Since we have SRV DNS entries for our afsdb services, we don't need to explicitly list their IP addresses here. From the man page: For the client CellServDB, it may be desirable to make the client aware of a cell (so that it's listed by default in /afs when the -dynroot flag to afsd is in use, for instance) without specifying the database server machines for that cell. This can be done by including only the cell line (starting with ">") and omitting any following database server machine lines. afsd must be configured with the -afsdb option to use DNS SRV or AFSDB record lookups to locate database server machines. If the cell has such records and the client is configured to use them, this configuration won't require updates to the client CellServDB file when the IP addresses of the database server machines change. Thus we just keep the openstack.org entry. We're have not been keeping the list in here up-to-date with the grand.central.org version (well, not since 2014 anyway). Since we don't really need to track any of these, just remove them. Change-Id: Id358e373c4c804ebe32b7447e5880015119926a5
An ansible role to configure an OpenAFS client
This role uses system packages where available, but for platforms or architectures where they are not available will require external builds. Defaults will pick external packages from OpenStack Infra builds, but you should evaluate if this is suitable for your environment.
This role configures the host to be an OpenAFS client. Because OpenAFS is very reliant on distribution internals, kernel versions and host architecture this role has limited platform support. Currently supported are
- Debian family with system packages available
- Ubuntu LTS family with external 1.8 series packages
- CentOS 7 and 8 with external packages
Role Variables