" title="' +
format_time(elapsed, false) + ' elapsed, ' +
format_time(remaining, false)+' remaining" ' +
'value="'+elapsed+'" max="'+total+'">in progress</progress>';
return r;
function is_hidden(project, change_id) {
var filters = window.zuul_filter;
if (filters.length == 0) {
return false;
var hide = true;
$.each(filters, function(filter_i, filter) {
if(project.indexOf(filter) != -1)
hide = false;
if(change_id !== null && change_id.indexOf(filter) != -1)
hide = false;
return hide;
function remove(l, idx) {
l[idx] = null;
while (l[l.length-1] === null) {
function create_tree(pipeline) {
var count = 0;
var pipeline_max_tree_columns = 1;
$.each(pipeline['change_queues'], function(change_queue_i, change_queue) {
var tree = [];
var max_tree_columns = 1;
var changes = [];
var last_tree_length = 0;
$.each(change_queue['heads'], function(head_i, head) {
$.each(head, function(change_i, change) {
changes[change['id']] = change;
change['_tree_position'] = change_i;
$.each(change_queue['heads'], function(head_i, head) {
$.each(head, function(change_i, change) {
count += 1;
var idx = tree.indexOf(change['id']);
if (idx > -1) {
change['_tree_index'] = idx;
remove(tree, idx);
} else {
change['_tree_index'] = 0;
change['_tree_branches'] = [];
change['_tree'] = [];
change['items_behind'].sort(function(a, b) {
return changes[b]['_tree_position'] - changes[a]['_tree_position'];
$.each(change['items_behind'], function(i, id) {
if (tree.length>last_tree_length && last_tree_length > 0)
if (tree.length > max_tree_columns) {
max_tree_columns = tree.length;
if (tree.length > pipeline_max_tree_columns) {
pipeline_max_tree_columns = tree.length;
change['_tree'] = tree.slice(0); // make a copy
last_tree_length = tree.length;
change_queue['_tree_columns'] = max_tree_columns;
pipeline['_tree_columns'] = pipeline_max_tree_columns;
return count;
function get_sparkline_url(pipeline_name) {
if (!(pipeline_name in window.zuul_sparkline_urls)) {
window.zuul_sparkline_urls[pipeline_name] = $.fn.graphite.geturl({
url: "http://graphite.openstack.org/render/",
from: "-8hours",
width: 100,
height: 16,
margin: 0,
hideLegend: true,
hideAxes: true,
hideGrid: true,
target: [
"color(stats.gauges.zuul.pipeline."+pipeline_name+".current_changes, '6b8182')"
return window.zuul_sparkline_urls[pipeline_name];
function format_pipeline(data) {
var count = create_tree(data);
var width = (16 * data['_tree_columns']) + 300;
var html = '<div class="pipeline" style="width:'+width+'"><h3 class="subhead">'+
html += '<span class="count"><img src="' + get_sparkline_url(data['name']);
html += '" title="8 hour history of changes in pipeline"/>';
if (count > 0) {
html += ' (' + count + ')';
html += '</span></h3>';
if (data['description'] != null) {
html += '<p>'+data['description']+'</p>';
$.each(data['change_queues'], function(change_queue_i, change_queue) {
$.each(change_queue['heads'], function(head_i, head) {
var projects = "";
var change_ids = "";
var hide_queue = true;
$.each(head, function(change_i, change) {
projects += change['project'] + "|";
change_ids += change['id'];
hide_queue &= is_hidden(change['project'], change['id']);
html += '<div change_id="' + change_ids + '" project="' + projects + '" style="'
+ (hide_queue ? 'display:none;' : '') + '">';
if (data['change_queues'].length > 1 && head_i == 0) {
html += '<div> Change queue: ';
var name = change_queue['name'];
html += '<a title="' + name + '">';
if (name.length > 32) {
name = name.substr(0,32) + '...';
html += name + '</a></div>';
html += '<table>';
$.each(head, function(change_i, change) {
html += format_change(change, change_queue);
html += '</table></div>';
html += '</div>';
return html;
function safe_id(id) {
if (id === null) {
return "null";
return id.replace(',', '_');
function format_change(change, change_queue) {
var html = '<tr>';
safe_change_id = safe_id(change['id']);
display = $('#expandByDefault').is(':checked');
collapsed_index = window.zuul_collapsed_exceptions.indexOf(safe_change_id);
if (collapsed_index > -1) {
/* listed as an exception to the current default */
display = !display;
for (var i=0; i<change_queue['_tree_columns']; i++) {
var cls = 'tree';
if (i < change['_tree'].length && change['_tree'][i] !== null) {
cls += ' line';
html += '<td class="'+cls+'">';
if (i == change['_tree_index']) {
if (change['active'] != true) {
html += '<img src="grey.png" title="Waiting until closer to head of queue to start jobs"/>';
} else if (change['failing_reasons'] && change['failing_reasons'].length > 0) {
var reason = change['failing_reasons'].join(', ');
var image = 'red.png';
if (reason.match(/merge conflict/)) {
image = 'black.png';
html += '<img src="' + image + '" title="Failing because ' + reason +'"/>';
} else {
html += '<img src="green.png" title="Succeeding"/>';
if (change['_tree_branches'].indexOf(i) != -1) {
if (change['_tree_branches'].indexOf(i) == change['_tree_branches'].length-1)
html += '<img src="line-angle.png"/>';
html += '<img src="line-t.png"/>';
html += '</td>';
html += '<td class="change-container">';
html += '<div class="change" id="' + safe_change_id + '">' +
'<div class="header" onClick="toggle_display_jobs(event, this)" ' +
'onmouseover="$(this).addClass(\'hover\')" ' +
// Row #1 of the header (project and remaining time)
html += '<span class="project">' + change['project'] + '</span>';
html += '<span class="time" title="Remaining Time">';
html += format_time(change['remaining_time'], true);
html += '</span><br/>';
// Row #2 of the header (change id and enqueue time)
html += '<span class="changeid"> ';
var id = change['id'];
var url = change['url'];
if (id !== null) {
if (id.length == 40) {
id = id.substr(0,7);
if (url !== null) {
html += '<a href="'+url+'">';
html += id;
if (url !== null) {
html += '</a>';
} else {
// if there is not changeset we still need forced content, otherwise
// the layout doesn't work
html += '&nbsp;';
html += '</span>';
html += '<span class="time" title="Queued Time">';
html += format_enqueue_time(change['enqueue_time']) + '</span>';
html += '</div>';
// Job listing from here down
html += '<div class="jobs"';
if (display == false) {
html += ' style="display: none;"';
html += '>';
$.each(change['jobs'], function(i, job) {
result = job['result'];
var result_class = "result";
if (result === null) {
if (job['url'] !== null) {
result = 'in progress';
} else {
result = 'queued';
} else if (result == 'SUCCESS') {
result_class += " result_success";
} else if (result == 'FAILURE') {
result_class += " result_failure";
} else if (result == 'LOST') {
result_class += " result_unstable";
} else if (result == 'UNSTABLE') {
result_class += " result_unstable";
html += '<span class="jobwrapper"><span class="job">';
if (job['url'] !== null) {
html += '<a href="'+job['url']+'">';
html += job['name'];
if (job['url'] !== null) {
html += '</a>';
html += ': ';
if (job['result'] === null && job['url'] !== null) {
html += format_progress(job['elapsed_time'], job['remaining_time']);
} else {
html += '<span class="result '+result_class+'">'+result+'</span>';
if (job['voting'] == false) {
html += ' (non-voting)';
html += '</span></span>';
html += '</div></div></td></tr>';
return html;
function toggle_display_jobs(e, _header) {
e = e || window.event; // standards compliant || IE
var header = $(_header);
var target = $(e.target || e.srcElement);
var link = header.find("a");
if (target.is(link)) {
return true;
content = header.next("div");
content.slideToggle(100, function () {
changeid = header.parent().attr('id');
collapsed_index = window.zuul_collapsed_exceptions.indexOf(changeid);
expand_by_default = $('#expandByDefault').is(':checked');
visible = content.is(":visible");
if (expand_by_default != visible && collapsed_index == -1) {
/* now an exception to the default */
} else if (collapsed_index > -1) {
window.zuul_collapsed_exceptions.splice(collapsed_index, 1);
function toggle_expand_by_default(_checkbox) {
var checkbox = $(_checkbox);
expand_by_default = checkbox.is(':checked');
set_cookie('zuul-expand-by-default', expand_by_default ? 'true' : 'false');
window.zuul_collapsed_exceptions = [];
$.each($('div.change'), function(i, _change) {
change = $(_change);
content = change.children('div').next('div');
if (expand_by_default) {
} else {
function update_timeout() {
if (!window.zuul_enable_status_updates) {
setTimeout(update_timeout, 5000);
window.zuul_graph_update_count += 1;
/* Only update graphs every minute */
if (window.zuul_graph_update_count > 11) {
window.zuul_graph_update_count = 0;
setTimeout(update_timeout, 5000);
function clean_changes_lists() {
new_collapsed_exceptions = [];
$.each($('div.change'), function(i, change) {
collapsed_index = window.zuul_collapsed_exceptions.indexOf(change.id);
if (collapsed_index > -1) {
window.zuul_collapsed_exceptions = new_collapsed_exceptions;
function update_zuul_info(data) {
if ('zuul_version' in data) {
if ('last_reconfigured' in data) {
var last_reconfigured = new Date(data['last_reconfigured']);
function update() {
var html = '';
$.getJSON('http://zuul.openstack.org/status.json', function(data) {
if ('message' in data) {
$("#message").attr('class', 'alertbox');
} else {
html += '<br style="clear:both"/>';
$.each(data['pipelines'], function(i, pipeline) {
html = html + format_pipeline(pipeline);
html += '<br style="clear:both"/>';
function update_graphs() {
$('.graph').each(function(i, img) {
var newimg = new Image();
var parts = img.src.split('#');
newimg.src = parts[0] + '#' + new Date().getTime();
$(newimg).load(function (x) {
img.src = newimg.src;
$.each(window.zuul_sparkline_urls, function(name, url) {
var newimg = new Image();
var parts = url.split('#');
newimg.src = parts[0] + '#' + new Date().getTime();
$(newimg).load(function (x) {
window.zuul_sparkline_urls[name] = newimg.src;
function save_filter() {
var name = 'zuul-filter';
var value = $('#filter').val().trim();
set_cookie(name, value);
}, 1500);
function set_cookie(name, value) {
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + "; path=/";
function read_cookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;
$(function() {
window.zuul_graph_update_count = 0;
window.zuul_sparkline_urls = {};
'show.visibility': function() {
window.zuul_enable_status_updates = true;
'hide.visibility': function() {
window.zuul_enable_status_updates = false;
$('#filter').live('keyup change', function () {
window.zuul_filter = $('#filter').val().trim().split(/[\s,]+/);
window.zuul_filter = window.zuul_filter.filter(function(n){
return n;
$.each($('div[project]'), function (idx, val) {
val = $(val);
var project = val.attr('project');
var change_id = val.attr('change_id');
if (is_hidden(project, change_id)) {
} else {
}).live('keyup', function () {
.live('click', function(e){
var cookie = read_cookie('zuul-filter');
cookie = read_cookie('zuul-expand-by-default');
$('#expandByDefault').prop('checked', cookie == 'true' ? true : false);