Because we changed out the hostname of review.o.o for review01.o.o our current playbooks will be broken. To fix this moving forward, we can just switch to the group 'review' which includes the review01.o.o host. Change-Id: I149eacbc759f95087f2b0a0e44fcf0b49cae7ad6 Signed-off-by: Paul Belanger <pabelanger@redhat.com>
93 lines
2.8 KiB
93 lines
2.8 KiB
- hosts: review
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
- include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
- name: Stop Gerrit
shell: invoke-rc.d gerrit stop
- name: Update account_project_watches in gerrit database
shell: echo 'update account_project_watches set project_name = "{{ item.new }}" where project_name = "{{ item.old }}";' | mysql reviewdb
with_items: "{{ repos }}"
- name: Update changes in gerrit database
shell: echo 'update changes set dest_project_name = "{{ item.new }}", created_on = created_on where dest_project_name = "{{ item.old }}";' | mysql reviewdb
with_items: "{{ repos }}"
- name: Rename git repos on gerrit
shell: mv {{ item[0] }}{{ item[1].old }}.git {{ item[0] }}{{ item[1].new }}.git
- [ '~gerrit2/review_site/git/', '/opt/lib/git/' ]
- "{{ repos }}"
- hosts: 'git0*'
gather_facts: False
- include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
- name: Rename git repos on git farm
shell: mv {{ item[0] }}{{ item[1].old }}.git {{ item[0] }}{{ item[1].new }}.git
- [ '/var/lib/git/' ]
- "{{ repos }}"
- hosts: storyboard.openstack.org
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
- include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
- name: Rename projects in storyboard
shell: echo 'update projects set name="{{ item.new }}" where name="{{ item.old }}";' | mysql --defaults-file=/root/.storyboard_db.cnf storyboard
with_items: "{{ repos }}"
- hosts: review
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
become: yes
become_user: gerrit2
- name: Make backup of gerrit index
shell: cp -ax /home/gerrit2/review_site/index /home/gerrit2/index.backup.$(date +%s)
- hosts: review
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
# TODO: gerrit startup exceeds the timeout, so this task fails
- name: Start gerrit
shell: invoke-rc.d gerrit start
- hosts: review
gather_facts: False
remote_user: root
become: yes
become_user: gerrit2
- include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
# TODO: Replace this with a wait_for?
- pause:
prompt: "Make sure that Gerrit ssh api is accepting requests. Use Enter or ^C c to continue. ^C a to abort."
- name: Set base ssh command fact
gerrit_ssh_command: ssh -p 29418 -i /home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_project_rsa_key openstack-project-creator@review.openstack.org gerrit
- name: Rename groups in gerrit
shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} rename-group {{ item.old }} {{ item.new }}"
with_items: "{{ gerrit_groups|default([]) }}"
- name: Start online reindex of accounts
shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} index start accounts --force"
- name: Start online reindex of changes
shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} index start changes --force"