If a node has not run puppet in the last 1.5 hours then it will show up as unreported in puppetboard.o.o. This is inexpertly tuned against the 1 hour cron that run_all.sh runs against. Change-Id: I062198143801bccd21724de24e260138d348317d
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# Class to configure puppetboard on a node.
# This will only work on the puppetdb server for now
class openstack_project::puppetboard(
$basedir = $::puppetboard::params::basedir,
$user = $::puppetboard::params::user,
$group = $::puppetboard::params::group,
$port = '80',
) inherits ::puppetboard::params {
include apache
class { 'apache::mod::wsgi': }
class { '::puppetboard':
unresponsive => '1.5',
enable_query => 'False', # This being a python false
$docroot = "${basedir}/puppetboard"
# Template Uses:
# - $basedir
file { "${docroot}/wsgi.py":
ensure => present,
content => template('puppetboard/wsgi.py.erb'),
owner => $user,
group => $group,
require => User[$user],
# Template Uses:
# - $docroot
# - $user
# - $group
# - $port
apache::vhost { $::fqdn:
port => 80,
docroot => $docroot,
priority => '50',
template => 'openstack_project/puppetboard/puppetboard.vhost.erb',